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Status Updates posted by Dawny

  1. <p>Hi hun, not sure when i will be able to get on line, just paid a small fortune for 60 hrs wi fi, so limited lol, I will check emails everyday, so i will drop you a message, Please let me know as soon as you get any news your end, my fingers are always crossed for you.. Lots to tell you so will email later, take care and catch you soon xxxx</p>

  2. <p>you never have skype on do you lol! NSW Woman........ xxxx</p>

  3. <p>Hi Mrs P, hope all is well with you, sorry not been around much, just been really busy sorting for the shippers, will look out for you on skype the next few days, as from friday this week we will have limited access to internet, the place we are staying doesn't have wi fi <img src="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/sad.png" alt=":(" srcset="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/sad@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20" /> but there is a place a can sneak off to lol, but can't sit there all day looking like a tramp lol, do you have any up dates for me? xxxx</p>


    <p>So pleased you are now back on line, what do you mean it doesn't seem right? In what way????? Maybe it was over use lol, or maybe not enough! Will try and catch up on f/book or skype, will look out for you hunny,(any updates for me yet)?</p>

    <p>Have a great easter weekend ya self, ttfn Dawny xx</p>


  5. <p>Boo! Do you have your pewter back yet? or are you still on borrowed lap top x</p>

  6. <p>Im sure the time will fly by! Got the news today that completion on our house will be april 16th, so all systems go! Good luck with the house, i thought the market had picked up again, but so many people are having a tough time with selling, no idea why?? Fingers crossed for you, will keep you posted , take care xxxx</p>

  7. <p>Hi hun all good here, John has informed be today we only have 75 days to go before we have to stand on australian soil, my god where does the time go? Hows things with you hun xx</p>

  8. <p>Hi Tash, hows you hun, any more news yet? All ok here will look out for you on skype, for a chit chat tomorrow xx</p>


    <p>Hi Kelly, all ok my end, just been very busy, still not heard if our buyers signed last friday, so still in limbo!</p>

    <p>Hows things with you, any more news yet regarding visa? Also hows pup doing, hope he is still well, thinking of you hun xx</p>



    <p>Hi Mrs P, hows you, hope all is well, nothing new my end, but will try and catch you on skype at some point with the gossip, bye for now!</p>

    <p>love mrs p x</p>


  11. Dawny


    <p>hello you,</p>

    <p>hope all is well, sold the house again lol, just waiting for it to all go through, seems to be taking forever! Exchange rate is crap at the mo, bloody typical, let me know how it all goes with you!!</p>

    <p> </p>

    <p>Keep you posted xx</p>


  12. Dawny


    <p>Hi there, all ok here, just waiting for the house sale to go through! Taking so long, will let you know once we have a date, hope all is well your end</p>

    <p>Dawn x</p>


  13. <p>Hi Tash, thanks for the well wishes hun, i have emailed you! Did look for you on skype and f/book but you were nowhere to be found? <img src="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/sad.png" alt=":(" srcset="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/sad@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20" /> xxx</p>

  14. <p>hi Kelly, just want to make sure you are ok, Hows pup doing? Any news on the "you know what front" How far along they are with all the applications! etc... Keep your chin up hun, thinking of you ((hugs)) xxx</p>


    <p>hey Daz mate, hows ya doing, hope its all going well, nowt new to report my end, but will let you know if anything exciting happens,</p>

    <p>Say hi to Sarah for me, speak soon x</p>


  16. <p>Ok hun, no worries, as long as all ok with you, take care and speak when you get back xx</p>

  17. <p>Hello Mrs P, how are you sweetie, sorry not been around much lately been a tad busy, sorting all the rubbish out in the house (where does it all keep coming from)Plus f/bk has been on a go slow and keep getting booted out.... Look forward to chatting soon, miss our chit chat, mwahh xxxxx</p>


    <p>Hi sweetie, long time no speak! Have you got skype back yet? We have sold the house again, but not getting too excited till they sign on the dotted line, Price increase for taking the dogs over also, Where will it end lol, Any news your end, did you do meds and pc checks?</p>

    <p>Dawn xx</p>



    <p>Oh thanks Kelly, not getting excited about it, been here before, so will just go with the flow, hows all going with you, any news yet? Hows pup, hope all is going well there, catch up soon hunny,</p>

    <p>Dawn xx</p>



    <p>Hi hun, just checking in!</p>

    <p>Hope all is ok with you, speak soon hun mwahh xx</p>


  21. <p>Hi Carl, bet you wish you hadn't come back to this cold weather lol, Just had a peek at the pickies, sure looks like you had a great time, Im so jealous.... Still waiting on the house sale, got another viewer on monday, so fingers crossed something good will happen, x</p>

  22. <p>Hi Tash, just read your post, hope you are ok, will try and catch up with you on skype tonight, any news from your agent yet hun xxx</p>

  23. Dawny


    <p>Hi Lisa, so pleased you had a great time! House still waiting to be sold, first buyer was a waste of space so lost almost 4 weeks with him messing about! We have to validate by 6th June so really hope it will be one way, will let you know how it goes hun, so where have you decided to settle?</p>

    <p>Speak soon xxx</p>


  24. <p>happy new year to you to hun, hope you drank and ate plenty xxx</p>

  25. <p>:santahat: <span style="color:#FF0000;"> Happy Christmas hunny, hope you have a great time, and 2010 make all your wishes come true xx </span></p>

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