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Everything posted by zk2102

  1. zk2102

    God it's wet

    Ive had my lot with this rain! Wish I didnt have to walk the dog. The tow path into town is flooded right up to the road. It's weird to see benches in the middle of the river. I know I shouldnt mock, but..............more than one twit cant read the flood warning signs because there were several cars roof deep in water (one was a porche)! It floods in that location even without the torrential rain!
  2. I work in a UK primary school. It would have to be very exceptional circumstances for a school to allow a child to go back a year. It all has to do with funding, and no local authority would be willing to finance an extra year of education. I've only ever heard of them doing this once (mainstream) and that was with a EAL (English as an additional language) student who also had additional needs. TBH I'm sure she will have no problems catching up. I work in both reception & yr1 and the emphasis is on play with just two 45min sessions on Eng & Math in Yr1. With your obvious support she'll be fine. X
  3. Wow, how exciting, what wonderful news :biggrin:
  4. Ok, cool. Kurt will be going into yr 6 in 2015.
  5. I think we may do that then. We've been looking at St Stephens too. Having read another thread re: children & lifestyle I think we will be choosing private over state. One of the reasons as u mentioned is so Kurt will get some continuity over the years. Just have to hope Zoe gets an offer for Uni of Qld now :biggrin:.
  6. Wow, thanks for the heads up re: year 7 changes! I had no idea that was going to happen!! I will definitely look into Lords. So many decisions to make, feels like my head will explode soon. Really hope it works out for us. We've done so much research on jobs, locations, uni etc... Do you know if we are able to apply for more than one private school?
  7. Just had had a look at the web site. Looks lovely and I liked their emphasis on outdoor learning. The fees are very affordable too. There are so many things to consider, it's only now that it's really sinking in that's the years of planning are about to be realised. Glad to hear Genesis is well regarded, it does look nice. We loved the Coomera/Helensvale areas when we visited. How do you like living there?
  8. Thanks for the info :biggrin:. My kids will be 18yrs & 10yrs when we come over in August. I really like the look of Coomera Rivers State School. I'm still not sure if we'll be sending our 10yr old son privately. I just don't fancy the idea of him being in a religious school. We're Christians but not practising ones. I will check out the link for Lords though, so thank you. I belong to the Coomera Community page on FB, really good for all sorts of information. We're looking at renting and then buying on the Genesis Estate. Do you know much about it? Very excited, not long to go :biggrin: .
  9. That's fab. We're going to be renting in Coomera. After a lot of research I've already pinpointed this area as a sound investment!
  10. Yep really weird. Lasted for a full 15min and we lost our fence!
  11. I have mates but only two real friends. One I have known since I was 3, and the other who I have been friends with since secondary school. I'm 46 now so that's well over 7 yrs lol. I even worked with one up until christmas and we're still best friends and so are our children.
  12. Same for us. We did the 175 by ourselves. Was a bit time consuming but saved us a lot of money. DIAC website & This site made it possible. We knew it would be straight forward in our circumstances though.
  13. We have a collie. You'll always need to be on your toes though because they will always try to outwit you. Not a breed for the faint hearted :biggrin:.
  14. Gritty, husky voices for me too. Definitely Seattle. Kurt Cobain & Eddie Vedders voices certainly get me all twitchy :wink:
  15. We're moving to Coomera, Gold Coast. It's about 45 mins from Brisbane. Our daughter will be hopefully going to the University of Qld in Brisbane. You could start checking out FB pages for the area your locating to. They're really good for info on soccer clubs etc.. In the local area. I'm sure your'll meet loads of new mates.
  16. Where in Oz are you going? We're moving over in August too with our 10 year old and 18 year old. Our DD won't know anyone else either.
  17. Thanks for that. We're moving to Qld in August/September, dependant on house sale.
  18. Rip tides have always worried me. My kids are avid watchers of 'Bondi Rescue'. On almost every episode there's someone caught in a rip and it's nearly always a tourist. When we move over this year what would you suggest for us to get some practical advice, would a surf club be a good idea?
  19. Yep, wish they would take the runway somewhere else. Our house would be under the flight path. Trust me there are few Londoners who want more aircraft noise!
  20. zk2102

    Baby koala

    Great image to wake up to. Thank you x
  21. He'd pass the ielts with that grammar? And be able to teach in an English speaking school!
  22. My post was some what intended to be a bit tongue in cheek! We live in Richmond but I grew up nearer Putney. I love it here and we have some fab out door pools ie pools on the park (albeit when it's warm enough), and cycling along the tow path to central Richmond and all the nice pubs/bars dotted along it. We have a lot of relies in Bracknell and love MTBing in Swinley Forest. Nice part of the world Just find it hard to understand why someone who is so used to living in a huge city would decide to up sticks and move half way round the world to live in a quiet suburb. (Just for the record I've never been to Perth but I know it wouldn't suit us as a family). Like you we're not moving because I can't stand it here, we want the adventure and the timings just right for us. We're off to GC and we're lucky because both our kids will be comming with us. I'm guessing a lot of the OP woes come from being apart from one of his. That would make me feel pretty crap too.
  23. Sorry your feeling a bit low and missing London. It must be so different for you moving from a suburb like Putney to the laid back location you live now. As much as London does me in sometimes I'm sure I'm gonna miss it heaps. But lets think about the downsides of SW15 (and London in general). And of course London is going to be more interesting to you, it's what your used to. And it's a massive City dating back from the dark ages and all the History and investment which go with it. Less people using the pavements in Warnbro! how many times did you have to side step to avoid bashing in to someone texting or in a hurry (do you really miss the busy streets).The blooming traffic at a stand still from the A3 to the bridge. Avoiding all the cyclists who ride en mass now on the roads! The Roehampton estate? I moved there as a three year old and then to the Lennox Estate (not nice), The pubs at chucking out time? Dryburgh swimming pool (I bet the Warnbro pools are a lot nicer) and lets be honest Putney High Street lost its appeal a longtime ago, everyone uses tinternet anyhow. Nick Clegg as a resident! I always find I romanticise about the places I'm familiar with when I'm away from them. The reality is Putney/London is not the beall and end all (why did we want out in the first place). Hope you find a way to deal with the homesickness, I'll have to find a way when we move out next year cos I know it will manifest itself. Start planning a holiday back, knowing something is still accessible always helps. Hope it works out for you guys x
  24. Cannot and will not watch it. Know what it's about and it makes me feel sick. I always get in a very murderous mood when I watch, see or hear anything to do with animal cruelty. Agggghh, it makes me so sad!
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