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Guest chris955

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Guest chris955

I realise people will inevitably have a different perspective on the same subject but sometimes I read things that really have me shaking my head. I read one bloke say that since coming to Australia he hasn't had to worry about being burgled, now people are burgled here all the time so does he just not worry about it now or does he believe it doesn't happen ? He also said graffiti is reported and removed immediately, he obviously doesn't live in Brisbane.

There are as many saying that schooling is better here as say it is better in the UK. People say kids play outside more here and others say they play more in the UK.

I fully understand that those coming here will of course rather see the positives here and the negatives of the country they are leaving and obviously the reverse is true of those going home to the UK.

If someone says that this particular car costs 5000 pounds new in the UK someone else can't say that it costs 6000 for the same car, one of them must be wrong but we see it all the time.

Staying with the cars analogy the way I see my particular situation is that I love Jaguars but can only buy a Ford over here, of course many are happy with the Ford. :wink:

This isn't intended to be argumentative but I find it really very interesting how people see the same things very differently.

I also find it interesting how some seem happy to accept the same problems in their new country that they hated about their old one.

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I realise people will inevitably have a different perspective on the same subject but sometimes I read things that really have me shaking my head. I read one bloke say that since coming to Australia he hasn't had to worry about being burgled, now people are burgled here all the time so does he just not worry about it now or does he believe it doesn't happen ? He also said graffiti is reported and removed immediately, he obviously doesn't live in Brisbane.

There are as many saying that schooling is better here as say it is better in the UK. People say kids play outside more here and others say they play more in the UK.

I fully understand that those coming here will of course rather see the positives here and the negatives of the country they are leaving and obviously the reverse is true of those going home to the UK.

If someone says that this particular car costs 5000 pounds new in the UK someone else can't say that it costs 6000 for the same car, one of them must be wrong but we see it all the time.

Staying with the cars analogy the way I see my particular situation is that I love Jaguars but can only buy a Ford over here, of course many are happy with the Ford. :wink:

This isn't intended to be argumentative but I find it really very interesting how people see the same things very differently.

I also find it interesting how some seem happy to accept the same problems in their new country that they hated about their old one.


Some things will depend on where you lived in the UK and where you now live in Australia. The second hand car thing - well there is no getting away with the fact they are hellish expensive here in Australia. I love living here and I have no intention of leaving but anyone who says second hand cars are cheap here is DELUDED. As I said other things are subjective. I prefer the supermarkets here, I prefer the weather here, I prefer the education here. All of those things will depend on the individuals perspective. Where I live if you ring and report graffiti it is removed in the next 24 hours. We don't have a lot of kids playing out near me, I am glad about that. I hate seeing kids hanging around. That is just my opinion of course. We were burgled twice in the UK and I don't know anyone who has been burgled here.


My experiences during my 5 week holiday to the UK were just that, my experiences and I dare say that many wouldn't experience (or if they did it wouldn't bother them) the same issues. One man likes steak and chips in a pub, I prefer a seafood platter overlooking the ocean. One mans meat is another mans poison, isn't it.

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Guest chris955

Yes I agree and that is what I have always said, we are different and expect and want different things.

We have never been burgled here or the UK, we had our car broken into on the drive here. I know 4 people who have been broken into and had reptiles stolen here, one at gunpoint in Adelaide. There is graffiti around here that has been there almost as long as we have, 10 years. I do understand that immigrants want to see all the good bits, that is human nature, a coping mechanism for many. I have no doubt that I see things in a distorted way both here and in the UK.

I genuinely find it interesting.

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Another example of how we view things is your children. I have had people look at my children and say , yes definately look more like your husband and then other people will say they look more like me.


We all have different perspectives thats for sure.

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I tend to agree, I am no snob but we earn a hell of a lot of money here because we have to, to enable us to live where and how we want to live.


We have a nice life but at a price, a big mortgage for the next 30 years, a second hand car which was the price of a new car in the UK and enough bills to shake a stick at with a rental and property in the process of being built.


We didnt have a clue how are life would be over here until we got here (QLD) and to be honest in our situation it has worked out well, however I will not be retiring any time soon and people have to realise, australia is great if you can afford it. However this all depends on the life you want or need, and also depends on where you have come from.


Life is what you make it although I bet a lot of people coming to australia did not realise that making a life over here isnt always easy, especially when you are on the other side of the planet.


