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Cheer us up with your success stories!!!!!


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We have made up our minds to head for Oz! :biggrin::biggrin:

I'm a joiner, my wife is a teacher of Special needs so we qualify on the points system no bother.

We have 3 healthy kids 3,2, and 1 and family in Melbourne to support us when we get there.


Our problem as I sit here on a cold wet day in Belfast is that just as we are ready to go all guns blazing my wife

is in hospital with pneumonia!!!??? 34 yrs old with pneumonia!! The kids have the cold basically from November to February as they just pass it on

to one another and as pitiful as it sounds I'd love someone to tell me their good experiences since moving down under!!

We want an outdoor life and to live life to the full!!

How are you all getting on since taking the plunge?

I know in the big scheme these are minor problems but everyones problems are relevant to themselves and we just want a bit of cheering up....

(plenty of the "never look back stories please!!") :wink:

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Guest Guest26012

We love our life here! We work hard prob harder than we did in the uk! It's not living a dream it's just different but better! Good luck!

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Its lovely here, we moved 18 months ago and we have never looked back. We have a lifestyle that we could have only dreamed of back in the UK. Despite only coming over with £10,000, we have thrived. My OH earns three times what he was on in the UK and we have now managed to build a lovely 4x2 just down the road less than a mile from the sea. The health care system is second to none and we just love it. Keep positive and I hope you wife makes a full recovery very soon, my brother got pheumonia when he was in his 30's he is fine now.

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We moved here three weeks ago - and love it. We have a 2 year old too, and she has adapted very well. I have met lots of people already - I knew no-one here - so if you have family already then that it is a real bonus. We were in a rut in Surrey - work and telly, work and telly - now we go out and about whenever we can because the weather is so good and there is so much to do.


When you do get out here,look us up! We are in Sandringham in Melbourne.


Hope your wife gets well soon - Michelle, Richard and Olivia

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What a great thread.


I know loads of Brits who have moved over to Oz and would never come back to the UK in a million years. I think so long as people keep their expectations realistic when they move initially... they can't go wrong !!


I for one can't wait to get back there :-)

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Our story:



Me ("I think i'm too old to start all over again"), Hubby ("we'll be ok but I'll probably have to visit UK in about 5 years") Daughter (then 11 - "you're making me leave my whole life behind") Son (then 7 "are we going on holiday"?)


5 Years later .... Me ... couldn't be more content, Hubby "can't even contemplate going back to the UK .. it might be when someone dies", Daughter (almost 17) "I'm so glad that i've had my teenage years in Aus, Son (12) .. (after 1 year ..."are we still on holiday?") ... Now ... I'm an Aussie now, my passport says so


It's hard work migrating, both emotionally and physicially, don't underestimate how much effort goes into re-establishing yourselves in jobs, schools etc., it's a bit of a whirlwind (especially if like us you knew no-one here). But ... we've become very content with the lives we've built here, we're happy and the change in life style suits us as a family, to the point that returning to the UK isn't on the cards even for a holiday as yet.

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"How'd it go at the specialist love?"


"I've got raynaud's syndrome.....................got to keep warm"


"Bugger! that's the Shetland's out of the question then?"


"Yes, let's look at Oz"


"Qld looks nice"


"Yes, let's go for it"


We've never looked back despite their being no puffins here :biglaugh:

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I knew what to expect (I'm an Aussie who accidentally spent almost 10yrs in the UK) but hubby didn't and is loving it.


Even the fact he hasn't yet got a 'proper' job (but has an interview on Tuesday!) isn't getting him down - and he's had more gigs in the few weeks he's been here than he had in the last 12 months in the UK (I type this as he's practising Bass for an 'emergency' gig he's been called in to do tonight - $350 for an evening of him doing what he loves to do??? Sounds good to me!!)

Meanwhile I've started to really like the house-husband concept and coming home to dinner almost ready...... Am in 2 minds as to how we'll cope when he's working!!! Will almost certainly have to get a cleaner at least once a week.... Gah, I'm gonna have to do housework again aren't I? :(

Not to mention the dog is loving it to ;)

But in all seriousness - it's hard work, takes a lot of energy and time. So long as you don't come over expecting it to be like a holiday all the time you'll be fine!


I hope your missus escapes the hospital soon :)

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Guest guest36187

came here in feb 2005 on a 457 sponsored by an agency. After four months the company I was working for though the agency bought out my agency contract and gave me a job.


Jan 2007 we became permanent residents.


October 2008 my parents got to live their thirty year old dream of living here as I sponsored them through a parent visa.


June 2009 we became Australians.



Bought a house out here and doing things up slowly.....never been back for a visit. Well I haven't. Hubby went back in 2010 to see his brother who was suffering his fourth cancer battle.


Hwever we are both going back for a visit in October to see our new grandson....baby jack....born two days ago.


I can safely say I would never move back to uk. Ididnt even want to visit......seeing pics of jack.....now I know why the visit is happening!!!

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