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Everything posted by thewebweazel

  1. Here we go again, being told that we have to assimilate in to the society of the host nation, why should anybody care as long as the law of the land is followed and taxes are paid? Who cares if there are ghettos of other nationalities or cultures, what harm does it do to anyone? Just carry on living the way that best suits you. Why should the woman that chooses to wear a burkah be forced to remove it just because there are some that feel that it doesn't fit in. Nobody is being forced to socialise with her. The idea that everyone needs to speak the same language, wear the same type of clothes, have the same religion, follow the same traditions is frankly absurd, never mind the fact that it would be a pretty bland society. The problem with western world and especially the English world is that we consider the rest of the world to be inferior and backwards. Maybe if we didn't take this stance we might not have our flags burnt and attacks made against us? Are we not enlightened and educated enough to realise that we are all equal and by not treating our fellow man equally we are jeopardising or right to be treated equally
  2. <p><p>Hi there! I'm in Perth permanently now for the last Month.Just waiting for the transfer on the house to take place so that Mrs Weazel and the kids can join me!</p></p>

  3. You are going to be shocked by the prices, I was certainly on my trip to Perth last month, but you will also be shocked by how much money you can earn. I certainly did not see wide spread poverty actually most people seemed pretty affluent. I have come to the conclusion that my pounds are not going to get me very far so the faster I start earning and thinking in dollars the better!
  4. It just shows that you cannot ignore your responsibilities with regards to marraige and children. If she had followed the correct proceedures come to a agreement with the father for the childern to live in Oz, she would not be in the position that she is now where that children are being removed. There is always 2 sides to the story, unfortunately that would ruin the newspaper article. A headline stating "Kidnapped kids returned to father after mother brain washed them that he is a monster" does not have the same effect does it ?
  5. Direct line honoured my South African No Claims, but that was 10 years ago.
  6. Wodonga/Albury is a large rural town, its got a meduim size mall and is big enough to have its own Bunnings, I reckon life would be pretty restful there.
  7. <p><p>Back in the UK now :'( I want to get going!</p></p>

  8. Maybe so but its still a pain!:biggrin:
  9. The Speed limits in WA are doing my nut. I cannot see the point of driving 90kph on the Mitchell freeway, its a Freeway for goodness sake surely it should be in the 120 range. Living / Driving in WA with out getting fined is going to be tough.
  10. :biglaugh: and that is why you need Expat friends so that you have someone to complain to about the locals, its the same in the UK for us Saffas.
  11. [h=2]Working Holiday Visa (Subclass 417)[/h]Countries/Regions Participating in Working Holiday Program The table lists the countries and regions involved in the Working Holiday Program with Australia. If you hold a passport for one of these countries, you may be eligible to apply for this visa. [TABLE=class: tableborder, width: 1] [TR] [TH]A-F[/TH] [TH=width: 135, bgcolor: #ECECEC]G-L[/TH] [TH=width: 130, bgcolor: #ECECEC]M-Z[/TH] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Belgium Canada Cyprus, Republic of Denmark Estonia Finland France[/TD] [TD]Germany HKSAR* Ireland, Republic of Italy Japan Korea, Republic of[/TD] [TD]Malta Netherlands Norway Sweden Taiwan United Kingdom[/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE] *Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China (includes British National Overseas passport holders). Note: Hong Kong Documents of Identity cannot be used to apply for this visa German Documents of Identity or Children's passports cannot be used to apply for this visa European Union and national identity cards cannot be used to apply for this visa. You must apply using a passport from an eligible country. If you lodge an application using an identity card, your application cannot be accepted, and you will need to lodge another application using your passport If you are from Chile, Thailand, Turkey or USA, you may be eligible to apply for a Work and Holiday visa (subclass 462), which provides similar opportunities for tertiary educated people aged 18 to 30. Exemption: Applicants from the USA are exempt from the tertiary education requirement. Work and Holiday Visa (Subclass 462) The Work and Holiday (Subclass 462) visa is for young people aged 18 to 30 who want to travel and work for up to 12 months in Australia. This visa allows you to supplement the cost of your holiday through periods of temporary or casual employment. The Work and Holiday visa program is designed to encourage cultural exchange and closer ties between arrangement countries. This visa is for people from Argentina, Bangladesh, Chile, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Turkey and the USA. Citizens of Iran who are currently in Australia on a Work and Holiday visa may also be eligible to apply for further Work and Holiday visas. Note: Most countries under this visa program have a limit on the number of Work and Holiday visas issued per year.
  12. Fair enough you could react the way you did in both accounts and justify it to yourself the way you did, and most people would consider your actions to be reasonable or you could take the moral high ground and ignore them. If you react it will feel good to rebuke them initially, but in the end you are going to feel unhappy about the incident. Well unhappy enough to complain about it on the forum.
  13. Double thumbs up for your for telling the woman off that made the snide remark, but the question is did your wife not do exactly the same to the inconsiderate driver? As far as I know there is no law that states that a driver of a vehicle needs to ensure that a pedestrian can cross safely apart from at a pedestrian crossing or is it different in OZ? In a perfect world you would have helped the little girl out of the tree and the woman would have thanked you, and the driver would have stopped and your wife would have thanked him and everyone would have felt much better about themselves instead of 4 people that feel that they have been wronged!:wubclub:
  14. Thats not the only thing its warming Dude! It should really be called Extreme Weather instead of Global Warming as there is a load of people that don't understand the consequences of a few degrees warming!
  15. I certainly don't hate the UK actually it has loads going for it, but not it's crappy weather, I consider it bad enough to warrant my emigration. Oz is the only hot English speaking country apart from the US (to much strange politics) and S.Africa (Have to have a death wish to live there). So the choice was not a difficult one. I do hope that there will be many advantages to moving to Oz but at this point sunshine is good enough for me. Oh yes there is also the possibility of owning a few acres where as in the UK it is totally out of reach
  16. <p><p>Of Coarse!!</p></p>

  17. <p><p>Howzit! Do I know you by any chance?</p></p>

  18. <p><p>Cool photos!!</p></p>

  19. <p><p>Thanks for the rep!!</p></p>

  20. <p><p>Hi Dave Haven't arrived in Oz yet got to get the the house sold first but once that is done we can leave any time after April 2012, If everything goes to plan I expect 2012 to be a very exciting year!!</p></p>

  21. <p><p>We had a good Xmas ( I hope you had a good one as well) so I have been mainly Lurking! I have spend loads of time fixing the house trying to get it ready to sell in the new year.</p></p>

  22. <p><p><p><p><p>Cool Avatar!!</p></p></p></p></p>

  23. <p>I Love your Sunset pics! (Are you going to give Kate a few lessons?)</p>

  24. To late Mr Ellis, Mrs Weazel guzzled it down last Friday
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