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Status Updates posted by Dawny

  1. <p>Hello Mrs P, Hope all ok, Will let you know how i get on tonight with you know what!! Will switch skype on and track you down xxxxx</p>


    <p>lol Mrs P, That well might have been me!!</p>

    <p>Luv Mrs P xxx</p>



    <p>Now i really don't know what you are talking about?</p>

    <p>Me cheeky whatever do you mean lmao, you will have to help me out on this one!</p>

    <p>Have you been drinking by any chance??????? xxxxx</p>


  4. <p>Hi Sue, all ok here, hows it all going with you? Any gossip chook x</p>


    <p>Thanks for the info on the bank will check them out!</p>

    <p>Bad news though with the exchange rate, we will try and hold back for as long as possible, or at least only transfer a bit at a time, Or what we need to start with,</p>

    <p>wish i knew how tuff this was going to be at the start lol x</p>



    <p>You just never know who is in the market this close to crimbo do you, Saying that there has been a few sold signs going up around us, so who knows!</p>

    <p> No would be great, will take a look at a web site also</p>




    <p>Hi Carl, nothing happening here, still waiting for the hip to come back!!!</p>

    <p> Hey ho, really hope your house sells soon for you. We were looking at which bank to go with last night, still unsure which one yet, The rate is bad at the mo though like you say, fingers crossed it will pick up soon!</p>

    <p> Hope all else is good for you!</p>

    <p>Dawn x</p>



    <p>Hi hun, sorry not been around much the last few days, been busy with the house and school pfa lol, Hope all is well with you, Hope Ella had a great birthday!!!</p>

    <p> Take care hun and speak soon,</p>

    <p>mwahh Dawn xx</p>


  9. Dawny


    <p>Hi Hun, still here not made the big move just yet, Just waiting for the hip to come back, then we can market the house, fingers crossed it shifts quickly, So its a case of the waiting game now, Hope you have a great time in nov, where about's will you be staying?</p>

    <p>Take care</p>

    <p>Dawn x</p>



    <p>Hi Sweetie!!!!</p>

    <p> Sorry i've not been around the last couple of days, been a tad busy, Oh how i hate decorating, Im just catching up with your thread now, I agree its hard to know what is going to happen, Hold on in there babe! Mwahh xxx (will put skype on) lol xx</p>



    <p>Yes Cath of course you are only joking! Its ok your secret is safe with me lol,</p>

    <p>Maybe the 2012 is for new applicants, remember they said they were not handing out 175 for a while and they have, makes no sense to me hun, ley me know how you get on hun xxxx</p>



    <p>Oh Kelly, </p>

    <p>I really can't say any thing that will help hun, Fingers crossed your agent will get in touch and give you a light at the end of the tunnel, Just as Tash also has s/s, she must be feeling like s***! Let me know what your agent says, fingers and toes are crossed babes mwah xxxxx</p>



    <p>Hi Cath,</p>

    <p>just want you to know im thinking of you!</p>

    <p>Any news from your agent, Its so bloody stupid ((hugs)) xx</p>



    <p>Hi Kelly</p>

    <p>just want you to know im thinking of you!</p>

    <p>Have you spoken to your agent today, what do they say,</p>

    <p>Dawn xx</p>



    <p>Tash omg!! Im so pleased hunny told you it would be this week, Had to ring John lol, he said a huge congratulations! Qld here we come!! Woo hoo, Hope you got some sleep, Now at least you can relax a little, Omg catch up with you on skype, woo hooooooooooo!!!</p>

    <p>Mwahhhhh xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx</p>



    <p>ok hun,</p>

    <p>Enjoy the film, im off to the land of nod, Im so tired, this decorating lark really takes it out of you lol </p>

    <p>nighty night xxxx</p>



    <p>hI Carl,</p>

    <p>All is well here, got the E/A coming out on wednesday, Get this house on the market!!!!</p>

    <p>Hows it all with you xx</p>



    <p>No need to be sorry hun,</p>

    <p>Just pleased you had a fab holiday, Guess you got your car seats sorted then, lmao!!!!</p>

    <p>Catch up real soon, take care hun xxx</p>



    <p>welcome back hun!</p>

    <p>Hope you had a fab holiday,</p>

    <p>0h by the way.... yours and Kelly's threads are just dandy hun xxxx</p>



    <p>Hi Kelly,</p>

    <p>Hope you are having a great week, and the weather has been good to you!</p>

    <p>Catch up soon</p>

    <p>Dawn xx</p>



    <p>Hi Carl,</p>

    <p>thats great news!</p>

    <p>All systems are go!</p>

    <p>Keep us posted on how things go for you</p>

    <p>Dawn x</p>



    <p>lol, hi ya self!</p>

    <p>Slowly comes to mind! Just finishing off the house ready to put on the market. Then just deciding on where to settle, Nightmare, been checking out schools etc, so my list is getting longer by the day,</p>

    <p>Hows it all going with you x</p>



    <p>Hi Karen, I really hope some good news comes your way soon and you can see the light at the end of the tunnel, You really deserve a break hun ((hugs)), Just wish they would get their skates on!!</p>

    <p>As for us nothing booked yet, so much to do, it seems as soon as you do one thing on your list, you add five more!! Still will get to the end soon enough!</p>

    <p> Chin up hun and keep me posted!</p>

    <p> Luv Dawn xx</p>



    <p>what a numpty he is!</p>

    <p>Well i hope you have a fab time, after you have sorted the car seats out, will miss ya, but will speak to you soon, fingers crossed you will have some good news when you get back,</p>

    <p>mwahh Dawn xx</p>


  25. <p>Hey Tash are you off on your pirate break this week hun!</p>

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