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Mr Luvpants update.

mr luvpants

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Well peeps


I have been on here for about 1.5 years and have organised a few Essex meets and have posted where I though I could offer some advice etc. Well for us the journey starts tomorrow.


My wife Lisa was a student nurse last year and we went to oz to see my brother and Lisa managed to secure 3 weeks working in a hospital as a work placement. We both loved the life style and decided it was us. In January of this year Lisa qualified and we have been getting all the documentation together to apply to the ANMC to get Lisa's nursing skills recognised. Tomorrow we are going to get the copies certified and then straight into the post office!


We have set ourselves the target of the beginning of 2011 to be over there.This date is fluid as we would prefer to sell the house and so the date will depend on that and of course how ever long the visa takes to come through.


I still have days when I wonder what I will be gaining by going to oz. I know I will miss my friends like crazy. I also have another dilemma.I am a firefighter at present and really fancy a career change when out there. I went to a QLD police recruitment seminar and decided that is where I want to go. I initially applied to the MET police over here, just to get a letter of appointment to show the QLD interview panel that I was serious. However I have just been offered a start date for the 7th September and am considering taking it. My dilemma is:


Go in Jan 2011.Stay as a FF till then but I have to do a £800 educational course to be able to apply for the Queensland police.Doing it this way I can get a career break for a year from the Fire service so have a safety net.




Join the MET, do 18 months and then go to oz? No safety net. Will the MET get the hump that I have left early after spending all that money on me for training and then give me a bad reference?


Oz is predicted to have 7-8% unemployment in 2011. I have no trade to fall back on. Public services is all I know.At least if I cant get a decent job then I have the my old job to come back to. Joining the MET police i dont have this luxury.


I have spoken to to the QLD police and they said that any Police service is looked upon favourably.It all depends on the "safety net" and how confident we think we are going to make it out there. We have been 3 times to Oz and love it but going somewhere on holiday and living there are 2 different things although last year we were there for 7 weeks. Having said that we are both really proactive people and honestly feel that we will have no problem making and keeping friends.


Well enough warbling from me and hope that you are still awake.



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Hiya John

If QLD have said any police history would be useful can you not become a Part time community bobby and fit it in around your FF hours ?

To be honest the police in QLD seem to do recuitment workshops every few months trying to get newbies to join up so i think even with no police work history you would still stand a good chance of being recruited.

Tough decision but lots of luck for whatever you decide, keep us posted won't you?

Cal x

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Hiya John

If QLD have said any police history would be useful can you not become a Part time community bobby and fit it in around your FF hours ?



Good idea Cal and I had thought of it already but the powers that be in Essex fire service said a big fat "NO"! They said it would be a conflict of interest as we attend a lot of incidents with the police.



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Oh thats a shame,, ok next idea (please bear in mind i am biz at geography,lol) where i lived in the UK we would come under GMP, but only a short drive in the opposite direction i would be in Lancashire which is served by a totally different police and fire service. What about asking the powers that be again BUT to become a CB out of the area your station covers? (hope that makes sense)

Hope you manage to sort something

Cal x

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john. just to let you know my wife has a friend who lives in perth and his son is a police man and they have to do (i think) a year in a town which is out of the way. his son loved it so much he has stayed on in the town. but i think you are strongly encouraged to do a stint in the bush or in the not so popular places. i might be completely wrong but might be worth checking out so you know all the facts.

So not only are you considering moving over side of the world but a career change as well. fair play and hope it goes well. i think alot of people change career i have met a few.

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Thanks for all the advice guys. Cal, that still wont work because a copper has to place themselves on duty if the need arises even if they are not in their "catchment" area. Andyhus, I dont think that happens in QLDPOL. I am in contact with quite a few people that have been in varying amounts of time and that has not happened to any of them. However they did saw that single persons are "asked" to go to faraway places.


If anyone is interested, if you have not got a degree you will need some sort of diploma to apply. Take a look at www.beapoliceofficer.com.au and that gives you all the detail you need.


Still have not decided what to do yet. My head tells me stay as I am but my heart says join the MET!



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Hi John


I am a nurse working for qld health presently looking after prisoners in a main hospital if you want to join the police have you thought about working for correctional services here in qld when first arrive then you can take leave of abscence from uk fire service get some work and OH can settle in to her job and you then when settled look at joining the force. Whilst working for correctional services can do distance learning with taffe and undertake justice courses all good things recognised for joining the police and then you have the safety net of the fire service if you need to but Im sure you wont if you need any further info give me a shout

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Difficult one - Thinking aloud - if you tried the Met then you would know if police work is really what you want to do. Although it will be slightly different in the UK to Aus particularly regarding firearms. It will give you an understanding and some experience and may help settling into a new country and totally new job that little bit easier.


I know where you're coming from in as much as I thought of taking a career break from work to give me the safety net if things didn't work out here. in the end decided to just go for it perhaps not having that safety net made me a little more determined to make the best of things, I'm not sure, but - we haven't looked back.


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Guest guest30038

Can't really help you with the decision John other than to say that qld police are having an injection of money from the last budget to recruit more officers.


