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Status Updates posted by Dawny


    <p>Oh Thanks Sue, Hope you and yours have a great time, and a fab start to the new year!</p>

    <p> </p>

    <p>Merry Christmas hun xxx</p>



    <p>Hi Karen, All well here, hope all is good with you also,</p>

    <p>Have a fantastic Christmas and a fab new year, catch up soon,</p>

    <p>mwahh xxxx</p>


  3. <p>woo hoo thats great news Daz, bet you can't wait to see them, had a quick chat with Sarah the other night and she said your peace would be shattered lol, speak soon hun xxxx</p>

  4. <p>Hi babe, just want to wish you safe travels hope you have a nice break away, Will see if you are around tonight on skype for a natter before you go! If not take care of your self and keep safe, mwahhhh xxxxx</p>


    <p>Hi Carl,</p>

    <p>wow that has come round quick, bet you can't wait!</p>

    <p>All ok here, still waiting to sell the house,</p>

    <p>keep in touch once your settled, if i don't speak to you before, have a fantastic xmas and new year, </p>

    <p>Catch up soon,</p>

    <p>Hope you get it all sorted in the next two weeks hun xxxx</p>



    <p>I agree, skippy not good for xmas dinner lol, When do the rest of the gang get there, bet you can't wait can ya?</p>

    <p> Viewers tonight say its not big enough, bloody typical, hey ho, fingers crossed we will get another buyer soon, keep in touch hun xxx</p>


  7. <p>Hi hun, great to hear from you, U nosey bugga lol, got another viewer tonight, hows things there? Come on spill say hi to Sarah for me xx</p>

  8. <p>Fantastic news, fingers crossed for you! We have a viewing tonight 5.30 so will keep you posted, other than that all quiet, on a bit of a downer but feeling better now, catch up real soon Mrs P, mwahhh back at ya xxxxxx</p>


    <p>Hi hunny, good news regarding the new developments woo hoo, Guess you will be doing ya meds soon then?</p>

    <p> Sorry not been around much, been so busy what with one thing or another, hope you are on the mend, how did your spinny spinny session go lol xxx</p>


  10. <p>((Hugs)) Kelly and give pup a ((hug)) from me too, xxxx</p>


    <p>Hi Kelly, Hope all is ok your end, Just wondering how pup is? I know what you are going through our old boy Jack had bone cancer just over a year ago, sending you hugs babe, take care,</p>

    <p>Dawn xx</p>


  12. <p>Hi hun, how ya doing, hope you are feeling much better! Need to catch up soon have some gossip for you, will keep an eye out on skype ltr, Any news your end, i hear some changes are just around the corner? Speak soon mwahh xx</p>

  13. <p>Oh babe, how, why? Are you ok? Sending you huge (((hugs)), You will be pleased to hear that i did indeed miss you, will catch up on skype soon for a natter, get well soon, thinking of you xxxx</p>


    <p>Oh hun, im not laughing honest!</p>

    <p>Poor you, i was beginning to wonder where you have been,I was getting worried about you mrs P, I hope you feel better soon hunny, got lots to tell you, But it can wait till you are well, You take care of your self, ((hugs)) mwahh xxxxx</p>



    <p>Hi Carl, yeah got an offer very quick, Hopefully you will soon, got my fingers crossed for you!</p>

    <p>We have doree coming out this friday to give us a quote and thats it at the mo!</p>

    <p>Will let you know how it goes,</p>

    <p>Let us know if you hear any thing on your house x</p>


  16. <p>Boo back at ya, Mrs P, Hows your day been, going to bed in a mo, but hopefully catch up on skype tomorrow hun, So tired been helping all day at the school bonfire, Speak soon hun, nighty night xxxx</p>


    <p>Hi Carl, fingers crossed for your viewer, really hope you get the offer in! We have sold they have had the survey done, Got as far as one lot of shippers coming out (13th) friday of all days lol,</p>

    <p>Will keep you posted, let us know how the viewing goes x</p>



    <p>Hi Mrs P,</p>

    <p>No we haven't spoken for a while, thats so not good, Hows things going with you? All ok here, same old same old lol xx</p>


  19. <p>Tell him to get off that lazy backside of his and sort that bloody paperwork out... Try blackmail hun (you know what i mean) lol chat soon xxxxx</p>


    <p>Hi Sharon,</p>

    <p> We too are looking at the same sort of properties as you, we are heading off to Qld in the new year, still in the uk at the moment, we have been looking at Gympie, Nice sized properties with acreage as we will have two dogs with us, and hopefully be getting a couple of ponies once we are settled x</p>


  21. <p>Hi Karen, yeap house sold at last lol, can't believe there is no change with you, whats going on now, whats your position, not spoken to you for ages, Do you have skype? xx</p>

  22. <p>Hi hun, offer excepted! woo hoo x</p>

  23. <p>Well they have upped the offer hun, we havn't said yes yet though, just waiting for tonights viewers and to speak to E/A xx</p>

  24. <p>Where have you been woman! Been looking for you, we have had an offer on the house, E/A Is negotiating the price lol x</p>



    <p> </p>

    <p>Hello Mrs P how ya doin chook, You do know p could also stand for positive! lmao xxx</p>


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