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Our house is a lot smaller than Alan's - we use the Mortien Bug Bombs twice a year - work a treat :smile:


Not so nice when you come back home after the two hours and have to hoover up the dead bodies and realise that these lovely creatures have been sharing a space with you for the last few months :wideeyed:

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I forgot the pantry moths - how could I forget eating my mixed nuts and realising I was also eating larvae that was wiggling in my throat in between my teeth, in my hair and crawled all over bed as was sitting up having late night snack. I had to shower - still being sick. I have nightmares but a moth trap in pantry - I have two as bit OTT and paranoid - works perfectly. I hate bugs and crawly things and they know it as seek me out to torment me. We tried the bombs but hated seeing the volume of creatures and also doesn't effectively get in the hinges of cupboards which spray an does which apparently is 'home sweet home' to unwanted residents. My motto is only humans and teenage son can live in our house Kim

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Thanks for all the comments and advice, after reading @Skeelsy about bugs etc etc, I fear I will never read another letter in the postbox ever again, and if there was ever something to help me lose some weight, it's the bugs in the pantry!:wacko: As for the advice on the broadband, thanks to all, we will visit a store to see what they can offer, but as I said worse case scenario is wait till IMMI say yes! (If they don't now, then e600 and a one year holiday begins!)

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gosh that was quick Steely, looks really nice, not far from us in Jindalee or to the golf club or Joondalup shops .How cold it is here at night that fire looks good too. Try telstra for your internet, sometimes you have to bite the bullet , we did, got optus for the mobiles and they are useless. Just have a problem with them over the EPL next season. happy new home to you both.


Hi @odies, yes we liked the feel and tranquility of Connolly, and the golf course being so close is a big bonus, once my clubs arrive. The pool is something Karen, my wife wanted, I'm sure its a fund drainer, but in the early days, making her comfortable and happy is key, and anything to help stop us both feeling homesick, is worth paying for I reckon.


With the train system close by we can be in CBD quickly too! If you fancy a beer sometime, let me know!

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@AlanSteel - if you don't like bugs then don't forget to book bug sprayers - we pay about $150 twice a year. Also go to Bunnings - my husband loves Bunnings - staff know his name at local store!! - buy the strongest spray - says may cause numbness for few hours if comes in contact with skin!! You will need to do postbox regularly and the red backs love that railing you have. My sister was bitten by red back - luckily no severe reaction and brother in law bitten by male red back through his work boots - less reaction caused by male I believe but apparently very painful. On collecting mail from my box for first time I felt something on my arm and was red back crawling along - luckily I shook my arm and it fell off. Also the massive big spiders love to live in bathrooms behind mirrors and cupboards so check out with plenty of spray. Also snakes love the pool filters so make sure got good cover. Once done you can be assured you are the only occupants of your beautiful new home. if you are going to grow flowers, produce in garden you will need net fencing as the kangas will invade as consider you are offering free lunch. PS look on gumtree as usually can find loads free wood for that fire - we have never bought wood here - you will need to collect it Kim[/quote


Blimey Kim, your place sounds dangerous, bugs, snakes, spiders, raiding kangaroos having lunch!

Everytime we've been out to Oz the worst we've seen is a red ant! As for Kangas, it was our fifth visit before we one saw one and he was on his own. Well we will have to wait and see........finally moved out of our home and business yesterday after 4 days of removal men. I,ve never seen so much packing material, everything appeared to be triple wrapped. Chudleys did a great job, just glad it's all over. Going to need a skip at the other end for all the waste. Just realised that we are now officially on holiday until our visa comes through.......2 weeks here and then off to Oz.


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Hi @odies, yes we liked the feel and tranquility of Connolly, and the golf course being so close is a big bonus, once my clubs arrive. The pool is something Karen, my wife wanted, I'm sure its a fund drainer, but in the early days, making her comfortable and happy is key, and anything to help stop us both feeling homesick, is worth paying for I reckon.


