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Status Updates posted by Dawny


    <p><img src="http://i131.photobucket.com/albums/p315/ovivip/congratulations/n011.gif" alt="n011.gif" /></p>

    <p><span style="color:#800080;">Woo Hoo, fantastic news Kelly, so pleased for you! Enjoy celebrating hun xxxxxx</span></p>



    <p>You make sure you do!</p>

    <p>Take care hun and try and have a good nights sleep, fingers crossed for tomorrow xxxx</p>



    <p>Hi Kelly hun, hows it going!</p>

    <p>Any news yet.... Come on you i need to hear positive news from you soon, um like tomorrow would be good, then i only have Tash to think about!! </p>

    <p>I have my wine in the fridge just waiting to be popped,</p>

    <p>Thinking of you hun Dawn xxx</p>



    <p>Hi Cal, hope all is well with you, Just a quick thank you for your pm, sorry long time in replying, been so busy decorating getting ready to put house on the market, Get on here when i can, then because im dozy lol, i forget to log out so looks like im on here 24/7, there's dedication for you! Some would say addiction, any way chat soon and thanks again</p>

    <p>Dawn xx</p>



    <p>hi hun, we will be off once the house sells, off to qld, we like caloundra way, but will have to wait and see,</p>

    <p>got to finish the decorating first lol,</p>

    <p>luv Dawn x</p>


  6. <p>ok hun im on my way give me 5 mins xxxx</p>


    <p>Hi Tash hun,</p>

    <p>John on holiday this week, so we have been out and about while the weather has been good, Been out all day at portland today at the rock pool, im knackered now lol,</p>

    <p>Hows things with you, any updates to report xxxx</p>



    <p>Hi Kelly,</p>

    <p>Hows things going your end?</p>

    <p>Any news yet?</p>

    <p>luv Dawny xx</p>



    <p>Hi hun, sorry only just got your message,</p>

    <p>we did use an agent, they were great, what are you stuck on, let me know and we may be able to help,</p>

    <p>Dawn xx</p>



    <p>Just emailed you back,</p>

    <p>Dawn x</p>



    <p>Hi Lynne,</p>

    <p>just sent you a pm message</p>

    <p>Dawn xx</p>



    <p>Hi hun no hassles, do you want to send it in a email,</p>

    <p> </p>

    <p> </p>

    <p>i have looked for ours and we must have deleted it, typical, i did contact another pio member that i sent it to hoping she still had it, but no,</p>

    <p>happy to help if i can</p>

    <p>Dawn x</p>



    <p>You see you are like the scarlet pimpernel, never around when i want to chat lol,</p>

    <p>any way not up to much my end, im guessing still all quiet yours!</p>

    <p>Hopefully catch up with you down on the farm,</p>

    <p>speak soon hun</p>

    <p>mwahh Dawn xx</p>



    <p>lol, Kelly said it!!!!</p>

    <p>Thanks again hun all is well with Kelly and Babe!</p>

    <p>Hows you doing, all ok, did you have a good camping trip xxx</p>



    <p>Yes Carl twice over, god i feel old lol,</p>

    <p>Will do hun x</p>


  16. <p>Thanks Kelly, All is fine with mum and babe! Your right that Tasha, She is sooo naughty lol xxx</p>


    <p>lmaso, you nutter!!</p>

    <p>Mwahhhhhhh back at ya xxxxxx</p>



    <p>Hi Tash,</p>

    <p>My eldest Kelly had a little boy today, they have called him Riley, he is such a cutie, will catch up soon xxxx (god i feel so old lol) xx</p>



    <p>lol, Tell me about Kelly! Head has been in a right spin, Didn't want to say any thing until we had the passports back to see what was stamped in them!</p>

    <p>Like you say just as you get use to an idea or plan, it all goes and blows up lol, Dawn xx</p>



    <p>hi carl, you are speeding along lol, we are just getting the house ready to put on the market lol,</p>

    <p>i will go and take a look at ya thread, i think John did earlier, brb x</p>


  21. <p>No Kelly what happened to kb xx</p>

  22. <p>lol, just had a nosey at your farm! All is well there! Im off now hun so will catch you ltr xxxx</p>


    <p>Oi Tash, i thought you were off line for a while?</p>

    <p>You just can't keep away can you,</p>

    <p>But im happy to see you here, Dawn xxxx</p>


  24. <p>lol, as soon as the house is sold, Just getting it ready to go on the market, will keep you informed x</p>

  25. <p>hi nikki, i took my day to day tool box and a bucket of extra tools, and, yes definately take the benders and cordless drill, also a square is useful, take blowtorch and solder, rags (as i couldnt find any when i was there) spirit level, ptfe tape and jet blue(or similar), if he is going to accrington, prepare for the longest walk in the world, but the workshop guys were brilliant ( even do the work for you when the examiner is busy, one of the guys on my assessment was stuck on the brazing, so the workshop guy did it all for him) good luck, but is really quite easy</p>

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