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Guest guest36187

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Hi All!


I have mostly been a lurker on PIO as we were waiting for NSW SMP before we started making any decisions about moving to Aus. Now that we know we can move we are trying to convince my parents-in-law to join us. They are keen on the idea but have all but given up on it as a reality as they are very put off by the steep cost of a 143 visa. Ultimately they can afford the visa and would have some money left to buy a small apartment and car but then they would have no savings left after that. What I want to know is how are you getting by once you have paid all that money out? My FIL has been self-employed for years and so doesn't have a formal pension. Do you work when you get to Aus and how easy is it to find work when you are over 50 as I hear that can be quite difficult?


I hope I am not repeating a question as I only dipped into the thread rather than reading the whole thing!:embarrassed:


I look forward to your insight as moving the parents may be a make or break feature of our decision to move.







If it's any help we are in our 50's and have been self employed for the past 23 years :cute: we have been looking at the possibility of buying a franchise of some kind there seem to be quite a few over there (depending on your area of move of course)


Try www.google.com.au and search for franchises in the area your interested in, it may help if they have something to focus on for after they (like everyone here) have sold there souls to the Aussie Government :swoon:


Hope this helps a little :wink:



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Hi All!


I have mostly been a lurker on PIO as we were waiting for NSW SMP before we started making any decisions about moving to Aus. Now that we know we can move we are trying to convince my parents-in-law to join us. They are keen on the idea but have all but given up on it as a reality as they are very put off by the steep cost of a 143 visa. Ultimately they can afford the visa and would have some money left to buy a small apartment and car but then they would have no savings left after that. What I want to know is how are you getting by once you have paid all that money out? My FIL has been self-employed for years and so doesn't have a formal pension. Do you work when you get to Aus and how easy is it to find work when you are over 50 as I hear that can be quite difficult?


I hope I am not repeating a question as I only dipped into the thread rather than reading the whole thing!:embarrassed:


I look forward to your insight as moving the parents may be a make or break feature of our decision to move.




We moved out here last year and despite a lot of anxiety my wife found work reasonably quickly (legal admin in Melbourne). I still work for my UK company, but I would not like to have to put equivalent local employment to the test at my age (late fifties).


The older you are, the more difficult it becomes, though I do think there is always something available if you are fit and depending on what you're prepared to do.


Australia is a very expensive place to live at the moment, and we would have only lasted a year or so at this stage of our lives without local employment (meaning dollars). We've no plans to buy property here and will take it a year at a time, slowly working towards return visas and who knows maybe even citizenship one day!


Best wishes



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Guest Carriematt

Please help!

I'm in Australia with my son & his family 5 months into a 676 12 mth visa WITH a 8503 condition. I have looked at my options for staying here & found out I'm eligible for CPV. What now? Can I apply now from Australia, or do I have to leave the country first? If I leave now to apply, can I come back again for a few more months until my visa expires in November? Or, do I have to wait until THIS visa's expired, go home, then apply offshore for a CPV? Then can I apply for another 676 to come back while I'm being processed? I want to apply asap due to apparent long processing times.


Does anyone know my options??



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Please help!

I'm in Australia with my son & his family 5 months into a 676 12 mth visa WITH a 8503 condition. I have looked at my options for staying here & found out I'm eligible for CPV. What now? Can I apply now from Australia, or do I have to leave the country first? If I leave now to apply, can I come back again for a few more months until my visa expires in November? Or, do I have to wait until THIS visa's expired, go home, then apply offshore for a CPV? Then can I apply for another 676 to come back while I'm being processed? I want to apply asap due to apparent long processing times.


Does anyone know my options??




Is the 8503 the 'No Further Stay' condition? If so then I think that you will not be able to apply for the CPV while onshore and will need to leave first. Not sure about being able to leave and then return on your current visa, but I would think it's possible. Lots of parents apply for a long term visitor visa after they have put in their CPV application. Incidentally, not sure if you are aware that the waiting time for a CO has now shortened to around 12 months.

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Guest Carriematt
Is the 8503 the 'No Further Stay' condition? If so then I think that you will not be able to apply for the CPV while onshore and will need to leave first. Not sure about being able to leave and then return on your current visa, but I would think it's possible. Lots of parents apply for a long term visitor visa after they have put in their CPV application. Incidentally, not sure if you are aware that the waiting time for a CO has now shortened to around 12 months.


Thanks Linday, nice to know the wait list is coming down! Everything I've read online seemed to just show it go up and up!