Lisa won't have any problems finding work in Brizzy, if you let me know what field she'd like to work in, I can ask my missus regarding the prospects at the Prince Charles as there is a huge expansion underway there............in fact, all the hospitals seem to be expanding.



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Hi John


Don’t forget that you will still have to apply for the career break; they may not let you have one. Mine was granted when I was on lite duties. Working your plan could fall down if you are unlucky enough not to be granted the leave.

Can you talk to personnel to see the feasibility of a FF on full duties being granted a career break?



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Can't really help you with the decision John other than to say that qld police are having an injection of money from the last budget to recruit more officers.


Lisa won't have any problems finding work in Brizzy, if you let me know what field she'd like to work in, I can ask my missus regarding the prospects at the Prince Charles as there is a huge expansion underway there............in fact, all the hospitals seem to be expanding.




PCH? That is one of the hospitals we are looking at. Lisa is in Care of the elderly at the mo and she said she does not mind going into that initially but will want to change later on in her career. Is there a CotE ward there?



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Hi John


Don’t forget that you will still have to apply for the career break; they may not let you have one. Mine was granted when I was on lite duties. Working your plan could fall down if you are unlucky enough not to be granted the leave.

Can you talk to personnel to see the feasibility of a FF on full duties being granted a career break?





Were you in the Job then? What are you doing now? The career break is sorted. I am the only one applying for it that year so far and HR have said that they will allow 5% of the work force to go at any one time. Also I know loads of blokes in Essex fire service that have had career breaks. The only down side that IF we did come back, I would not be 2 miles down the road like I am at the moment but will be posted to somewhere naughty!



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Were you in the Job then? What are you doing now? The career break is sorted. I am the only one applying for it that year so far and HR have said that they will allow 5% of the work force to go at any one time. Also I know loads of blokes in Essex fire service that have had career breaks. The only down side that IF we did come back, I would not be 2 miles down the road like I am at the moment but will be posted to somewhere naughty!





I was at Millwall at the time, 2 days after the career break was granted I was over here. I am now a print sales rep for Go2Print in Underwood. (Excellent quality and lower prices serving all parts of oz) :biggrin:

I would have joined the brigade over here but alas things kept breaking and falling off me!

The career break is an open door should anything go wrong. If you choose the break don’t resign until the very last day, even if things are going well for you.

If you plan it so that you leave ½ way through the fiscal year, they even give you a tax rebate each month in your pay packet, so keep your UK bank account open!



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Guest guest30038
PCH? That is one of the hospitals we are looking at. Lisa is in Care of the elderly at the mo and she said she does not mind going into that initially but will want to change later on in her career. Is there a CotE ward there?




Yes there is mate. There's also a large dedicated aged care facility 10 minutes from here.



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Guest The Bee Family

Hi John,


I think you should follow your heart. For you and Lisa, is it a chance worth making?

I'm sure you will make the right decission.


Good Luck and let us know what you decide.




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I was at Millwall at the time, 2 days after the career break was granted I was over here. I am now a print sales rep for Go2Print in Underwood. (Excellent quality and lower prices serving all parts of oz) :biggrin:

I would have joined the brigade over here but alas things kept breaking and falling off me!

The career break is an open door should anything go wrong. If you choose the break don’t resign until the very last day, even if things are going well for you.

If you plan it so that you leave ½ way through the fiscal year, they even give you a tax rebate each month in your pay packet, so keep your UK bank account open!




Martin you Numpty!!! We came to yours last year for a BBQ! Its John & Lisa!!!! Tell me more about this tax rebate. We will be leaving in Jan 2010 if we got the career break way.



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Guest guest30038
Any chance of getting a contact address/phone number please?




The wife is out on her morning 2hr jog with the dog but I'll get back to you when she comes back.



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Martin you Numpty!!! We came to yours last year for a BBQ! Its John & Lisa!!!! Tell me more about this tax rebate. We will be leaving in Jan 2010 if we got the career break way.





NUMPTY!!! and theres me thinking you forgot what I told you!


Tax rebate....I was pleasently supprised when the pay cheque was blank apart from about $300 each month. Your tax code is set at a level at the begining of each fiscal year (barring updates and changes). As you will only be working for 83% of that year your tax code would need to be recalculated, in essence you have paid to much tax in the 1st 10 months so they give it back each month!! unfortunatly you will only get a small amount back, but still a rebate.

If i'm wrong on this assumption (I have been known to get the odd thing wrong) I'm sure there is someone out there who could put you straight on this matter, and you could call me Numbty again!



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Hey you know it was a term of endearment me old mate. You have been a rock and your advice is always appreciated (and your prawns)! Should have known that you were stringing me along so the jokes on me and sorry if I offended you.


Have you heard from Mark and Karen?


Well after 2 visits to the solicitors as he forgot to date it, the big white envelope will be winging itself to oz this morning. The solicitor knew someone at my station so when it was payment time he charged us £20 for certifying 12 docs. Result! Hopefully it should all be worth it and Lisa wont have to sit the IELTS test.



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john you say lisa is doing aged care at moment just becareful that she doesnt get trapped in the aged care trap when coming over try and get some other experience otherwise she may just be lumped with aged care what area would she ideally like to be in I wish you both the best in yr new adventure

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