With the train system close by we can be in CBD quickly too! If you fancy a beer sometime, let me know!

hi, we would love a beer or two my hubby Roy plays golf once a week at Carramar, its cheaper, . You will just love the pool in summer, can't help with the homesickness it kicks in at the most funny times. We have had a few hours up in Two Rocks today in the sunshine , we thought of Padstow there ?!.Went to Bells Rapids last weekend and thought of the Manifold Valley ?! When you are free give us a shout. Also a few of us over 45 ladies are meeting next weds. 5.30 at the Dome in Butler for a coffee if Karen would like to come, she would be made most welcome as we are all new to each other. hope to hear from you soon, Linda

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Guest geordie joe
I forgot the pantry moths - how could I forget eating my mixed nuts and realising I was also eating larvae that was wiggling in my throat in between my teeth, in my hair and crawled all over bed as was sitting up having late night snack. I had to shower - still being sick. I have nightmares but a moth trap in pantry - I have two as bit OTT and paranoid - works perfectly. I hate bugs and crawly things and they know it as seek me out to torment me. We tried the bombs but hated seeing the volume of creatures and also doesn't effectively get in the hinges of cupboards which spray an does which apparently is 'home sweet home' to unwanted residents. My motto is only humans and teenage son can live in our house Kim


Just been to Bunnings for 3 bug bombs after Linda spotted a spider in the bedroom last night, we only bug bombed the whole house 4 weeks ago as Linda has a similar fear/hatred of all bugs.


How many more hideous creatures do we have to contend with, apparently we have poisonous snakes, all kinds of spiders some of which are big enough to carry off a small pet, and now you mention something called a pantry moth. Oh well back to Bunnings for more sprays, lotions, traps, zappers and whatever else I can find so my OH can sleep at night.



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Just been to Bunnings for 3 bug bombs after Linda spotted a spider in the bedroom last night, we only bug bombed the whole house 4 weeks ago as Linda has a similar fear/hatred of all bugs.


How many more hideous creatures do we have to contend with, apparently we have poisonous snakes, all kinds of spiders some of which are big enough to carry off a small pet, and now you mention something called a pantry moth. Oh well back to Bunnings for more sprays, lotions, traps, zappers and whatever else I can find so my OH can sleep at night.




Might be a silly question but ... are you remembering to close the screen doors to stop them getting in in the first place? You can leave windows and doors open, but make sure those screens are tight shut.

Edited by Catlady2014
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Hello Fisher, interesting to hear that you are back in North Wales! I have just come back from a 5 day trip around there (Llandudno, Criccieth, Port Merrion, Bala), making the most of my time still in the UK to visit the many beautiful places that we have here. My visa is still at least 18 months away and, apparently getting further away by the minute with all the Immi delays.

With the EU referendum coming up, and the BREXIT talk of adopting an Australian points system to address the immigration "problem" (as they see it) here, it really makes me want to laugh. If only they really knew the problems such a system can cause, as we all know so well. It actually makes me very cross to think that Australia can be so picky and only really want the young, totally healthy, skilled migrants. It is such a discriminatory system and the fact that I may be turned down from joining my children if I have any health problems really worries me. And that is to say nothing of the price that Australia requires us to pay in order to get the visa!



I think you're right to visit while you can. The two years passes quicker than you think! Happy travelling.

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Hi all. I am beginning to feel my 'drama queen' propensity has kicked in. An underlying heart condition kicked in due to the stress doc reckons and I have been under medical care for a week but getting better. Our sons uk police check through up a problem - some trouble he got into without our knowledge - he didn't want to admit to it as knew pain it would cause - stupid boy knew we would understand but didn't want to hurt us after all this time as happened when he was 14/15. So now Immi making us wait up to 40 days for further info on the details of the warning Harri received even though they freely admit won't affect our meeting criteria and is just a formality. Looks like my husbands job offer he had lined up is going to be withdrawn. Well positive note is one less family skeleton in the cupboard to find and at least I have had medical and passed before this recent relapse. Kim


Best wishes Kim, I hope it all gets sorted before too long. Oh the things we do when we are fifteen. My daughter told me just couple of years ago (at age 38) that she had been hoiked off to the Police station when she was sixteen for smoking pot in the park on a Saturday afternoon. As you do. Luckily there were a crowd of them so they were let off with a warning - it could have been so different. Good luck with it all.

