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sweet lord !!!!!!!!!! visa approved !!!!!!!!


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Hi all


opened my mail this morning and low and behold there is the approved subclass 457 visa !!!! My partner was at work and rushed out of the office screaming omg when I told him !!! Simply cant believe it am stunned :err: its been 11 days since the visa was lodged .....omg omg omg omg . I think we might be off to Perth then .......Thanks all for your company and hope everybody gets there visa as quick as !!!


Off to celebrate with a cup of coffee .. bit early for bubbly !! cheers :biggrin::hug:

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Strange feeling isnt it Lou,was for me anyway,loads of thoughts ran thru my head tbh,but its a good feeling in the main,made up for yer,all the best:wink:



It is a strange feeling isnt it Pablo .... Just sat thinking jeeze its totally real now and off to Oz we go.. I am totally extatic and my partner is jumpin through hoops!!


Thanks all for your great messages


I promise I am going to celebrate later !!!! :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::wink:

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OMG that was quick. Many congratulations, wishing you a great time celebrating. :wink:

Good luck with all your final plans & enjoy the time you have left in the UK. (PARTY :jiggy:)

All the very best with your new life in Oz. :notworthy:

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OMG that was quick. Many congratulations, wishing you a great time celebrating. :wink:

Good luck with all your final plans & enjoy the time you have left in the UK. (PARTY :jiggy:)

All the very best with your new life in Oz. :notworthy:



Thanks Saz .. I know it was 11 days in total so very fast !!! Will be cracking the bubbly later ..

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Congrats, that is fab news, when do you start work?



Hoping for a move to oz in the coming year or two.......hoping not three!



Not for a few months at least am going to enjoy the start of a new country and discover :biggrin: My partner however starts new job on barrow island pretty much immediately in June so all good news , x

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That's great so no stress for you anyway with an immediate job start. Are your flights booked then?



Hoping for a move to oz in the coming year or two.......hoping not three!


company will be booking the flights from manchester so will be emirates and hopefully sorted in next few days :biggrin:

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heading out to Perth so good job its coming into winter ... as we would boil in the heat he he , this way we have time to get used to heat


At least we are having some good weather here so that it doesn't feel completely alien to you when you get there! If I manage to get my visa, I'll be heading to brissie.



Hoping for a move to oz in the coming year or two.......hoping not three!

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