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Abandon Ship


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Same old problems just different country here! The only difference is you wont be able to moan as much. At least in the UK there is a united front (We can all moan together) The sunshine attidude will drive you crazy! :biggrin:


I totally agree... There is this bizarre notion that once you get here, you are not allowed to say a bad word about the place. It's as if we all have to accept the situation and are told that if we don't like it, we should just leave and return to the UK. Ironic really when you think about it. That aside, maybe when you have settled in you may feel less cynical about the UK and like the rest of us, appreciate all that is good about the motherland and why so many people still think it's one of the best places in the world to live. Oh, and another thing, ask yourself why it is that all us people down-under constantly pine for british cuisine, british tv, british culture and british shops! The sooner Argos gets here the better lol

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Guest Shell15

Reading John's post is no different to reading the Daily Mirror!! Its in most national papers every day of every week and so it really is hard to have anything positive to say when what you read and watch on tv is pretty much the same as what this post is about..IMO


Good Luck to you and your family John, hope it all works out for you

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"Oh, and another thing, ask yourself why it is that all us people down-under constantly pine for british cuisine, british tv, british culture and british shops! The sooner Argos gets here the better lol"


Speak for yourself! I'm pretty happy with my seafood bbqs and doing my shopping at the markets.

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Guest AKA63029

All valid points in the OP, and to a degree I can relate with what is said, BUT.


Whilst the poo seems to hitting the fan in some circles concerning the UK it's not as bad as some would have you believe.


I am unashamedly an OZ lover, but try not to knock the UK without good reason, mainly the way this country is run and the apathetic way 'we' have allowed this situation to spiral out of control. My only advice for those wishing to remain in the UK and indeed come back is shout and scream until you are taken notice of, this country is STILL one of the truly great nations on earth, and whilst I fully admit at times it can 'seem' like a sinking ship there are still those that will fight tooth and nail for its future.


Not easy I know, but the UK still has much to offer, just needs a little digging, persistence, patience and pig headiness at times to bring about change is all.


Cheers Tony.

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As I have already highlighted. I have been to OZ many times. I know the plus and minus points, I know it isn't all nicey and laughter on every corner, I know there will be difficult times.


What certain people on here don't seemed to understand or struggle to comprehend is the fact that I no longer enjoy living in the UK, it's my opinion, get over it, accept it but try not to lose sleep over it as some of you to be getting worked up into a frenzy.


All the comments on here have been enjoyable to read, even from the do gooders, but what they seem to fail to comprehend is that they are in OZ with these pro UK views and seem to be out of touch with reality in the UK.


OK they might have informed views as they read to BBC website or a friend in the UK tells them it's not that bad but try living here now. It's still the same country in essence as when you abandoned ship but now it's becoming almost fraught to get on.


Pinpot and Harpodom, I think you two play devils advocate very well, closet barristers maybe lol.

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Guest guest17301

Just as one person views Australia in a positive/negative light, another will view the UK the same way. Its self preservation, its normal, we will defend our chosen place of residence...why because we chose it! Just like when your OH criticises your Mum or dad/sister/brother.....its Ok for us to point out their flaws but God forbid anyone else does. Its called human nature. Live and let live, life is about being as happy as you possibly can be.

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<<<<<this rat jumped ship before conserves got their grubby little paws on the uk again.... no one seems to remember what thatcher did....

I hate to say it but I cannot wait to get out of the UK and leave for OZ in 7 days.


The politicians have run us into the ground, yet they line their own pockets, with my money.


The Prime Minister is embroiled in another scandal and thinks he actually owns the country, maybe he does, maybe daddy bought for him to do as he pleases.


Fuel tanker drivers going on strike, the usual panic will ensue to match that of world war 3.


Unions acting like the third reicht and encouraging us all to strike whilst the union heads can earn more than bankers, who are also the scourge of humanity as they pay themselves millions whilst people suffer on the breadline.


