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SUMMARY: Spouse Visa Processing times OFFSHORE-UK. Please add your Stats.

Guest sr1992

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Guest Nando65

Thanks for the information, it is a killer this waiting!!!


Hey Nando,

Unfortunately I'm not sure a clear police check makes much difference, I handed in 2, one from each country which were completely clear & its still taken 4 months for me.


I'll also add that myself & my partner did not use a migration agent but we did go see one for a 1 off meeting to get a rough idea from him as to whether we were applying for the right visa and whether we had the right evidence for our case & for instance how many photos to include etc. He was quite helpful in that we could have applied in slightly different way depending on when we wanted to be in & out of the country but essentially from information gathered on here & suggestions from other people we were on the right track anyway & as long as you have the time to put into pulling the application together yourself its worth saving the money in my opinion!

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We applied on 8th June and was told straight off that it would be 3-4 month wait....

So that time scale has passed, but we did get an email mid september saying it may take longer. I got frustrated last friday and rang our CO, only to find that they are not working there anymore!!! Arrrggghhhh!!!! But we now have a new CO who is saying that we *should* have an answer by this Friday, but ring again if we do not hear anything before..... my nerves and patience are beyond tested!!!!! :eek:


FYI our old CO was NJ.. so if you have this person, you may want to call her number and get the details of the new CO.



Triksta, I had NJ also and was moved onto GF but he was out of the office last week until this Monday and so perhaps this may explain the delay. Fingers crossed that it comes along very soon :jiggy:.


Sent the above and realised I don't actually know whether you now have GF sorry, just presumed.

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Guest triksta
Triksta, I had NJ also and was moved onto GF but he was out of the office last week until this Monday and so perhaps this may explain the delay. Fingers crossed that it comes along very soon :jiggy:.


Sent the above and realised I don't actually know whether you now have GF sorry, just presumed.


Ahhh, I now have RF.. SO her work has been spread to a few people it looks like!!!!!

Thanks for the support.... any day now I hope!!!!! :wideeyed:

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Guest davison1978

no neither of us used an agent and dont think you need to, it involves a lot of paperwork but its not as daunting as it first looks and you save money in doings so. i think 3/4 months is about right, how long since you applied nando? they are not the quickest in responding to emails ect, usually takes about a week to get a reply.

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Guest Mikeslady

I see that some of the new applications are being told 5-6 months by their CO. I sent my appplication in a month ago and was told 6 months (no mention of possibly getting it earlier). I was hoping to see 5-6 in the hope that maybe I might get it in 5. Has anyone else been told 6 months? I know it might not seem like much of a difference, but I feel like I'm counting down the days already so if I got the visa a month earlier I'd be over the moon!!

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We got told 5/6 months and when we spoke to our CO, she said that it was looking more like 6. Does anyone know if this just relates to the actual granting of the visa - ie if you're going to be rejected, do you get told earlier?

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I got told very quickly that I was going to get the visa, but it took another three months before it was granted. It might just be worth asking your CO to clarify...

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We got told 6 months no mention of 5-6 months our application was received and payment taken September 13th had to send in my police certificate as i am the sponsor and our daughter is on the visa application, no other information requested, we didn't know it was worth contacting the CO for an approx date as my hubby has a job lined up and would be good to let them know when he would be able to start

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Guest sweet tooth
I see that some of the new applications are being told 5-6 months by their CO. I sent my appplication in a month ago and was told 6 months (no mention of possibly getting it earlier). I was hoping to see 5-6 in the hope that maybe I might get it in 5. Has anyone else been told 6 months? I know it might not seem like much of a difference, but I feel like I'm counting down the days already so if I got the visa a month earlier I'd be over the moon!!


It seems the DIAC are sticking to the upper end of given dates rather than granting them sooner so I feel it is unlikely that you'll have yours granted before 6 months if they have told you 6 months. I was told 3-4 months and i'm now a week away from my 4 month mark. I rang up my CO with a change of status around the 2 month mark and he said I'd satisfied all the criteria but they were unable to grant until the 4 month mark. The waiting is a real killer I know but hold on in there!

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Guest sweet tooth

Could anybody tell me what happens once you have been granted the 309 visa in regards to getting a 100 visa in the future as I don't quite understand. Do you after 2 years have to go through this waiting game again after handing in another stack full of evidence of your relationship to another CO?

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Guest triksta

Unfortunately they do seem to be sticking the longer of the timescales.

Personally, I did not use an agent as I saw it as another expense that I couldn't really afford. It does look daunting at first, but if you just make yourself really organised, it is possible to do yourself successfully. We just took each component one at a time and worked from there. I also recommend that you copy everything before sending, as we missed a question of the initial application form, and they asked for the entire section to be completed again, so having copies of it meant that we could re-answer the questions word for word.


Good luck to everyone.... my last bit of advice is try and not let it keep you awake at night... at the end of the day, as long as you are honest, there is no reason they will not give you a visa. It is just making sure you tick all the boxes they need to give you the ok.... I do feel like I have given them a list of all the hot dinners I have eaten in my life... but it is worth it for the new life we will have in Australia... whenever we get there!!! :chatterbox:

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Guest RobynAtPresentInLondon

We have joined the ranks of those waiting and hoping that the timescales are actually not as long as they say... :|

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Guest triksta

4 months and 2 weeks later.. Sub Class 100 visa approved!!!! :v_SPIN:


Thanks for all the help from everyone on here and good luck to those still waiting!! :hug:


Off to pop the champagne!!!

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Guest christinenpete
4 months and 2 weeks later.. Sub Class 100 visa approved!!!! :v_SPIN:


Thanks for all the help from everyone on here and good luck to those still waiting!! :hug:


Off to pop the champagne!!!


Congrats, thats awesome news :cool:

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Guest Mikeslady
4 months and 2 weeks later.. Sub Class 100 visa approved!!!! :v_SPIN:


Thanks for all the help from everyone on here and good luck to those still waiting!! :hug:


Off to pop the champagne!!!



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Guest Nando65
Hi all,

Just thought i would add my stats to the stat party.

Using Go Matilda.

App lodged at AHC 19th Aug

Medical requested 1st Sept. Med done 13th sept.

Police check sent to Go matilda 14th sept. Just the waiting game now.


Crown coming on 20th sept.


Wife going out on the 17th oct with the little fella so i have a whole month without seeing them. I know not as long as some of you guys, but i have never been away from my wife for 10 years.So it will be a very long month for me.


Flight booked to go out on tourist visa 19th Nov.







Can you take a look on the site regarding removalists and let us know how you got on with your chosen company, other site says people had major issues with the "queen wears one!!" Would appreciate the feedback.



Nando 65, best to use the removalist forum, I will take a look at give you the forum it would help loads, cheers.

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Guest sharonchef

congratulations.i am at the 3month and 1 week stage.so scared i may be in the 5-6 month bracket and my husband has to be back in oz in 8 weeks as his return visa has run out then.they did quote 3-4 months on 20th july when it was lodged.

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