I can leave & re-enter on this visa, but because of the 8503 -no further entry condition, wasnt sure if I could even apply for a CPV (even out of the country) while this visa is still current. It expires in November. I wonder if I could nip over to NZ sooner rather than later and apply for the CPV 'offshore', then come back? I'm going back to UK in November regardless but want to come back to Australia in the new year hopefully with my CPV underway and by the sound of it, hopefully a new 676 to tide me over.

What do you or anyone else think my chances are of applying for a CPV offshore now while still using my current 676 with the 8503-no further stay condition?

Thanks carrie

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Guest sirmatt101
Hi All!


I have mostly been a lurker on PIO as we were waiting for NSW SMP before we started making any decisions about moving to Aus. Now that we know we can move we are trying to convince my parents-in-law to join us. They are keen on the idea but have all but given up on it as a reality as they are very put off by the steep cost of a 143 visa. Ultimately they can afford the visa and would have some money left to buy a small apartment and car but then they would have no savings left after that. What I want to know is how are you getting by once you have paid all that money out? My FIL has been self-employed for years and so doesn't have a formal pension. Do you work when you get to Aus and how easy is it to find work when you are over 50 as I hear that can be quite difficult?


I hope I am not repeating a question as I only dipped into the thread rather than reading the whole thing!:embarrassed:


I look forward to your insight as moving the parents may be a make or break feature of our decision to move.




Hi there, I see that you have had a couple of answers already, but will add another one anyway.


We arrived the end of January and we are both in our lower 60s. We stayed longer in the UK to save up more money to cover us for a good year or possibly more if we didn't find work. We both get UK pensions, mine a services pension & the OH her state pension, though not full as we were out of the UK for 15 yrs in South Africa. We have to work here to survive and have found it quite hard to find employment as unfortunately almost all applications are done online and you never get to see anyone in person, so your CV has to be really well written to get some faceless person to notice it. All my qualifications, courses, experience seem to count for nothing. I applied for what seems like thousands of jobs in my line of work, but ended up applying for labouring work, in fact anything that seemed easier to get into. I eventually got employment with Bunnings (OZ equivalent of B&Q) in the Toolshop of the store due to my background in engineering. My pay covers us for our needs and some extras so we are happy enough. I could get my UK qualifications recognised by the Australian Trades Recognition Authority for $300 and possibly have a better chance for engineering work, this is the same authority that does the trades recognition for skilled visas! My other half on the other hand worked for Tescos for almost 12 yrs and 15 yrs before that in a South African supermarket chain, so you would think her experience would be good for a supermarket here, but so far the knock backs have been in the tone of "sorry, but we have chosen someone more qualified"!!! But all said you have to give it a go here, its a great place, we feel well settled, the sun shines, people are very friendly and the family are just up the road, what more could you want!!





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Guest guest43653


I have just read your post and feel inspired by what you said and hope we can achieve the positivity you have when hopefully we get our visa next year.

Thanks for that post as you have lifted my spirits.

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Oh pooh! :cry:


Having got our case officer early we now have to wait a bit longer to get the medicals done :mad:- bad timing with Easter, Bank Holidays and Royal Wedding taking out so many working days! :realmad:


Never mind, everything else is on track. It will give me more time to lose a few extra pounds and get the relaxation sessions going to reduce my blood pressure.:laugh:

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Oh pooh! :cry:


Having got our case officer early we now have to wait a bit longer to get the medicals done :mad:- bad timing with Easter, Bank Holidays and Royal Wedding taking out so many working days! :realmad:


Never mind, everything else is on track. It will give me more time to lose a few extra pounds and get the relaxation sessions going to reduce my blood pressure.:laugh:



where are you looking to go for your medicals? We are near to Manchester but could do Birmingham easily if the time scales are better.:unsure:


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Thanks Linday, nice to know the wait list is coming down! Everything I've read online seemed to just show it go up and up!

I can leave & re-enter on this visa, but because of the 8503 -no further entry condition, wasnt sure if I could even apply for a CPV (even out of the country) while this visa is still current. It expires in November. I wonder if I could nip over to NZ sooner rather than later and apply for the CPV 'offshore', then come back? I'm going back to UK in November regardless but want to come back to Australia in the new year hopefully with my CPV underway and by the sound of it, hopefully a new 676 to tide me over.

What do you or anyone else think my chances are of applying for a CPV offshore now while still using my current 676 with the 8503-no further stay condition?

Thanks carrie


I don't see any reason why this would not work if you are intending to leave anyway in November. To be on the safe side though it might be better to have a chat with a reputable agent just to make sure that you will be allowed back in when you come back from New Zealand.