Unemployment is increasing at alarming rates, repossessions are on the up, employers trim staff wages yet the average politicians claims more in expenses in a year than people can earn.


Taxes just keep on rising until the stage where they now actually have a tax on certain taxes,,hellooooo we are not that dumb, some of us have noticed.


Sleazy Alex Salmond screams for Scottish independence as we Scots will be better off. This is from the disgusting sloth who picks up 3 political salaries for being the first minister £140,000, for being an MEP £70,000 basic, for being an MSP £70,000 basic,,,oh and plus his entitled expenses...yeah ok big Alex,,,man of the people.


I used to love the UK. Soon it will fragment, Scotland will end up like Greece without the good weather and the rest will say,,told you so.


Sorry,,,time for me to abandon this once great ship and take my chances in the warm waters of OZ.


Plenty of room in the life raft if anyone wants to jump.

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Guest The Ropey HOFF

I don't think the uk is a sinking ship. Take the most famous sunk ship of all time...... The Titanic, if you compare it to her, then the six compartments that sunk her are about 3 down with 3 to go, so its not time to don the lifejackets yet, but i have mine on under me vest just in case.

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Guest guest57588
As I have already highlighted. I have been to OZ many times. I know the plus and minus points, I know it isn't all nicey and laughter on every corner, I know there will be difficult times.


What certain people on here don't seemed to understand or struggle to comprehend is the fact that I no longer enjoy living in the UK, it's my opinion, get over it, accept it but try not to lose sleep over it as some of you to be getting worked up into a frenzy.


All the comments on here have been enjoyable to read, even from the do gooders, but what they seem to fail to comprehend is that they are in OZ with these pro UK views and seem to be out of touch with reality in the UK.


OK they might have informed views as they read to BBC website or a friend in the UK tells them it's not that bad but try living here now. It's still the same country in essence as when you abandoned ship but now it's becoming almost fraught to get on.


Pinpot and Harpodom, I think you two play devils advocate very well, closet barristers maybe lol.


Not sure I get the reference to 'do gooders,' but fair play John if the UK isn't doing it for you any more then you're doing the right thing for you. All the best with it. :smile:

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Harp o doom can you imagine our combined energy, you negative, me positive, we could light up japan , it doesnt need its nuclear energy.


who said I had dibs on negative and you positive?:wink:

anyway, my hazy memory of science tells me that you need negative charge to generate electricity, can anyone confirm this?

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As I have already highlighted. I have been to OZ many times. I know the plus and minus points, I know it isn't all nicey and laughter on every corner, I know there will be difficult times.


What certain people on here don't seemed to understand or struggle to comprehend is the fact that I no longer enjoy living in the UK, it's my opinion, get over it, accept it but try not to lose sleep over it as some of you to be getting worked up into a frenzy.


All the comments on here have been enjoyable to read, even from the do gooders, but what they seem to fail to comprehend is that they are in OZ with these pro UK views and seem to be out of touch with reality in the UK.


OK they might have informed views as they read to BBC website or a friend in the UK tells them it's not that bad but try living here now. It's still the same country in essence as when you abandoned ship but now it's becoming almost fraught to get on.


Pinpot and Harpodom, I think you two play devils advocate very well, closet barristers maybe lol.


can't vouch for pintpot but I see it as my civic duty ;0)

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Guest guest57588
Oh the sincerity!


I'm just trying to be nice to a new poster that's all.


You should try it!:wink:

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Can't disagree with what he has put but what goes on here in the UK goes on everywhere.


At least in Oz the climate and weather will be a bit better. At least there are plenty of really good beaches to choose.


The world is one big rip off. Please stop I want to get off. :laugh:

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Guest guest57588
Tradie my positive hero:biggrin:


Thanking you, thanking you. Off now for a boil in the bag Barramundi Supper:animal-pig:

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Guest The Ropey HOFF
Can't disagree with what he has put but what goes on here in the UK goes on everywhere.


At least in Oz the climate and weather will be a bit better. At least there are plenty of really good beaches to choose.


