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help please your advice what should we do asap!


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hello everyone

well were in brisbane validating and all going well. we are due to return to the uk on thursday.

but jamie has a gd chance of being offered a couple of jobs just now and we dont know what to do?? does he accept one and let me and our daughter return to the uk to try and tie things up then come back as soon as is possible while he stays out here and sets up for us??? or do we all return together and save up again for however long sort things and all come back out together when its sorted and start looking for jobs again?? please give us some guidance as were due to leave in 3 days and cant think straight!!!!

thanks kelly

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Guest The Pom Queen

Hi Kelly

If it's a good job then I would be tempted to take it while you can as jobs aren't easy to get.

How long will it take for you to tie everything up in the UK?

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Hi Kelly


What a difficult position your in! I think you have to ak yourself a few questions like

1) How long would you be seperated for?

2) Would you manage being seperated( its hard I know I have done it!)

3) Are the jobs worth it( financially, emotionally etc) ?


I personally would say your husband should stay and get you set up and start earning aussie dollars. It would mean when you do make it over with your daughter that you don't have the worry of you both having to secure employment!


Good Luck


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Guest Guest31881

Hi kelly, that really is a catch 22 situation...


My feelings would be to accept one of the jobs and you return to the UK and sort things out there. If you all returned and then came back in a few months you may not find work.


I suppose the big question is. Could you both cope with being apart for a few months. There are obvious advantages, when you returned to Australia your husband would be established and should have accommodation sorted out, schools, cars and all the basics ready for you just to slot into without much stress.


Alternatively there are obvious down sides. the job may not work out and he would be here on his own with no family support, You could be delayed returning while trying to sort things out in the UK and be apart for a lot longer than you expected to be.


if it were me who had to make the decision it would be a case of a notebook and pen, and two lists, the good points and the bad points of staying and trying to work out any problems that may arise.


Good luck with your decision whatever it may be :wubclub:

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hi guys its a toughie! cant say how long as we dont know. weve not sold the house yet so id be goin back to sell or rent. i could financially survive myself on my wage back home and our close friends here have offered jamie their spare room for however lo g he needs it to save us paying out on two houses so theoretically he could save a gd amount?? its just the thought of goin back myself tho im lucky i have huge support so id be ok god i thought gettin the flippin visa was hard! and yes i agree jobs are.looking fairly hard to come by this will pay in the region of 65-70k ($)???

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Hi have you asked if they will hold the job for a month? Might be worth it if theyre desperate to employ him. If not as Kate said id be tempted to leave him here and go home to tie things up, there are loads of us around Brissy so im sure we could help him if he gets stuck whilst here alone. Im happy to PM you my contact numbers so he can always call me, let me know if you want them...


Good Luck, its tough decision

Cal x x

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Hi Kelly - I am a recruitment consultant and would just like to offer a word of caution.


If your husband applied for the positions he has been offered and turns around now and doesn't take one of them because he wants to go back to the UK it may work against him in the long run. This will of course depend on the sector he works in but I get emails on a semi regular basis from other agencies warning me about overseas applicants who have applied for positions and then not accepted them because they have been 'testing' the water. It is very hard for those individuals to get interviews later when they really do want a role.


If he turns the roles down he needs to do it very carefully without burning any bridges.


Wish you all the very best with whatever you do.

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Hi Kelly

As it’s a firm job offer and you have good support in the UK, I would go for it. This is only a transitionary period and something that you need to do to achieve your bigger goals. Grit your teeth, go for it, and deal with everything else as and when you need to. Good luck, I hope everything works out well for you. :hug:

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Guest SupportPants
Hi Kelly

As it’s a firm job offer and you have good support in the UK, I would go for it. This is only a transitionary period and something that you need to do to achieve your bigger goals. Grit your teeth, go for it, and deal with everything else as and when you need to. Good luck, I hope everything works out well for you. :hug:


Yes. Make sure it's concrete and in writing before you make any decisions. Don't do things on trust - we've been caught out a few times - make it official.

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thankyou everyone i knew if i posted i would get help. its just gd to have a sounding board.


thanks cal ur so kind if he stays we will most likely take u up just incase he needs a pal x


we will find out wed morning if he defo has the job which is right at the last min for us but to be honest totally doesnt surprise me because nothing in this whole journey has bn straight forward for us lol!!! thanku again everyone xx

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Guest bowow2011

Hi Kelly this post felt like de ja vue when reading this as this happened to us. We activated the visa in August and 2 days before we were due to fly home oh was offered a job in the mines in port hedland, the opportunity was too good to turn down and after a good long talk we decided it was for the best for him to stay as really he would not get offered a job like this again!, the flight home on my own was imo awful we've been together 7 years and never spent a day apart the next time we saw each other was Xmas (5 months apart) it was hard and tiring doing everything on my own, shipping, bills ect but I adjusted, we had an amazing Christmas together and we've got through the worst now I feel we can do anything! He's back there now and I go out in April to see him then I'm emigrate in July! Time does go quick and I miss him so much but do I regret it..... No definitely not he's earning amazing money, sorting a house out and settling in for when I arrive it's a gamble but one that will pay off, Good luck with your plans I'm here if you need a chat as I know what your going through xxxxxxxx

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Guest Guest 47403

Kelly you've waited so long for all this if he gets offered the job tell him to take it, get yourself back and sort out things in the UK and join him after a few months. Go for it!

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