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should we just forget the whole thing??


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Hi guys, sorry in advance but feel like a moan , feeling disheartened today!:sad:


WE are really having second thoughts about going to oz as im sure many are purely down to the state of the entire world economy. We are both in well payed secure local gov jobs at the moment, we own our own home, have a car, our son has just got into his chosen high school for august were going to turkey for our summer hols and today the sun is a blistering 25 in Edinburgh! Do we give that up right at the minute to sell the house if we can for far less than its worth, give up good jobs to go to oz where we may not even get jobs and only take minimal funds??? its just all seeming a little to risky at the moment? i want to be there more than anything in the world but im scared right now is the wrong time, as we couldnt afford to have to come back, we would have nothing? if my son starts high school in august and we dont go within the next 12-18mths do i really want to take him out school at thata vital time? god we dont know what to do for the best? should we cut our losses bite the bullet and go for it? We have our hearts set on the sunshine coast but our friends emailed telling us that its getting very hard to get work in SE Qld period, the gold coast construction has virtually ground to a halt, she works in real estate and said the amount of people handing the keys to their renatls back are soaring as they cant afford them! She also said there is definately a growing attitude of "damn brits coming here and taking our jobs" beginning to emerge, she siad she has never experienced that b4! what do we do? whats everyones thoughts and opinions?

Many thanks

Kelly and Jamie:hug:

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Hi, You are the only ones who can make that choice in the end. It is very difficult, me and my family decided about 6 weeks ago we would put off our move for at least 18 months due to the economy, the visa issues which became apparant a couple of weeks ago just cemented that decision. We to have a son who is starting secondary school in September so we know how you feel. One thing I think we should all bear in mind is that even though we might have to take our children out of these schools in order to move I dont think it would have an everlasting affect as kids do tend to just get on with things so maybe just putting it back for a year or so would not be the end of the world. Whatever you decide to do, good luck and I hope it all goes well for you.

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Guest lolajays

We too are in the same place as you at the moment, We are putting off any move for 18 months to 2 years. My son also starts secondary school in september, I worry it will be the wrong time to move him but we will think about that when we get there. Meanwhile were off to vic and Perth in 6 weeks for a holiday/ recci and cant wait.

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Guest jason brickie

Hi, we are in the same position!!!! But we are still going! We have lots of family on the goldcoast and according to them as long as you dont mind stepping out of your comfort zone (work wise) then there is work about. Its just the worry of all the things that could go wrong I suppose. We have 3 children so its a real worry sometimes. Good luck with your decision.

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Our son all starts secondary school in September, we are still waiting for visa and house to sell but will be off just as soon as we can,

We just dont want to regret not trying, although we are maybe a little luckier as hubby is a nurse so should be ok for work



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Hi i can totally relate to what you are saying, we go for a validation trip in June and this will give us the chance for the make or break decision, our eldest son is due to start High School in September, we don't earn a great deal of money here, but at least we do get a little bit of help, and of course its a bonus with mortgages being so low, and the main thing is we both have jobs. We are going to see what the cost of living is like out in Oz, and of course the jobs, and we will weigh up whether it is the right thing for us, if not we are going to forget about Oz, and finally move on with our lives in the UK, as we have put everything on hold for our dream, so we will see what happens in June

Best of luck with whatever you decide to do

Tania X

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Hi I think you are being very realistic and practical. We are at a different stage to you our kids have finished high school and I wouldn't have considered anything like this until then. We had also sold our house and are in rental here. We are also at the top end age wise and are looking, unbelievably we feel, toward retirement planing now. If the signs are not good for you and yours go with your head- you can delay your plans in the comfort of the UK with schooling and jobs secured. We are able to leave at this point before health, finance and other age related factors become important- it is our window and it is right for us! Good Luck.


Hi guys, sorry in advance but feel like a moan , feeling disheartened today!:sad:


WE are really having second thoughts about going to oz as im sure many are purely down to the state of the entire world economy. We are both in well payed secure local gov jobs at the moment, we own our own home, have a car, our son has just got into his chosen high school for august were going to turkey for our summer hols and today the sun is a blistering 25 in Edinburgh! Do we give that up right at the minute to sell the house if we can for far less than its worth, give up good jobs to go to oz where we may not even get jobs and only take minimal funds??? its just all seeming a little to risky at the moment? i want to be there more than anything in the world but im scared right now is the wrong time, as we couldnt afford to have to come back, we would have nothing? if my son starts high school in august and we dont go within the next 12-18mths do i really want to take him out school at thata vital time? god we dont know what to do for the best? should we cut our losses bite the bullet and go for it? We have our hearts set on the sunshine coast but our friends emailed telling us that its getting very hard to get work in SE Qld period, the gold coast construction has virtually ground to a halt, she works in real estate and said the amount of people handing the keys to their renatls back are soaring as they cant afford them! She also said there is definately a growing attitude of "damn brits coming here and taking our jobs" beginning to emerge, she siad she has never experienced that b4! what do we do? whats everyones thoughts and opinions?

