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sold house ..... but no visa yet !!


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The good news is ive sold the house just after been on the market for one week whoop whoop .....:biggrin:

The bad news is we they want us out in about 6 weeks , the o/h meds have been refered and agent says it going to be about 8 weeks or more.

My head is like mush ... do we rent somewhere .... move in with my mum and put stuff in storage...

And then what if we dont get our visa !!!!:unsure:.


carolyn x

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Guest janeubu

hi thats good news houses bein sold by us are real slow at the mo,if i was you i would move in to ur parents house,save money and also i think you may struggle to get a short rental they are normally 6 mths contract,decisions decisions x

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HI we sold and moved out of our house in NOV last year ...been living with the OUTLAWS sinse ....but with the housing market the way it is ..its got to be done! HOPE to be in AUS JULY-AUG so it will all be worth it......if it was easy everybody would be their!!!!!!:laugh:

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Yep agree with everyone - move in with the parents. We sold our house last year and had to move in with my Grandad for 4 and half months. Sold in April and didn't get our visa until July, but it allowed us to save some extra cash and my girls got to spend valuable time with G Grandad before we set off in August! Have you spoken to your agent re your referred meds? They should be able to put your mind at rest ish!

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Guest Rebecca78

I'd agree, move in with someone. You don't want to fork out on more removals costs than you have to. We are the opposite...got our visas but not sold the house yet! Well done on selling yours so quickly! We thought we had but it fell through :witch-unhappy:

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thank you for all your replys..... just spoke to mum and she said we can move in her house ( iam sure we will fall out lots and she will be glad to see the back of us when the time comes ) ...

just need to sort out our shipping or if still no visa put it into storage !!!!

yes the house sold sooooooo fast i though it would be at least after christmas also their are 5 house up for sale on our close too !!! we were very lucky .


good luck to you all waiting for visas or on the sale of your homes .... cheers carolyn xx

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Wow, that's fantastic news! And gives you some valuable time with family. Any tips on selling your house in a week?! We're just trying to decide whether to rent or try to sell. No visa yet

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I think we were just very lucky . 5 houses all went up the same week , i thought there is no chance it will sell now but it did . We painted everywhere did all the jobs that needed doing but most of all de-clutted the house we had nothing out on show . Ask one of your close friends ( one that will tell you thr truth) .to come round and pretent they are the buyers and they can tell you what they dont like about your house ....... Its worth a go !!! lol .xx

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Hi Carolyn

Thanks for the advice. I think decluttering is the answer... Could take some time in our house! Will be inviting my very honest sister in law round in a few weeks time to check it out!

Anyway, good luck with everything. Hope your visa comes soon.

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The good news is ive sold the house just after been on the market for one week whoop whoop .....:biggrin:

The bad news is we they want us out in about 6 weeks , the o/h meds have been refered and agent says it going to be about 8 weeks or more.

My head is like mush ... do we rent somewhere .... move in with my mum and put stuff in storage...

And then what if we dont get our visa !!!!:unsure:.


carolyn x



Congrats on house sale we sold ours in 3 days may 97 but were lucky that wanted to have late completeion date for November as they were expecting a baby we didnt move to Oz till April 2008 stuff went in storage we rented a holiday let kids were able to continue at school and see ffamily and friends we shipped our stuff 5 weeks before we left for Australia and it arrived at our rental door the same time we did. Am wishing ytou well in your new adventure xx

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