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Everything posted by lynnes

  1. if you haven't already found somewhere there is a holiday park called the nestle inn in Wynnum which might suit your need for a few weeks.
  2. hi Have you checked out the AAMT website, I am a massage therapist too but dont do it here, I was sponsored to come on my nursing qualifications so that is my main job but I would like to do more massage. Massage and complimentary therapies are big over here and I'm sure you would get work but as to wether you could get a sponsorship i;m not sure. QAcademy in Brisbane is also worth checking out, they teach massage therapies not just in QLD but also Sydney and Melbourne too I think, Good luck, hope you get something sorted soon,
  3. hi guys and welcome to Brisbane, hope you are settling in well. Always up for a coffee, (and a wine or 3)
  4. Hi everyone. its been a while since I've posted on here (but still silently browse) I need some advice and help please from accountants. My daughter in law is about to sit her CIMA exams next month (having passed all her other exams). Does anyone know how she goes about getting her qualifications assessed and verified in Australia. My son and daugher in law want to move here once she has taken her exams but not sure how to get her skills assessed. My son is about to leave the british army after 16 yrs service but has no formal qualifications which are needed here, so its all down to Kamila. (no pressure) thanks in advance lynne

    <p>continued..... its on the top right hand side. Failing that you could put the question out on the forum, just start a new thread and your bound to get loads of advice. </p>

    <p>good luck with it all, let me know how you get on. </p>

    <p>takce care</p>




    <p>Hi Helen, lovely to hear from you, is the sponsorship for your hubby's job. Hope you get it, dont let the floods put you off coming, its going to take a while to put things right but I still think this is a great place to be. Its probably going to get a bit more expensive food wise for a bit but on the plus side we just heard last night on the news that property prices are set to fall so good news for buyers. </p>

    <p>As for you disc problem I'm afraid I cant really comment, I know of people who have passed medicals with long term problems, I suppose it will all depend on if you will need long term care and hospital treatment. It may be that all they insist on is you take out compulsory private health insurance. Can you still work? this would go in your favour if you are employed,. You could also try phoning the DIAC Dr's, you can find the one local to you in the drop down menu on the DIAC website, under panel Drs.</p>


  7. Crikey what an epic task you have had. I basically sent them my certiicates and the UKNMC sent QLD a letter saying I was qualified and that was it. Poor you, I'm so glad I did it all before APHRA and the ILETS were brought in. Good luck with it all
  8. <p>Hi Helen and thanks for your message. We live in Wynnum which is on the bay and very beautiful. Its a bout a 30 min dirve to the hospital I work in and the city which suits us perfectly. I've never been to sandgate so cant comment on it and we dont have school age children so it didnt really matter too much where we settled in that regard. Befor we came out we were convinced we wanted to be in Springfield Lakes but once we got here and looked there, although it is beautiful and we love to go there for walks it wasnt for us. Its catered very much for families with young children and was a bit further out than we wanted to travel. Good luck with everything and ask away. I'll do my best to answer your questions and if I cant there is always someone on PIO who can. :-)</p>


    <p>Hi John, </p>

    <p>Things are still good here, we have had a few ups and downs as you can imagine, homesickness hits at the most unexpected times. But on the whole we love it. Chris has a casual job at the moment which is not ideal but keeps him ticking over. he had a job on Stradbrooke ferries but had to leave... the boss was a bit of a nasty man. He was working 16 hours a day, outside without a break... not even a tea break so he left. He is now in the process of setting up his own PC repair business which is what he did in the UK. We are also thinking of setting up a B&B for new Poms coming to Brisbane. </p>

    <p>Not long till you two come out now is it.. it will soon pass. Has Lisa managed to get a job yet. i know they will be recruiting as they are building a new Childrens hospital and will need about 1000 new staff. wont be for a couple of years mind you but the opportunities are there. </p>