Many thanks

Kelly and Jamie:hug:

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You come into this world with nothing and go out the same way..


Why miss a chance like this, life is for living and you'll only regret it further down the line..


You have built up your empire here so why be defeatist and think you cant do it in Oz?


Think positive and get back on with the Oz dream!!

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Guest The Ropey HOFF



you are not on your own, we are going through the exact same worrying feelings and thoughts. we had our 175 pr residency visa lodged on the 10/3/09 and ever since we have been racked with worry and stress. we also have really good paid government jobs and know if we have to come back from oz then we wouldn't have a chance of getting a good job. our kids like yours have got into an excellent high school also and we worry that if we come back for any reason that we will ruin their education. All i can say is this, just think back to the very beginning on why you want to go to oz and you will see that the same reasons are really good ones. I won't go into what they are because there are people who are anti-oz who just want to slag people off for pointing out that the uk has gone down the pan and our kids futures look really bleak here. Its then that you realise that you are really doing it for your kids and future grand kids, they might get a better education in the uk, but if there are no jobs to go for and the jobs they are likely to get, will mean they will struggle all their lives in the uk, then there isn't a better reason than this to go to oz. You will get some saying that its the same in oz, well i don't believe that, if your kids are like ours and you think they will do well then i am certain that they will get a good job in oz, whereas in the uk our kids can do well at school and end up in a rubbish job. I have said this before on here are jobs such as Teaching, Nursing, Police, etc god careers to be going into now in the uk, my opinion and experience is NO!!!!! they are high stress working environments. From what i can gather on Poms in oz, these jobs over there are worth having, especially Nursing. All the best with what you decide, no matter what anyone says, it will be down to yourselves, which is the same for us. Helen & Jim. From sunny Yorkshire- not!

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Hi, its a very difficult time everywhere and you are bound to be nervous- its a massive step and change in your life. We are still waiting to actually get visa so wont be going till next year, we have put it back a few months anyway as recession here is affecting us being able to save. OH is self employed. My reasons for going is we work non stop and have nice house/car etc but no time to enjoy it. My children havent started school yet and I want a different future for them to what I can see here but unlike you I dont have the added stress of moving an older child.

The recession wont last forever ( hopefully ) :)

Have you done a rekkie ? Or could you validate visa so you dont feel rushed to decide then see how you feel a bit later on ? Good luck x

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thanks guys for all your replies, its just a crap situation worldwide now isnt it? 6mths ago we wree all set for the long journey ahead to get to oz, weve just forked out £900 for hubby to get an ozzie qual so we can qualify! we have been considering adelaide aswell as we will be applying for regional sponsorship, so thinking going there would give us a better chance than confining ourselves to the SC? but because we have friends up in QLD thats a massive draw to have the security of people you know there, and we jsut cant afford another trip to check SA! honestly im so rubbish in these situations with big choices to make!:arghh: i agree kids are very adaptable my son would be fine if i break it all down its the job thing that is what is worrying me and not getting one, tho yorkie clan your right we started from nowt here so we can do it again were young enough, nad im going to think back to all the reasons we wanted to go in the first place whilst looking atthe reccie pics of brissy! thanks xx

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Please don't give up,my wife and I have been through the mill to try to get to Australia,you wouldn't believe if I told you and there is not enough space on here to write the story.We have been bang at it for the best part of three years trying to get a visa and are on the last hurdle,we reduced our house by 70k and it sold,,,If someone asked me @would you change your life for 70k,,,I would say yes straight away,and regardless of secure jobs,just by thinking about it means there are a lot of uncertainties in your life.We will write the story one day and it will be a best seller

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Hi Kelly and Jaimie

Here's my 10 pence worth!!

With regards to your son.... has he decided what he wants to do with his life?

His career and the qualifications and training he needs for that?

Has he got it mapped and planned out?

If not, then moving him to Australia will have the potential to open his life to more challenges and possibilities.

If you're willing to let go of your 'comfortable life' and start from scratch.....then go for it, because you will also have new challenges and possibilities in your life.


Lots of luck:jiggy:

Sue x

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Below is a link to an Aussie ebay-type site's Community-Boards. The people posting are genuinely average Aussies from locations all over Australia, doing all sorts of work.


It's not a migrant forum. In fact, it represents only a tiny fraction of Aussies. It's a warts and all forum, not one tailored for potential UK migrants. It's a slice of 'true Oz' in other words. They won't know you even read it.



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Here's another link to the same forum, only this time, it's the 'Jobs' forum.


I haven't read the threads or posts, just taken a quick look at the thread titles.


