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The Golden Rules Of Australia


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Guest siamsusie
Wow I found this post very disturbing.....


So you know every Aussie do you?? I have been here 22 years


next week and I don't know all of them, but I have met alot of people from all different Aussie backgrounds and I have to say your statement is sad really.:eek:


Welcome back Lainey:hug: and well said:notworthy: and lovely to see you :hug:

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Guest chris955

Why is it if someone says something disparaging about the British it's someones personal opinion but if some says something about Aussies it's sad and inaccurate ? I have read some incredible gross generalizations about Brits and life in the UK and they go largely unnoticed or questioned, weird that :wink:

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I was saying it was sad because it was inaccurate, you can not judge all of Australia on a few people you have met, to say Australia is classless was going a bit to far and also wanna class people being cashed up Bogans please such nonsense.


Cheers Chris I understand to a degree what you are saying, I am not giving gross generalizations of British or Australia people.


Thanks Laney


ps I would say there is Good and not so good people everywhere but I don't think that just comes down to Class, I just take people for who they are

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Guest TA01085
I was saying it was sad because it was inaccurate, you can not judge all of Australia on a few people you have met, to say Australia is classless was going a bit to far and also wanna class people being cashed up Bogans please such nonsense.


Cheers Chris I understand to a degree what you are saying, I am not giving gross generalizations of British or Australia people.


Thanks Laney


ps I would say there is Good and not so good people everywhere but I don't think that just comes down to Class, I just take people for who they are



I like generalisations ....there a bit like captainisations or corpralisations ..... or is that not specific enough. Long live William & kate HRH for ever

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interesting read (all 16 pages instead of working) i just have to say everyone complaining of the lack of welcome felt by australians how welcoming were they when in the UK to new immigrants?


also all this pom bashing how many have participated in jokes about other groups i.e. irish,scots, northener/southeners etc

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Guest Bailey Bunch
I lived in Australia for 5 1/2 years from 2002-7, 2 years of that was in Sydney and the remainder was in the Gold Coast, working as a carpenter. I came to the conclusion that Australia was a lovely country, but my perception of it was spoilt by the attitude of a significant number of people towards English people. I was left with the impression that whatever you do, they are not interested in you as a person and they don't care what you are capable of professionally. They just don't want you in their country and that's that. Also, they blow you away with friendliness when they are taking your money, but completely ostracise you otherwise. During my time there, the only friends I made were other migrants. These people were lovely, but I also wanted to integrate with the Aussies, but that was impossible. They just don't regards pommies as fellow human beings. So here are my golden rules for anyone who is interested


1. They are friendly, but they don't want to be your friend


2. They are desperate for workers, but they would rather leave the post unfilled than give it to a pom.


Now, I appreciate that some of you have wonderful lives in Australia, great jobs and are valued by your Aussie friends and employer. So this post won't make any sense to you. But I get the feeling that there are others out there that may have had a similar experience and i would like to hear from them. This is just my personal experience. Now some of you may say "oh, but he was actually working there". Yes that is true, but i got the feeling that I was only hired because their Aussie mates weren't available. Also, by 2006 it was impossible to find a job that lasted more than a few days, or that actually paid a living wage. In the end I got sick of underemployment and returned to the UK where I had no problem finding work and my social life went from strength to strength. I still like Australia as a country, it's just that there are a significant amount of people with hostile attitudes to make life there in the long term unviable for me. This sticking point and the fear of being excluded from the job market again is preventing me from going back and giving it another shot. What do you all think?


Well, Pominengland, I couldn't agree more. I think that those that say this isn't true are either in complete denial or very naive. This should not be advice but more of a warning, especially when Brits are transferring vast sums of money to Oz and could potentially lose a fortune if it doesn't work out for them. Those that get on the most defensive about posts like yours are probably making money out of migrants or potential ones anyway. I appreciate you being direct, those wishing to migrate should take heed from pominengaland.

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Well, Pominengland, I couldn't agree more. I think that those that say this isn't true are either in complete denial or very naive.... Those that get on the most defensive about posts like yours are probably making money out of migrants or potential ones anyway. I appreciate you being direct, those wishing to migrate should take heed from pominengaland.


Those that say this isn't true do so because it isn't true in their experience.

I was born into an English migrant family and have had 60 years of living amongst migrants in this country. I don't dispute Pominengland's experience but to claim it is the experience of every migrant is a falsehood. Many have the complete opposite experience.


There are more than a million British born migrants in this country: there wouldn't be if it was as Pominengland claimed.


Note: I have never made any money out of any migrant or potential migrant at any time in my long career.

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Guest Bailey Bunch
Those that say this isn't true do so because it isn't true in their experience.

I was born into an English migrant family and have had 60 years of living amongst migrants in this country. I don't dispute Pominengland's experience but to claim it is the experience of every migrant is a falsehood. Many have the complete opposite experience.


There are more than a million British born migrants in this country: there wouldn't be if it was as Pominengland claimed.


Note: I have never made any money out of any migrant or potential migrant at any time in my long career.


Let me get this right, you are Australian, born to English parents? If this is so, then you will be treated differently as you are of native tongue, born in Oz. Not sure how you can compare yourself to a pommie?

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Let me get this right, you are Australian, born to English parents? If this is so, then you will be treated differently as you are of native tongue, born in Oz. Not sure how you can compare yourself to a pommie?


I had not only English parents, but other English relatives migrate to Australia and live near us, and many, many British friends close to us (particularly Scottish). In my adulthood I have had many British friends of my own. I am not talking about MY experiences, but about THEIRS, and for most they have been very positive.