We wont be going back any time soon, butI can understand why people are. Yes, there is crime here, yes there is graffiti (crap loads of it), yes there are glassings in the pubs, hoons on the roads and deadly insects where you would expect them. But there is a flip side, and that flip side is what you make it to cater for the downside. For us, its like making a list, positives on one side, negatives on the other, if the positives outweigh the negatives, all well ad good, but as they creep closer together, decisions have to be made.


I dont find Oz especially cheap, but there are so many things I do like about it compared to where I came from.

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Guest famousfive

A persons personal experiences determine whether they look at life in a positive or negative way.It is interesting that we are often more forgiving to other countries than we are to our homelands.But I often wonder if we as expats are selling an aussie dream that in reality only exists for the few?Do we add a bit of glitter to stories about our lives here?Are we giulty of a bit of embellishment of the truth perhaps?


I know a family from the UK who live locally.When rellies visit they are shown the best of aussie life and return home i'm sure with great stories about how well they family are doing here and what a great life the kids have etc..But when they wave goodbye at the airport life here returns to normal for the family.The buy most of their clothes at vinnies,only buy specials at wollies,never go out socially and ehtertain the kids at the beach as this is what they can afford.They have lived here 5yrs now and had never had a holiday until last school holidays when they brought the kids camping.They have struggled here financially and would love to return home but it is not possible as they struggle just to pay the weekly bills.I am certain their family back home are not aware of the reality of their lives here as they are too proud to admit their struggle.I often wonder how many others are in the same boat?

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Guest sunnyday

This is short and sweet Chris (like most of my posts lol) but surely as long as the person is in a healthy state of mind about their life, thats the most important thing, no matter where they live? Having spent a lot of time in hospital with my son when he was younger I probably take a simplistic view on things. When you mention about perspective I think, we're all healthy, we're all here, its all good!!

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A persons personal experiences determine whether they look at life in a positive or negative way.It is interesting that we are often more forgiving to other countries than we are to our homelands.But I often wonder if we as expats are selling an aussie dream that in reality only exists for the few?Do we add a bit of glitter to stories about our lives here?Are we giulty of a bit of embellishment of the truth perhaps?


I know a family from the UK who live locally.When rellies visit they are shown the best of aussie life and return home i'm sure with great stories about how well they family are doing here and what a great life the kids have etc..But when they wave goodbye at the airport life here returns to normal for the family.The buy most of their clothes at vinnies,only buy specials at wollies,never go out socially and ehtertain the kids at the beach as this is what they can afford.They have lived here 5yrs now and had never had a holiday until last school holidays when they brought the kids camping.They have struggled here financially and would love to return home but it is not possible as they struggle just to pay the weekly bills.I am certain their family back home are not aware of the reality of their lives here as they are too proud to admit their struggle.I often wonder how many others are in the same boat?



I know so many like that, where they upped Australia so much before they moved here that they can't really say that they have a poorer quality of life here.


There are of course lots that love it here, but I suspect people who had a really good life in the UK wil struggle with what Oz has to offer.

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All of this is true, but in addition there is the "glass half full or glass half empty" factor.


Given the same set of circumstances, one person would be happy, and another would be miserable.


It's just how life and human nature is, I am afraid.


The important thing is to remember that when we read the posts of others we do not know!

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Guest guest30038
All of this is true, but in addition there is the "glass half full or glass half empty" factor.




Fully agree. When I'm down, the UK has a pull on me and Oz is crap. When all's good (with my head) I love Oz. I have never thought of the UK as some do ie all crap, and "going to the dogs". Where I lived, it seemed to be heading that way, and indeed, it has gone that way, but where my wife's family live, it is still the same old part of Cornwall that we loved.



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Guest guest36187

Its different perspectives and views. We all have them. Its just on PIO not everyone actually takes the time to `respect` the other persons views.


I love the UK. I never left to run away from anything or because I had a problem. I left as we had the chance to get up off our behinds and get overseas and give it a go. We grabbed that chance as we had nothing to lose and everything to gain.


Speaking for myself.....Since living in Brissie I have had much less experience with crime than I ever had in the UK. Where I lived in UK, I was chased down the road by three 12 year olds as I cycled to work! This was at 8pm at night in a reasonable area too. i heard about more crime in Melbourne when I was there for a weekend, a few years back!


I agree with the glass half full thing. As someone said in another thread (Ali I think), you will get out of life here what you put in. We came with open mind, no expectations. There were things and still are things here that we dont like, there are many that we do!


Im in what was described once as `the sun and surf gang`. i love living here in Australia. I miss people from UK, family and friends. I miss them dreadfully but the way I look at it, I chose to move here and if I miss people, that was my doing. I dont ever get over that feeling, you learn to adapt and live with it.