    <p>all the best</p>



  10. <p>congratulations John, its such a weird feeling isnt it, exciting as sooo scarey all at the same time. Such a lot to do and think of now but it will all pass very quickly and you'll be here before you know it. Good luck and enjoy the journey.</p>

  11. Hi Jazz and welcome to PIO, An agency will take the hassle out of the process for you but they do charge and to be honest though gathering all the info you need is a hastle its not too difficult to do it all yourself, I did so it cant be that hard lol. Your first step would be to google the hospitals in the area you want to migrate to and email them all asking about vacancies and thier sponsorship/relocation programme. Some areas of Australia are easier to get sponsorship than others so would it be possible for you to widen your search to other states or are you restricted to Western Australia. Also keep an eye open for any Australia Expo's that are coming to your area, they usually have a few nursing recruiting people there, that is how I got my job here in Brisbane. Once you have secured your job you will then need to register with the ANMC and from then on in your feet wont touch the ground till you get here lol. Good luck with it all, it can be a long frustrating process and time consuming gathering all the necessary paperwork but it will be worth it in the end. I'm sure there will be others along soon to expand on this info. lynne
  12. good on you aimie, good luck with it all and see you in oz soon.

    <p>Hi John</p>

    <p> </p>

    <p>Great to hear from you, sorry I've not been in touch, have'nt even done an arrival report yet LOL things are going great, work is busy but nothing new there, we have been here for 5 months now and loving it. Hubby just got back from UK 3 days ago, he went back for his daughters 18th and he said he found Uk very drab and depressing and couldnt wait to come back to Oz. Cant apply for Pr till I have worked here for 12 months which is a bit disapointing but I have to have the Mater sponsor me as I'm too old for an independant PR. I'm writing this as 10pm and watching the most spectacular storm. </p>

    <p>Hows it going with Lisa's training, she must be finished by now!! Are you still looking at late next year to come out. </p>

    <p>Our website is <a href="http://www.sheppardsdownunder.com.nets" rel="external nofollow">www.sheppardsdownunder.com.nets</a> we havent put much on there lately but will be updating it soon. I have a week off next week so will be doing lots</p>

    <p>take care and keep in touch </p>



  14. Dont know about NBV but in Queensland I just went into the office and paid my fees, got the new registration there and then. But everywhere is different, I would try emailing the NBV and asking.

    <p>Hi Nicky</p>

    <p>we are loving it here, the ward is a lot bigger than i'm used to and they do things differently too but starting to get my head around most of it. The basic nursing care is the same its just the way they do IV's and obs that at different. Like, in the uk we have basic 4 hourly obs at the same time, here the obs start from when the child comes in, so if they are on 4th hourly obs and the child comes in at 11 then the obs start then and go 4 hourly. There are a few things that are frustrating at times, like the road system, and house viewing system but like yesterday, we were really p****d off because we found out we had to pay another $595 to get our container through customs when weve already paid over £3000 so we went for a walk to a park near us and saw 2 baby parrotts taking their first flight. it just puts everything into perspective and makes it all worthwhile. </p>

    <p>Good luck with the visa application and hope you hear soon about the ANMC </p>

    <p>all the best </p>




    <p>Hi John and Lisa</p>

    <p>chris does not have anything just yet, we are waiting till all our stuff arrives and he is going to try setting up his pc repair business again. Lisa, nursing here is soooo different from the uk so be prepared for a very steep learnig curve. some things are so far behind its unreal and other things so far advanced i'm finding it hard to get my head around it all. If you are interested in working at the mater i'll keep an eye open and see if there are any vacancies coming up for you. but saying all that i'm enjoying it all and the staff are very helpfull. there are lots of english, irish and welsh girls here plus the ozzie nurses so a real mixed bag. Hope you hear from the anmc soon. </p>


    <p>ps we have a website where we are putting a lot of stuff about our time here, <a href="http://www.sheppardsdownunder.webs.com" rel="external nofollow">SheppardsDown Under - Home</a> have a butchers if you like and see some of the pics</p>