I am not disputing that some migrants have a negative experience of migrating.

What I dispute is the statement made here that Brits are either lying or naive if they deny having a negative experience of migrating. That is a gross injustice to your fellow countrymen.

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Guest Bailey Bunch
I had not only English parents, but other English relatives migrate to Australia and live near us, and many, many British friends close to us (particularly Scottish). In my adulthood I have had many British friends of my own. I am not talking about MY experiences, but about THEIRS, and for most they have been very positive.


I am not disputing that some migrants have a negative experience of migrating.

What I dispute is the statement made here that Brits are either lying or naive if they deny having a negative experience of migrating. That is a gross injustice to your fellow countrymen.




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Guest guest36187
1. They are friendly, but they don't want to be your friend



In my opinion/experience, I have found most aussies to be extremely welcoming and fun! I have found it easier to make truer friends here than in the UK

2. They are desperate for workers, but they would rather leave the post unfilled than give it to a pom.



In my expereince, My position was kept open for me (a POM) from October 2004 to when I arrived in Feb 05 because they could not find an aussie to fill it!

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Guest guest30038


So you're calling Skani, Joanne, myself, and all others who have posted positive experiences liars?



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Guest Bailey Bunch
I had not only English parents, but other English relatives migrate to Australia and live near us, and many, many British friends close to us (particularly Scottish). In my adulthood I have had many British friends of my own. I am not talking about MY experiences, but about THEIRS, and for most they have been very positive.


I am not disputing that some migrants have a negative experience of migrating.

What I dispute is the statement made here that Brits are either lying or naive if they deny having a negative experience of migrating. That is a gross injustice to your fellow countrymen.


Contrary to what you might think and probably been told, I believe most Poms won't openly say to Ozzie's that they find most Ozzie's complete tossers, unlike the Ozzie attitude towards Poms.

Its the British being there usual reserved selves, most would rather go quietly. Maybe its your lack of understanding of the British here?

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Guest Bailey Bunch
So you're calling Skani, Joanne, myself, and all others who have posted positive experiences liars?




Your words, not mine.

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Guest Bailey Bunch
BAileyBunch, Please respect other peoples opinions rather than criticising them continually.


I am only criticising as much as I am being criticised.

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Well, Pominengland, I couldn't agree more. I think that those that say this isn't true are either in complete denial or very naive. This should not be advice but more of a warning, especially when Brits are transferring vast sums of money to Oz and could potentially lose a fortune if it doesn't work out for them. Those that get on the most defensive about posts like yours are probably making money out of migrants or potential ones anyway. I appreciate you being direct, those wishing to migrate should take heed from pominengaland.


I have been in Perth almost 6 years and haven't had any of the experiences the OP has had. Am I saying they don't happen? Not really, just that you have to keep an open mind and realise that as many people have good experiences as have bad ones so unless you have a go you won't know which camp you fall into. IMO the folk that it doesn't work out for usually have to blame something/someone rather than just saying 'hell I don't like it and I want to go home'


I also don't make any money out of those wishing to migrate.

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Contrary to what you might think and probably been told, I believe most Poms won't openly say to Ozzie's that they find most Ozzie's complete tossers, unlike the Ozzie attitude towards Poms.

Its the British being there usual reserved selves, most would rather go quietly. Maybe its your lack of understanding of the British here?


I don't know about your family and friendships but I would consider it very strange not to know exactly what my family and friends thought of Australia and Australians. Fortunately the environment in which I have lived is open, honest, articulate and secure and able to discuss differences without stereotyping.


And most don't leave at all. Which is why there are more than a million here.

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I grew up in a normal average street in Australia.


The 3 houses on the right were English families.


The house on the left were a Welsh family.


The house across the road were English.


It was nothing out of the ordinary. There were no inter country battles, they all had jobs, and lived normal lives and became Australians. They provided me with my first girlfriend. All their children would be classed as Australians and I thought of the parents as Australian as well after a while. Thought more about them as individual families and what they were like rather than where they were from.

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Guest Shane&Lynn
very surprising this statement

so what exactly is wrong with the 'PC brigade'.

well, for one made it unacceptable to say coon or nigger or cripple or spastic or retard or many other simple words which can cause great offence to the recipient.

I'm not entirely disagreeing with you, just think maybe you could be more careful in your choice of words


There once was this thing called freedom of speech, and then along came the sensitive types who worried about everyone else's thin skin. Now we have a country where you can't open your mouth for fear of hurting someone's delicate sensitivities. We have been rebuked and over sensitised so much now that we simply sit back and take what is thrown at us and cry into our milk. The French strike and rail against what they see as not right, they ban women covering their faces in public, We just take it. the government pushes up taxes on fuel - we take it, the French strike. The british government enforce no smoking in public places - the Spanish ignore it ( No, I don't smoke). The government levy taxes on flying because it's trying to make us more green. Where is this money going? Oh yes to support huge drain on benefits that any Tom, Dick or Harry can walk into this country and get straight away,- don't try and con me saying that they don't - I've seen it. We've been mushrooms for so long thsy don't even try to keep us in the dark any more and we still take their SH!T.


. :arghh:

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Guest chris955

Yes unfortunately Australian has fallen well into that over the top PC don't tread on toes approach as well. I am all for removing derogatory racist words and terms but when kids have to sing Bah Bah Rainbow sheep like our kids did here it gets a bit silly.


Are you going to stick your fingers in your ears ? :biggrin:

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