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where are you looking to go for your medicals? We are near to Manchester but could do Birmingham easily if the time scales are better.:unsure:



We picked Maidenhead - easy motorway journey (with alternative routes) and free parking in a nice environment. London is about the same distance but a more stressful journey with several train changes. London may have been a bit quicker but it was more expensive.


Bank holidays/Royal wedding/Easter are affecting all clinics (at least a week lost in an already short month)

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........Bank holidays/Royal wedding/Easter are affecting all clinics (at least a week lost in an already short month)



There really is no need to worry about time, they wont say no if you are going to pay them, the deadline is a red herring that needlessly raises people's BP. :yes:


When it suits them they give 49 days so just stay calm. :wubclub: :wubclub:

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There really is no need to worry about time, they wont say no if you are going to pay them, the deadline is a red herring that needlessly raises people's BP. :yes:


When it suits them they give 49 days so just stay calm. :wubclub: :wubclub:


Not worried at all - glad I've got the extra time to maybe lose a couple more kilos and be back to the weight I was this time last year. Still a lot earlier than we originally thought we would need it.


Arranged a print out from my doc with note to say that, although overweight, I exercise moderately and have lost a considerable amount of weight - +immunision record - +surgeons report from surgery last year - +details of BP meds and last annual review (blood sugar, cholesterol, urine test etc - (all good) That should cover any slightly 'grey' areas! - may not be necessary but makes me feel more relaxed

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Hi Everyone

Came home today, logged into e mails and following the CO for jtct expecting CO about end of week as acknowledgement should read 10/5/2010. Ooooh Got an e mail from Immi :jiggy:………..asking for another £130 as claims underpaid first Vac:arghh:. On checking all Nos looks like he has taken the current charge and exchange rate:swoon:.

E mailed back and hoping for CO soon, what a let down:cry:.




Sure you won't have too long to wait. It seems we all have some hiccups along the way.



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Nearly finished emptying the loft and once we get rid of the rubbish and have a good tidy up its time to get a valuation on the house.


Next step will be to contact some removals firms for estimates (John Mason, Pickford and PSS probably)

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Nearly finished emptying the loft and once we get rid of the rubbish and have a good tidy up its time to get a valuation on the house.


Next step will be to contact some removals firms for estimates (John Mason, Pickford and PSS probably)


Oh, this makes me feel so much better ! Just knowing there are others out there that are sorting through their "stuff" and inevitably getting rid of bits. Was up in the attic yesterday, making a list of what is worth taking and what's going to the Boot Sale (did a couple last year and am slightly surprised at how much I have still got). Ebaying a few bits as well, and starting to get a bit overwhelmed by it all to be honest. Does anyone else feel like that at this stage? Can't wait to go but dreading the packing up and goodbyes. It's usually tears at Melbourne Airport when we have to come back here, but I am beginning to feel like its going to be tears at Gatwick this time.


Just started transferring money to Son-in-law who had his Centrelink interview today, we had our medicals last week and as far as we know we are both "OK". We know the reports have gone off and Dr provided the courier tracking number. To be honest the medical was nothing like we expected, it only took about 15 mins each, (and another hour to provide a urine sample!!) Nerves get to you, don't they! Just waiting on Police Reports and filling in Form 80.


So excited, it's all beginning to really happen now!


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Guest Cakey
Oh, this makes me feel so much better ! Just knowing there are others out there that are sorting through their "stuff" and inevitably getting rid of bits. Was up in the attic yesterday, making a list of what is worth taking and what's going to the Boot Sale (did a couple last year and am slightly surprised at how much I have still got). Ebaying a few bits as well, and starting to get a bit overwhelmed by it all to be honest. Does anyone else feel like that at this stage? Can't wait to go but dreading the packing up and goodbyes. It's usually tears at Melbourne Airport when we have to come back here, but I am beginning to feel like its going to be tears at Gatwick this time.


Just started transferring money to Son-in-law who had his Centrelink interview today, we had our medicals last week and as far as we know we are both "OK". We know the reports have gone off and Dr provided the courier tracking number. To be honest the medical was nothing like we expected, it only took about 15 mins each, (and another hour to provide a urine sample!!) Nerves get to you, don't they! Just waiting on Police Reports and filling in Form 80.


So excited, it's all beginning to really happen now!




