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Status Updates posted by Dawny

  1. <p>lol, if thats the case then so should i be xx lmaso xx</p>

  2. <p>its the ring of death hun, it means the stupid thing is going to die and we will need to buy another one!!!!</p>

  3. <p>Hi Hun how are you?</p>


    <p>Your are welcome hun, i really hope you feel better soon, can't wait to catch up, take care of your self!</p>

    <p>Mwahh xx</p>



    <p><img src="http://i287.photobucket.com/albums/ll149/glittergn/happybirthday/birthday019.gif" alt="birthday019.gif" /></p>

    <p> </p>

    <p> </p>

    <p>Have a great day tomorrow hunny xxxx</p>



    <p>Hi Carl,</p>

    <p>Bloody crazy, why is it taking so long?</p>

    <p>Can you not ring and give them a hard nudge or two!!!</p>

    <p>Still getting the house up together fingers crossed couple more weeks and it should be ready!</p>

    <p>Other than that nothing new here!</p>

    <p> Dawn x</p>



    <p>Hi Sweetums!</p>

    <p>I have been logging on, on and off all day lol, in between the dreaded decorating! Must just keep missing you,</p>

    <p>Been crappy weather the last few days, typical start to the holidays, hopefully will brighten up soon, How about you hope you are having a good weekend, Fingers crossed will catch up with you very soon,</p>

    <p>Take care doll, luv Dawn xx</p>



    <p>Hi Kelly,</p>

    <p>we have come to a complete stand still, </p>

    <p>The house is getting ready for market, little way to go yet!</p>

    <p>Researched the dogs, so no panic there!</p>

    <p>And thats it for now, my list has no order,</p>

    <p>Im sure you will be so more organized than me hun, so you will be fine, Any news your end??? What's happening how much longer do you think it will take,</p>

    <p>Dawn xx</p>


  9. <p>Thats kids for you!!! Mine are driving me crazy, Ellie leaves her junior school today, so im ready for the tears!!!! Kids ehh!!!!!!</p>

  10. <p>LMASO Carl where do you find the time to hunt these down, Best do a tesco direct shop lol x</p>


    <p>Hi Tash hunny tried to send you a pm but your message box is full, you chatter box lol,</p>

    <p>Did you ring qld? And i hope you got good news speak soon hun xx</p>



    <p>Hi Karen, thanks hun, we have no idea yet, still looking where to settle! Working my way through the list lol, started with the dogs, they have just had their booster, will let you know.</p>

    <p>Hows things going with you??</p>

    <p> </p>

    <p>Luv Dawn xx</p>



    <p>Your welcome, If i forget you can stalk me and remind me if you wish bud!</p>

    <p>Speak soon luv to Sarah x</p>


  14. <p>Right you! It wont let me send you any thing else today, so you will have to be patient and wait till tomorrow!!!!!!!</p>


    <p>Way to go!!!!!</p>

    <p>I will raise my glass with you, cheers bud! x</p>



    <p>We got it,</p>

    <p>Visa approved granted today,</p>

    <p>speak to you soon x</p>


  17. <p>Thats ok then Kelly as long as you are ok with it, Please let me know if any thing else need tweaking, Thats your Job so don't let me down xxxxxxx</p>

  18. <p>so do i take it then, my status is now ok with you lol x</p>

  19. <p>Ok bossy i will change it lol xx</p>


    <p>Thanks Kelly,still not sunk in yet, John so didn't want to go to work!!!!</p>

    <p> </p>

    <p>Guess i better put those lists to work now!</p>

    <p> </p>

    <p>Dawn xx</p>


  21. <p>Hi Carl, i really hope you hear soon, my fingers are crossed for you, No news my end, bloody typical lol , heres hoping, will let you know x</p>


    <p>Hi Nicky, omg you poor things what a nightmare for you, it seems never ending, Hope Tim hears some news soon for vetassess, How is your little one in her self, I hope she isnt in any pain its so hard to deal with when your a kid! fingers crossed all will be better for you through the summer holidays, No further news my end very boring to be honest unless you count 2 litres of cooking oil spilt on a wood kitchen floor! What a nightmare to clean that up!!</p>

    <p> Speak soon hun Dawn xxxx</p>



    <p>Hi Karen hun, no news my end, just waiting for this blimmin visa lol, your right though trying not to think of it too much, it will happen when it happens, not much we can do now but just sit and wait! Hows it all going your end still no updates?</p>

    <p>Take care and speak soon Dawn xxxx</p>



    <p>All is ok Kelly, no hassles!!</p>

    <p>Hope you get it sorted out soon, dont you just hate it when it crashes!!!</p>


  25. <p>Hi Kelly all is well, as for my lists, well what can i say, ive given up for a while!! How about you any thing new your end xx</p>

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