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Bankstown - good area to live?


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Can someone tell me how bankstown rates in the rankings of areas to live? I (as in me, my OH and 3 duaghters 11,8 & 2) need to rent a place close to Oatley. Somewhere with a budget no def no more than $450 per week. Schools will be the next thing to look at after I can narrow down an area. Ideally Sutherland Shire would suit but the budget may not stretch. 3 bedrooms min. Anyone any other areas in mind that are child friendly, close to parks etc and have schools worth mentioning, mainly catholic (private schools). These are going to work out less per year on a Temp 457 Visa and I would prefer to continue their education there too.


I read a few threads last nite on bringing money over when we emigrate and realise that it is def a no go area with the 'rubbish' exchange rate - cannot believe that at one time the £ = more than $2.50, whereas - well I wont go into that. We are def not going to sell our own home here in N Ireland,simply because we cannot afford to loose out on the exchange rate and also if OZ doesnt work out we still have our home that my OH help build 7 yrs ago. Even to borrow on the equity on the home is a sore head with the exchange rate but we need something to go over with.


Ideas would be very welcome.



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Bankstown? Are you muslim? I cant say that it would be first on my list of desirable places to live. Sutherland shire is going to be a better option I would think but you are going to be at the top of your budget for renting in that area unless you dont mind a unit.

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I agree, I'm afraid. I wouldn't want to live in Bankstown.


Have you considered living a bit further out of Sydney? I think I may have mentioned on another thread that Helensburgh is a nice area, and only about 40 minutes commute on the train. It takes about 20 mins to drive to Engadine from Helensburgh, and another 20 or so to drive to Oatley from there, so I guess 40 mins drive also.

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Guest chris955

Yes, I agree Bankstown is definitely one to avoid. By and large many of the Western suburbs are best avoided if at all possible, that's not to say they are ALL bad but many have much higher crime and unemployment.

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I was in Bankstown a couple of weeks ago doing a survey for the ADF.It was not a pleasant experience.I felt very uncomfortable and at one point I dived into a very rundown shop to escape the teenagers on m/bikes who had been following me and my friend.

That said some of the areas were lovely and clean and the people friendly.My overall impression was,very rundown lots of graffiti ad the few shops we saw all had bars over the windows.

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Have you thought of living in Oatley? Don't have any personal experience of the suburb but from the little I've read doesn't seem bad. There is a catholic school there. Just had a look on realestate.com.au. House prices give the impression it is a very nice suburb and it seems you would be able to rent a 3 bed house or flat within your budget.

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Well it looks like it will be sutherland shire - thanks all, really appreciate it especially when I know very little about the western ares - Now I know to avoid them (like the plague). I have saw a few places in Oately & the budget will stretch to $480 tops per week. Will be convenient also. really appreciate your feedback - once again.


How about Penshurst? It gets 93/100 in the rates on the estate agent sites.



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Guest GiJoe1000

Hi Jo,

I read your other post also and although your OH's suggested salary doesnt sound that impressive it might be possible to get a tax break built into the his pay structure that would allow you to offset a lot of your living expenses against his tax. Its called a Living away from Home allowance or LAHFA and is designed to help in a situation where you have moved somewhere for work and have a lot of start up cost with running a new residence and all the outgoings that come with setting up a new home. Unfortunately my boss knew nothing about it and doesnt seem to concerned about looking into it for me but from what ive read on the ATO website it should cost him little or nothing but would make a huge difference to me as my salary isnt great. You would have to take proper advice to be sure you are eligable but it could make a big difference to the amount of money you have to spend in the short term. If you read the small print you should be able to work out if its for you.

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Guest RobynAtPresentInLondon

Penshurst is nice - so are Mortdale and Peakhurst. Riverwood is not that bad (stay south of the railway line though) and Narwee is similar. I grew up* in Lugarno which is about the same price bracket as Oatley.


Menai, Bangor and Illawong are also quite nice as is most of the Sutherland Shire. There is a Christian school out that way called Inaburra which some of my friends send their kids to, not sure of the cost etc.


Good luck!


*came to UK for working holiday in 1993 - now looking to return to these very areas as a result of having 3 kids!

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