Again, just average Aussies. Not trying to sell Australia to UK migrants and not trying to dissuade them from coming. These are Aussies talking to Aussies .. looking for work, etc.


Just click on the link below and it will come up for you. As well, you will be able to access the entire Oztion site, read all the forums and threads in real time (although it's going on four in the morning over here, so everyone's asleep). You can get a 'feel' for Oz by taking a tour through this site :-)


OZtion Forum - Job Seeking

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Guest AudBod

Hi Kelly/Jamie


Like many others, I know what you are going through. My hubby was told that he was getting an early pension from his work and was only waiting for it to be 'rubber stamped', 3 weeks ago. Now, he has been told that it will take longer than anticipated and no one knows how long (Till the Credit Crunch ends, I imagine). We were depending on the lump sum and monthly pension to allow us to make the move a whole lot easier. I too require an Aussie qualification at a cost of about £900 and don't know whether to apply just now and keep my fingers crossed, or wait till OH's position is sorted out for definate.


Meanwhile house prices are going down faster than a Hearts Player in the Penalty Box. One house in our Street, on the outskirts of Glasgow, was bought for £250,000 in December and sold for £205,000 last month. A friend of mine bid £230,000 for another one last summer, the owners rejected it, as they wanted £250,000 and she bought in the next Street. The people who knocked back her £230,000 eventually sold it last week for £187,000. Ouch !!


Our daughter is 6 and we always said that we would go to Oz, before she reached Secondary School, as it would be difficult to tear her away from friends and boyfriends, at an older age. At the moment we are all desperate to go, but she probably wants to go most of all. The beach and a pool are big things to a 6 year old. LOL.


It's a HUGE HUGE decision and probably the biggest one that you will ever make in your life, but if you don't go..... There will always, always be the 'what if' regret in your mind. Either way, I hope that you make the right choice and things go well for you.



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Here's a link to Queensland's biggest-circulation newspaper, The Courier Mail.


As you'll see, there's crime. There's cheap and glitzy. There's the real-estate industry desperately trying to 'talk up' a property recovery. There's tat and half naked women with gel-filled breasts all hoping to become 'rich and famous'.


Handy link for you to save. Most of the alleged 'news' is rubbish, like everywhere else. Australia reportedly has 'the most monopolistic media in the world', with virtually every local rag and capital city newspaper and tv station under the control of two 'media magnates' who dictate to their employees what the news 'will be'. So you get basically the same news all around Oz, differentiated only by the 'personality' of whichever controlled journalist writes it up.


But again, it should provide you a 'feel' for Downunder. Lots of links for you to click and you can link to all the other capitol city newspapers from this one. You will also be able to access the major real estate sites. And if you're really keen, you can combine them with Google Street Map and view the properties for sale from moving street camera



News | Breaking News from Brisbane and Queensland | The Courier-Mail

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Guest Magnetic6

Hi Kelly

I think you have quite literally hit the nail on the head with your post and summed up probably what the majority of PIO posters feel at the mo. When you have kids you do feel that their childhood goes so quickly, for me, i feel a bit under pressure to get out to oz before my eldest starts high school. However kids are so adaptable and when he looks back on his childhood he'll view it so differently...one year in my life will probably seem like five to him,does that make sense? I also have a good job here and couldn't ask to work with nicer people which really does make your job! However i discussed my similar wobble to yours with my husband today and he's more come day go day and says so what if it doesn't work out ...at least we've given the kids a few years of living in the sunshine and had a bit of an adventure! I must add though that we're lucky in that there seems to be plenty of work for my occupation and that's why we'll probably still go for it.

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Guest Bill_er_Bong
You come into this world with nothing and go out the same way..


Why miss a chance like this, life is for living and you'll only regret it further down the line..


You have built up your empire here so why be defeatist and think you cant do it in Oz?


Think positive and get back on with the Oz dream!!


Right on, couldn't have said it better myself!!! You even say in your post of wanting to go there more than anything else!!! Don't bottle it!! Or I guarrantee in 20 years time you'll be staring out of your window in Edinburgh on a cold dark winter's afternoon, watching the rain lash down, listening to the wind howling and thinking "..oh why did I never go... my life is slipping away..."


Rise to the challenge and get on with it! You have the chance? Be thankful for it! Good luck!

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Guest Clairey b

Hi everyone

We too are in the same boat. I will be ok as i'm a nurse, but its work for my hubby that worries me. My eldest is in his 2nd year of a brilliant high school, and my daughter has got a very sought after place for september-the last thing we want to do is give up everything we have here to go to the uncertainty of it all, but then the reasons that made us decide on this path are still there and haven't chaged!! What a complete nightmare decision it is isn't it!


Hey ho, heres hoping everyone can come to a decision they are all happy with xx


Claire xx

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