I know exactly how you feel! We had our medicals last week and are just waiting also for our police checks.....I was getting a bit worried trying to get everything done within the twenty-eight day time limit. We also did a car boot last week and trying to smarten up the house ready for putting it on the market.........I have vowed never to accumulate junk again!..............I will probably only be able to afford a caravan by the time I've finished paying out for the visa and everything else, but perhaps that will be a good thing, there won't be enough room to store any clutter!



cheers Cakey

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We also did a car boot last week and trying to smarten up the house ready for putting it on the market.........I have vowed never to accumulate junk again!..............I will probably only be able to afford a caravan by the time I've finished paying out for the visa and everything else, but perhaps that will be a good thing, there won't be enough room to store any clutter!



cheers Cakey


:idea:What Wanda has done with all the assorted boxes of gear we want to take to Oz is to make 2 false double beds out of the boxes and then cover them with double quilt and pillows etc, so when people come to view the house they can A, see the bedroom can take a double bed and B, they don't see a pile of boxes. Also the garden shed groans with more bits but it helps keep the house looking good.


We are now in the position of de-cluttering what we have already de-clutted. :wacko:


Sold a Wendy House and a large climbing frame this week so a few more £s in the fighting fund. :yes: Anyway I didn't fit in them anymore.:biglaugh:

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I know exactly how you feel! We had our medicals last week and are just waiting also for our police checks.....I was getting a bit worried trying to get everything done within the twenty-eight day time limit. We also did a car boot last week and trying to smarten up the house ready for putting it on the market.........I have vowed never to accumulate junk again!..............I will probably only be able to afford a caravan by the time I've finished paying out for the visa and everything else, but perhaps that will be a good thing, there won't be enough room to store any clutter!



cheers Cakey


Clive's down at the dump as I write (not in the dumps). :biggrin:Last lot of books and magazines to remove tomorrow - far too hot up in the loft today!:cool:


$ had a little rise this morning and we started looking at properties in the next 'bracket' just for fun - have now decided we don't want the upkeep of a pool and could manage with 3 beds instead of 4 so plenty of scope!:laugh:


Isn't it getting exciting? :yes: Bits of garden furniture keep disappearing round various neightbours gardens and we're loving giving stuff away - can't be bothered with the hastle of EBay - our stuff isn't worth a huge amount.:biglaugh:Just happy to see it go to a good home.

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Well done jtct, :biggrin: another CO in under the year, they must be running well under the quota for this year or they expect the pound to fall even further. :swoon:


If they gave you 28 days you are running into 2 lots of Bank Holidays in the UK to slow things up but if that happens do not be afraid to ask for extra time (like we did) even if you don't use it.


Our agent told us as long as we can show/give updates we are making progress (ie sent Police checks and made appointments for Medicals and AoS even if not completed) within that timescale - its not a problem

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Oh, this makes me feel so much better ! Just knowing there are others out there that are sorting through their "stuff" and inevitably getting rid of bits. Was up in the attic yesterday, making a list of what is worth taking and what's going to the Boot Sale (did a couple last year and am slightly surprised at how much I have still got). Ebaying a few bits as well, and starting to get a bit overwhelmed by it all to be honest. Does anyone else feel like that at this stage? Can't wait to go but dreading the packing up and goodbyes. It's usually tears at Melbourne Airport when we have to come back here, but I am beginning to feel like its going to be tears at Gatwick this time.


Just started transferring money to Son-in-law who had his Centrelink interview today, we had our medicals last week and as far as we know we are both "OK". We know the reports have gone off and Dr provided the courier tracking number. To be honest the medical was nothing like we expected, it only took about 15 mins each, (and another hour to provide a urine sample!!) Nerves get to you, don't they! Just waiting on Police Reports and filling in Form 80.


So excited, it's all beginning to really happen now!



You will be fine, it's good for the soul!! getting rid of all the stuff you haven't used for ages.

Wait until you have to pack your cases with just 40kgs !!!:arghh:

I'm moving at the end of April to stay with my younger daughter for a few weeks before I fly out 2nd June. Stuff gets shipped at the end of April when I move out of my rented cottage & I then have to pack my 40kgs very carefully. I'm not looking forward to choosing what to pack & what to ship. As I'm sharing a container it will take longer to get to OZ & I may have to live out of 2 cases of clothes for upto 5 months - YUCK


I know that it will all be worth it but you cant help but worry. I'm worrying now that I will not be able to get a job after seeing Matt's comments a couple of days ago.


Only 8 weeks until I fly out - will be so relieved when that plane takes off


good luck



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We left the contents of at least one of our suitcases behind on our last trip to avoid just that. My summer wardrobe here is seriously depleted but I'm not buying any more!


We filled the empty suitcase with childrens cloths the girls had grown out of and dropped them off at my daughter's best friend for her family.


Not long now Katie - you must be so excited

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