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Guest christi
I realise people will inevitably have a different perspective on the same subject but sometimes I read things that really have me shaking my head. I read one bloke say that since coming to Australia he hasn't had to worry about being burgled, now people are burgled here all the time so does he just not worry about it now or does he believe it doesn't happen ? He also said graffiti is reported and removed immediately, he obviously doesn't live in Brisbane.

There are as many saying that schooling is better here as say it is better in the UK. People say kids play outside more here and others say they play more in the UK.

I fully understand that those coming here will of course rather see the positives here and the negatives of the country they are leaving and obviously the reverse is true of those going home to the UK.

If someone says that this particular car costs 5000 pounds new in the UK someone else can't say that it costs 6000 for the same car, one of them must be wrong but we see it all the time.

Staying with the cars analogy the way I see my particular situation is that I love Jaguars but can only buy a Ford over here, of course many are happy with the Ford. :wink:

This isn't intended to be argumentative but I find it really very interesting how people see the same things very differently.

I also find it interesting how some seem happy to accept the same problems in their new country that they hated about their old one.


Great post Chris, we were really shocked, when we checked out the car prices back home. Hubby has a new ute here, and wanted to take it back,,,,its his pride and joy, albeit it now has 2 dents in the bumper, cos I managed to jack-knife a trailer into it and then a week later I pulled off of the drive and reversed into it,,,he doesant love me very much at the moment!!LOL

But, anyway, he is now realising what he can get for a lot less money back in the UK, so I think he will sell it here, before we go,,,once he has had it fixed of course.LOL


Even in quiet old TAS, there are lots of problems with crime,and anti-social behaviour, and it is getting worse. We have seen a decline in the 3 years, we have been here

Im probably going to get crucified for saying this, but there do seem to be a lot of undesirables here,and somedays if you go out to the shops or whatever, its the same as going to an area, in the UK, that most of us, would not visit, and certainly not shop there.Thursday is "dole-day" and "hell-day'.I dont go anywhere on a thursday:arghh:

Dont get me wrong there are lovely areas here, but they are usually so far away from anything, its ok, if you want to be a complete hermit

We dont go out at night here, town is like the "wild-west", most unpleasant

I know some towns in the UK are the same, but there are still lovely country pubs you can visit and great places to go for a quiet meal

Im sure I will get critisied for saying all of this, an d I am sure there are lots of people who love the place, but its what you find acceptable and also your expectations of somewhere

You either love it or you hate it, and we cant wait to go home!

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Fully agree. When I'm down, the UK has a pull on me and Oz is crap. When all's good (with my head) I love Oz. I have never thought of the UK as some do ie all crap, and "going to the dogs". Where I lived, it seemed to be heading that way, and indeed, it has gone that way, but where my wife's family live, it is still the same old part of Cornwall that we loved.




Hopefully that proves my theory ......which i have posted on here a few times .

The crap parts of the uk ......Brum ...london ....sheffield .....wolverhampton ....and most of the inner cities are ****e ......

Devon , Northumberland , North yorkshire ,Worcestershire, Warwickshire ( gods country), Dorset....and loads of others , have a wealth of quality places to live

The towns and villages offer a great lifestyle, and there are lots of them

Europe is the place

The pick is France .......but i dont speak bloody French:biglaugh:

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Guest chris955

That's exactly the point, you can't describe a whole country in the same way. There are many many places very near where we live that I wouldn't live for any amount of money, equally in the UK there are places I wouldn't want my enemies to live. The problem I think is when people compare inner city Birmingham with the Sunshine Coast.

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Guest guest30038
That's exactly the point, you can't describe a whole country in the same way. There are many many places very near where we live that I wouldn't live for any amount of money, equally in the UK there are places I wouldn't want my enemies to live. The problem I think is when people compare inner city Birmingham with the Sunshine Coast.


Too true............Inner City birmingham is so much nicer :biglaugh:



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Guest chris955

I don't mind parts of the Sunshine Coast, up around the Glasshouse Mountains is nice.

What makes people look at a place so differently to others ? A couple of people have referred to the UK generally as a ****hole, it clearly isn't but what makes one person see it as such and most others totally differently ? Parts of the country undoubtedly are ****ty and the same is true here but it doesn't mean everywhere is. They must have a very hard life in the UK for it to so severely cloud their view of things.

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I don't mind parts of the Sunshine Coast, up around the Glasshouse Mountains is nice.

