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Status Updates posted by tonyman

  1. <p><p>"travelling well".....im intrigued Mr fleabo.....can you elaborate as miss moneypenny is confused....</p></p>

  2. <p><p>Good, just had a party as on of my girls is 10 tomorrow......now im going to watch west coast eagles that ive put on the planner .enjoy your leg o lamb pal , my favorite too.....</p></p>

  3. <p><p>hows it going my favorite comedian........?</p></p>

  4. <p><p>not played for 2 yrs also ,we are 15 mins from there pal......</p></p>

  5. <p><p>i have to say pal , ive sure had better times ,this yr just gets worse ,one drama after another.....sorry but i dont tell lies ......</p></p>

  6. <p><p>76 now Dopey .......lol........ive finally captured Choltons heart.......i find this guy very amusing........</p></p>

  7. <p><p>lol..........i think they just feel sorry for moi........</p></p>

  8. <p><p>well, have you heard the latest ...? not that im nosey ..........</p></p>

  9. <p><p>well hellooooooooooxxxxx</p></p>

  10. <p><p>Thanks , Happy Easter to you too........</p></p>

  11. <p><p>its almost time to introduce myself:GEEK: .............ok ,i am tonyman..............:dull:</p></p>

  12. <p><p>i prefer the Bex, why did ya change x</p></p>

  13. <p><p>well Hellllllloooooooo x</p></p>

  14. <p><p>who is moaning ? they must be the ones stuck in the uk ........im fine though i am in search of bonjela , my gums are killing me ...thank God i wasnt born in caveman times ........i would have doen some grunting and growning and also i would have voiced my opinion .......</p></p>

  15. <p><p>thanks Kate , was that from my personal email or the pms on poms ........Kate what do you mean by no links .......i dont want to bad mouth it ,though it is dangerous for kids as well as adults ..........:ssign12:</p></p>

  16. <p><p>wheres Wally ya wally lol</p></p>

  17. <p><p>first of all what was that prank tv series called that used a massive phone and always had scunks fighting ?about 20 yrs ago or less</p></p>

  18. <p><p>thanks Bobj........</p></p>

  19. <p><p>im clearing it now pal ...im a hoarder...</p></p>

  20. <p><p>Pictures......not on this lap top . so will try snap fish ...............</p></p>

  21. <p><p>oh i will find them , things like this do my head in ,when i cant find pics ..,,,,,,,as there are thousands of them........</p></p>

  22. <p><p>you should be a copper ........and you know what im like when ive had a few......back on nights nextr week so i will be FULL on ...poms...lol</p></p>

  23. <p><p>hey SS.........why dont you join the force ...you be good with some training ..........and STOP telling me off lol............x</p></p>

  24. <p><p>Hi , im looking for a pic right now of the twins and firemen........x</p></p>

  25. <p><p>hey Vik, u ok ......?</p></p>

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