The world is one big rip off. Please stop I want to get off. :laugh:


If the weather was better here in the uk and the sea was warmer, I would move nearer to the coast, because i love it in the sea and lounging about on the sand, but ............. It isn't.:no::cry:

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If the weather was better here in the uk and the sea was warmer, I would move nearer to the coast, because i love it in the sea and lounging about on the sand, but ............. It isn't.:no::cry:



I know exactly how you feel.


Just had 3 lovely 19/20 degree days with sun. If it was like this throughout the year then my attitude to wanting to piss off might change and moving nearer the coast might have been a thought I would come up with.


I am weather orientated and an ideal temperature is 20-30 degrees. Throw in the sun and there's a big smile on my face.


It pisses down here in the north west of England and is generally cloudy so these past 3 days have been fantastic.


Still can't get to Oz though Bah !!!:arghh:

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I hate to say it but I cannot wait to get out of the UK and leave for OZ in 7 days.


The politicians have run us into the ground, yet they line their own pockets, with my money.


The Prime Minister is embroiled in another scandal and thinks he actually owns the country, maybe he does, maybe daddy bought for him to do as he pleases.


Fuel tanker drivers going on strike, the usual panic will ensue to match that of world war 3.


Unions acting like the third reicht and encouraging us all to strike whilst the union heads can earn more than bankers, who are also the scourge of humanity as they pay themselves millions whilst people suffer on the breadline.


Unemployment is increasing at alarming rates, repossessions are on the up, employers trim staff wages yet the average politicians claims more in expenses in a year than people can earn.


Taxes just keep on rising until the stage where they now actually have a tax on certain taxes,,hellooooo we are not that dumb, some of us have noticed.


Sleazy Alex Salmond screams for Scottish independence as we Scots will be better off. This is from the disgusting sloth who picks up 3 political salaries for being the first minister £140,000, for being an MEP £70,000 basic, for being an MSP £70,000 basic,,,oh and plus his entitled expenses...yeah ok big Alex,,,man of the people.


I used to love the UK. Soon it will fragment, Scotland will end up like Greece without the good weather and the rest will say,,told you so.


Sorry,,,time for me to abandon this once great ship and take my chances in the warm waters of OZ.


Plenty of room in the life raft if anyone wants to jump.


Alexander Elliot Anderson Salmond (11px-Loudspeaker.svg.png/ˈsæmənd/; born 31 December 1954) is a Scottish politician and current First Minister of Scotland. He became Scotland's fourth First Minister in May 2007. He is the Leader of the Scottish National Party (SNP), having served as Member of the Scottish Parliament (MSP) for Gordon. From 1987 to 2010 he served as Member of Parliament for Banff and Buchan in the UK House of Commons. Salmond previously held the position of leader of the SNP from September 1990 until he stepped down in September 2000.

Originally from Linlithgow, West Lothian, Salmond is a graduate of the University of St Andrews, where he achieved a Joint Honours MA in Economics and History. After earning his degree he began his career in the Government Economic Service (GES), and later joined the Royal Bank of Scotland as an energy economist where he wrote and broadcast extensively for both domestic and international media outlets.

Following the establishment of the devolved Scottish Parliament in 1999, he was elected MSP for Banff and Buchan, thus simultaneously representing the area as both Member of Parliament (MP) and MSP. Salmond resigned as SNP leader in 2000 and did not seek re-election to the Scottish Parliament. He did however retain his Westminster seat in the 2001 general election. Salmond was once again elected SNP leader in 2004 and the following year held his Banff and Buchan seat in the 2005 general election. In 2006 he announced his intention to contest the Gordon constituency in the 2007 Scottish Parliament election, an election in which Salmond defeated the incumbent MSP and in which nationally, the SNP emerged as the largest single party. Salmond was voted First Minister by the Scottish Parliament on 16 May 2007.


And whilst Alex was an MSP and A MP his MP salary went straight to a fund, he never got the benefit of 2 salaries.

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