What makes people look at a place so differently to others ? A couple of people have referred to the UK generally as a ****hole, it clearly isn't but what makes one person see it as such and most others totally differently ? Parts of the country undoubtedly are ****ty and the same is true here but it doesn't mean everywhere is. They must have a very hard life in the UK for it to so severely cloud their view of things.


Yes, crap life. I worked full time, husband commuted into London, not home till 8.30pm after leaving at 5.30am. Never saw the kids. School full on, work full on. Family interfering. Lovely countryside, beautiful old buildings etc. None of that impacted on our daily lives to make it any better. Here he leaves at 7am, gets home at 6pm. I only work part time. Eat together every day. Kids are happy and doing far better in school both academically and socially. Yes,far better lives here in Perth. That isn't going to be the same for everyone and you are right it does cloud your judgement of everything.

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Guest chris955

Spot on, each situation is very different. To many the situation is exactly reversed when they come here. The thought of commuting to London everyday is like hell on Earth but equally commuting into Brisbane or god forbid Sydney.

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I like this thread.


I hated life in London...I'm a country boy at heart..."Why live in the City then, plonker!!???" :-) My wife and I had great careers and a good lifestyle, but the UK just did not do it for us...we needed something more. Australia has provided for us, but life has moved on. This has mainly been as a consequence of the arrival of our two boys. For us blood is thicker than water. Looking back over our last 7 years, I have never had to work as long days and both my wife and I have felt slightly like treading water in terms of our careers. Saying the latter, we never came to Melbourne for work. Priorities have changed; careers and family dominate!!

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Many people are fed-up at home and want to believe the hype about overseas relocation


Yet without stepping a foot outside the door in the UK, they can learn so much using computer alone: cost of living, right down to the price of individual items at Oz supermarkets. Cost of cars, of houses, of travel. Employment in Oz is something else they can find out a lot about online, ditto the qualifications they'll need and upgrades they'll need to invest in


When we're planning to see a movie everyone's been raving about, do we first read the book and the reviews ? Do we want to hear the opinions of those who've already seen it ?


The truth is, people want to believe the grass is greener 'over there' and any advice to the contrary is usally dismissed. ' We'll make it work. It will be different for us ', is their attitude


A lot go into denial after they've moved somewhere new. Some blame themselves, with an attitude of: ' Everyone else seems to like it. Everyone else is doing well. We just need to try harder ' or ' We're the failures. Everyone else is making a success of it '. And others blame the system, saying, ' It's different to what we were told. We would never have come if we'd known it was like this '


Others just put their heads down and struggle along in the belief they're here now, can't go back because they can't afford it and nothing and no-one to go back to anyway


The Aussie government wants Pommie migrants. (1) they bring in money:- they buy homes and cars; they go to TAFE etc. to upgrade qualifications ; they generally pull across their family for visits, or they travel back to UK for visits themselves, etc. So all in all, they're stimulating the Oz economy. Plus (2), in the Gold Coast Bulletin it was reported that Anna Bligh plans for many of the 300,000 planned Indian migrants to live in Queensland. The Oz government needs Pommies if for no other reason than to be able to claim that ' most migrants are coming from the UK ' as a way of shutting-up Aussies who're sick of migrants (and it's not UK migrants they're sick of ). The Oz government has been using Poms to disguise the true migration figures for years


If Poms were required to place their return-fare in trust before they moved to Oz, the planes would be filled non-stop with Poms returning to UK


Another fact that few are aware of is that Oz academics for years (at least 10 years that I'm aware of ) have been trying to get the Oz government to create a publicly-accessible register of Aussies who permanently depart Australia. Aussie government will not release the figures. That's ten minutes worth of solid thinking, right there


Anyway, life's short and we have to spend it somewhere. Perfection doesn't exist, outside daydreams. It's not about us, anyway - we just think it is. Basically we're cattle. We're worth money on the hoof. Governments are like farmers who move herds from this pasture to the next. All the way through, they're fleecing us and milking us dry, then off to the abbatoirs. It's all for their profit anyway, theirs and their corporate cronies. Poms have been used to push up the price of real-estate all over Australia and New Zealand. Ten years ago, Gold Coast prices were a quarter or less than now, for example. Same in Tassie.


UK government plans to raise the pensionable age to 72 years. Australia will do the same and has plans to do so. But I think the UK and Oz governments put their heads together. The UK is pulling in foreign migrants and sending its own people to Oz. Part of the scandalous 'multicultural' affair. But in the end, it's up to us to forge a life any old way we can, because if we don't, no-one will. Life is not tv or a movie. Sometimes people have to settle for far short of their dream and know that's as good as it's going to get

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