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Hi, so far we have done everything on visitor visa, and only had to show either driving license or passport to prove who we are. We are paying 6 months rent upfront, which in a stalled rental market, added massive sway to our lease agreement! By the way, thats not my opinion of the rental market, this was said by 3 of the 5 real estate agents we met!



Thank You Alan, for your answer to buying a car. We have an e600 visa also. We are going to Queensland to join our family, miss them and our grandchildren so much, just hope we get granted our 143, to stay, still got a long wait for it.



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[ATTACH=CONFIG]33696[/ATTACH]This Huntsman thought he could move into our place - he was wrong - he lost a leg in battle to evict him - Kim 1 Hop-a-long huntsman 0. He was bigger than my hand Kim


Arrrgh.... don't think I will cope with these monsters my spider catcher won't be big enough, where do they like to breed ?

Now I know why light coloured tile floors are popular you wouldn't want it to blend in with its background.

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[ATTACH=CONFIG]33696[/ATTACH]This Huntsman thought he could mo've into our place - he was wrong - he lost a leg in battle to evict him - Kim 1 Hop-a-long huntsman 0. He was bigger than my hand Kim


ha ha we had a huntsman in our house swap house four years ago, and convinced it was a funnel web (I know, I know) tried to kill it by dropping an encyclopaedia on it. the b****y thing crawled out from underneath ...

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Ha ha @Fisher1 - I have old telephone directory wrapped in plastic so that it can be wiped down! I drop that on offending creepy crawly then three jumps on it to be sure then my trusty pink fly swat with long handle in one hand and lift with the other - any movement get almighty wack. I then use flat side of swat to push into plastic bag - sorted. My kids keep telling me go 'man up' - I am not really scared of them just hate them - freely admit I am a creepy crawlyist. Despite this I still love being here Kim

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This Huntsman thought he could move into our place - he was wrong - he lost a leg in battle to evict him - Kim 1 Hop-a-long huntsman 0. He was bigger than my hand Kim

My primal instincts kicked in just after we'd backed out of a parking spot in Burnie, TAS a couple of months ago when one of those came crawling down the A-pillar of our car towards me. I jumped out of the car, completely forgetting that it was in drive with the handbrake off. I had to jump back in, put the gears in park, apply the handbrake and get back out. TBO, I don't think my backside touched the driver's seat in the process! The huntsman got evicted with a stiff piece of card a few seconds later -- and I spent the next week checking under the sun visors and inspecting the air vents before getting into the car!

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My primal instincts kicked in just after we'd backed out of a parking spot in Burnie, TAS a couple of months ago when one of those came crawling down the A-pillar of our car towards me. I jumped out of the car, completely forgetting that it was in drive with the handbrake off. I had to jump back in, put the gears in park, apply the handbrake and get back out. TBO, I don't think my backside touched the driver's seat in the process! The huntsman got evicted with a stiff piece of card a few seconds later -- and I spent the next week checking under the sun visors and inspecting the air vents before getting into the car!


Ive just read this thread properly instead of skim reading, because my attention was caught by the line 'I shook my arm and luckily it fell off' in an earlier post ... I'm so glad to be sitting up in bed drinking tea in North Wales, not a new or a south in sight. Pantry moths? Wiggly lava? OMG I thought cockroaches were the worst of it! I've only just stopped checking the kitchen floor when I go barefooted to make that early morning tea - my daughter reliably informed me that one had dropped on her head a few weeks before our holiday so I spent a lot of time in Sydney refusing to walk under trees and squirting anything that moved in the kitchen.


Kangaroos i I can cope with. :-)

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Hi all


We've applied for the 600 visas as we have flights booked for July but as yet after 3 weeks have heard virtually nothing.


We do have some time left on our e651's and can travel out on those but can we remain onshore in Australia when the 600's are granted?


Stress - what stress??!!


Bet wishes



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