    <p>Hi John and Lisa</p>

    <p>we are really loving it here in brizzy, lots to sort out and organise and still having to use internet cafe hence no long arrival post as yet, but moving this weekend so watch out for it soon. </p>

    <p> </p>

    <p>we had a drive out to Springfield Lakes last weekend and it really is beautifull. we have a 6 month lease on our one at Belmont but will keep looking at SL and doing the drive at different times of the day to see what its like. it took us 35 mins last Sat afternoon, but the place is sooo lovely we think we might just go for it in 6 months time.</p>

    <p> </p>

    <p>hows the plans going with you guys. </p>




    <p>hi tights, how are you settling in, we arrived here 2 weeks ago and still in temp accomm in woolloongabba but moving to Belmont in 2 weeks time, all still feels a bit strange at the moment and we feel like we a in limbo, but should be better once we move and our container arrives. If you fancy meeting up for a coffee/lunch please feel free to get in touch</p>

    <p> </p>

    <p>lynne and chris</p>



    <p>hi john and lisa</p>

    <p>i'm compiling a post to put on when i have more time, its a bet hectic to start with as you can imagine, started work yesterday but only on orientation so dont know about the ward sitation yet. watch this space. we have found a place to live in Belmont. everyone says sl is waaaaay to far out for commuting, we are going for a drive out there on sat so will let you know</p>

    <p>by for now</p>




    <p>Hi Kath, I have put your contact info into my address book just in case i lose all the info on my pc. good luck on the house hope you sell, it sounds very nice. i'm getting a bit nervous now about starting a new job over there especially as the visa etc is all on my job, i have left work here now and so has hubby so no going back lol. We move out of our house on Thurs then its to mother in laws for a week then down to surrey to my sons for a couple of days and he will take us to the airport on the 7th, soooooooo scarey its so close now. </p>

    <p>keep in touch and see you in brizzy</p>




    <p>Hi John</p>

    <p>party went really well thanks, just said a final goodbye to my parents today which was awful and really brings home the reality of what we are doing. Just wish all this stage was over with and all the goodbyes said, this really is the worst part of it and no matter how much you think you are prepared its sooooo hard,. </p>

    <p> </p>

    <p>hows it going with you two and the process.</p>



    <p>Hi guys and thanks for the message. We will be arriving in sunny (i hope) Brizzy in a little over 5 weeks. I finish my job at Heath Road Hospital on 20th May and have friends who live in Kesgrave. I did a lot of my training for a marathon in and around the Kesgrave area.</p>

    <p> </p>

    <p>Glad to hear you are enjoying life in oz. I'm a paed nurse and will be working at the Mater Childrens Hospital, my sister who is a midwife will be coming over in August and she will be at the Mater Mothers Hospital so hopefully she will meet your wife. My hubby doesnt have a job sorted out yet, at the moment he works at Ipswich docks but can turn his hand to just about anything, so if there are any postie jobs going spare give us a shout :-)</p>

    <p> </p>

    <p>we haven't decided where to settle as yet but I'd like to be fairly close to the Hospital, whats it like where you are. Hope to meet up with you soon.</p>

    <p> </p>

    <p>Lynne and Chris</p>



    <p>Hi John</p>

    <p>yes we are off in 6 weeks, verrrry scarey. but also very exciting. We are still edging towards Springfield Lakes but also looking at Goodna too. I'll keep you posted on what we decide. Hope you make it over to oz soon and no worries on the info front, will be pleased to help anyway we can.</p>



  24. <p>have'nt received that yet, but yes no leave for 12 months is a bit off putting. But its just another hurdle to overcome.</p>

  25. not sure yet where we are heading, been looking at springfield lakes, collingwood park, redbank plains, wynnum. but really I think we are just going to wait till we get there and have a drive around and see what the areas are like.
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