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Meeting people in Canberra

Guest buttercupv

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Guest buttercupv

I have been here a week, and so far I am loving it, people I am going to be working with seem friendly and most areas are quite easy to access with a car. I have been distracted with lots of interesting activities.


Most migrants I have met have moved here with their families, so have a support network. I'm a little worried that all my contacts are going to be people I work with and I don't want that.


I know some people who have moved out here have had trouble with the locals, shouting at them "go back to where you came from" These comments are few and far between and I am not afraid of people in general, It just scares me a little at the thought of doing things on my own, and not having anyone there to support me. I haven't let it get to me and I've been out by myself through the day, but don't know if I should brave it on a night.


It is just this weekend is my first one on my own without plans, I'll go insane and become home sick if I am in the whole time. I am debating whether it is wise to venture out on a night.


Anyone else here on there own? or having similar thoughts? Any advice is welcomed

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Try and hook into some interest groups - gym, music, theatre, craft etc, there are plenty of things around if you have an interest outside of work (if you are in the least bit crafty there are several stitch and bitch opportunities)

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Guest Heatheroo

Hi Buttercupv,


I'm in Canberra on my own too! I arrived 6 weeks ago, so not far ahead of you. I haven't had any problems with the locals, in fact I've found them to be extremely friendly and welcoming (but I haven't been out much at night).




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Guest buttercupv
Hi Buttercupv,


I'm in Canberra on my own too! I arrived 6 weeks ago, so not far ahead of you. I haven't had any problems with the locals, in fact I've found them to be extremely friendly and welcoming (but I haven't been out much at night).





I think a lot of the men have had more trouble around the sport and things, everyone has been lovely that I've chatted to. Just wondering if I should dare go out on a night see the live bands or something on my own.

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Guest buttercupv

Thanks everyone, I think I need to scan the internet a bit and find some like minded people, groups to join etc. I would have been interested in the ladies meet up but typically I didn't check my mail in time :)

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Guest buttercupv
I've actually just joined that group myself. It'll be interesting to see if I ever make it to a meet up. :biglaugh:


Yeah, I'm like that I think things are a really good idea then I forget about it :biglaugh: but meeting up with some non-work ladies and having fun seems better than me joining some yoga class that I'm rubbish at lol

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  • 4 weeks later...
I have been here a week, and so far I am loving it, people I am going to be working with seem friendly and most areas are quite easy to access with a car. I have been distracted with lots of interesting activities.


Most migrants I have met have moved here with their families, so have a support network. I'm a little worried that all my contacts are going to be people I work with and I don't want that.


I know some people who have moved out here have had trouble with the locals, shouting at them "go back to where you came from" These comments are few and far between and I am not afraid of people in general, It just scares me a little at the thought of doing things on my own, and not having anyone there to support me. I haven't let it get to me and I've been out by myself through the day, but don't know if I should brave it on a night.


It is just this weekend is my first one on my own without plans, I'll go insane and become home sick if I am in the whole time. I am debating whether it is wise to venture out on a night.


Anyone else here on there own? or having similar thoughts? Any advice is welcomed


Well I have been here for over 12 weeks now... I think Canberra is a boring place for singles

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