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going with not much cash?


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Well Goodluck to everyone whether you have £3000 or £100000!

and yes i believe having a positive attitude is a massive help but being realistic i also believe getting into work asap is a must unless you are gozzo!:wink:

but we are so determined and i am mentally very strong, i have done everything to do with this eventual move, i cant imagine the hours i have spent trawling the internet gathering info my husband says he feels like im having an affair with the computer! but we like most others are in the mind if we dont do it we,ll regret it so were going to give it a bash, whats the worse that could happen the kids spend 3 yrs living in oz? so be positive and just do it as my signature reads .................


But if you have financial baggage in the uk it will wait and lf you get here good luck but if it goes **** up it will sit and wait for you ,theres positive and heads in the sand thinkin it will all go away

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I think by the time we get out to oz with the way house prices are here in uk we will have max £25-30k fingers crossed. We're not moving to oz for financial gain or expecting that we will all of a sudden live the luxury lifestyle when we dont in the UK. We both kno that realistically we will have to work f/t but i'm hoping as a psych nurse i'll be able to secure a job before we leave. Initially we were hopin that after touching down in oz i wouldn't have to work for a couple of months but with the drop in property prices we'll be happy if i can have a couple of weeks off, then work. We're moving to oz for more quality time together as a family and the hope that oz can offer more opportunity to our son. Both of us are expecting to put the hours in and arent affraid of work..........its the spiders, snakes and crocs that we're scarred of!!

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Hey Kellyjamie,

Im with you on that cos if things go wrong at least you can come back to the Uk when you want, if you leave dept you can't come back for five years so I have been told.

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Guest vixpinkbabe
£10k for us too. Not worried in the slightest. We will either make it work or we wont. Simple.


£10k for me also, should be enough??!! Luckily I dont have a family to support. Happy to work from the word go! I'd have to work if i was here so would be no different!! xxx

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Guest madplumber1


Thanks to you all for your info, in truth we've been crapping it because we know that we won't be able to take a lot of dosh out.....agree with everything said within this thread.....it what your prepared to do to make it work...personaly i'm not bothered what I do as long as I get work. Good luck to everyone



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I can not understand how some can take the move so lightly ( i can always come back if i have to) to me it is one of the most serious thing I have ever done other than having children & marriage. I have worked & saved to achieve this life change & would not even contemplate the move if I had any doubts it would fail. For those going on very litttle would it harm you to wait a little longer to give your selfs a more solid footing when you land in oz.

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Sorry but i think your wrong If you mean me taking it lightly but how can you be sure 100% untill you have tried it, everybody is differant and people may arrive and find it is not what they thought and wan't to return to the Uk. Is that not just commen sense. In a ideal world we would all go for a holiday before we move but allot of people do not have the money to do that, so you can never be 100%

Sorry to go on but don't they say over in oz ( you never never know if you never never go) what Im trying to say is that its always a gamble and I admire each and everyone for doing it cos it takes ball's to do it.

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Sorry but i think your wrong If you mean me taking it lightly but how can you be sure 100% untill you have tried it, everybody is differant and people may arrive and find it is not what they thought and wan't to return to the Uk. Is that not just commen sense. In a ideal world we would all go for a holiday before we move but allot of people do not have the money to do that, so you can never be 100%

Why did you think I ment you ?

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I can not understand how some can take the move so lightly ( i can always come back if i have to) to me it is one of the most serious thing I have ever done other than having children & marriage. I have worked & saved to achieve this life change & would not even contemplate the move if I had any doubts it would fail. For those going on very litttle would it harm you to wait a little longer to give your selfs a more solid footing when you land


just because some people arent taking a lot of money ...doesnt mean they are taking the move lightly !!! .....we arent going with much ...but are determined to make it work ...and when you have been planning it for over 20 yrs ...i say its now or never !!! no one sets out thinking they will fail but on the other hand it might not be the lack of money that forces you to return ...money does not buy you happiness !!

mrs keily

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Guest bigmove2009

We've talked about doing it for the last 6yrs.... but the time has never been right, we certainly haven't taken things lightly.... Now though it's a case of lets just give it a go.... we are 99% sure we will never look back but you can never say never??? We are going to try and make a better life somewhere else! Hopefully it will work out - we aren't expecting to land in oz and make a million. We will both work just as hard, we just want a better lifestyle for us as a family... We do have debts here but have no intention of running off to Aussie and leaving them all behind - I couldn't live, looking over my shoulder!!!!

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I think by the time we get out to oz with the way house prices are here in uk we will have max £25-30k fingers crossed. We're not moving to oz for financial gain or expecting that we will all of a sudden live the luxury lifestyle when we dont in the UK. We both kno that realistically we will have to work f/t but i'm hoping as a psych nurse i'll be able to secure a job before we leave. Initially we were hopin that after touching down in oz i wouldn't have to work for a couple of months but with the drop in property prices we'll be happy if i can have a couple of weeks off, then work. We're moving to oz for more quality time together as a family and the hope that oz can offer more opportunity to our son. Both of us are expecting to put the hours in and arent affraid of work..........its the spiders, snakes and crocs that we're scarred of!!


Just to let you know Spiders-- i hate them and they still make me jump when i see a big one Sprinting away from me. There are not that many. Snakes been here 8 weeks only seen 1 dead one, neighbour been here 9yrs and she has only seen 6. Bit of an urban myth me thinks. Crocs-- they are only up north i think ( or australia zoo). You did forget sharks more chance of getting biten by your toaster. My parents filled my kids with fear before we came out (there way of trying to get me to stay) but its not anywhere near as bad as the TV programmes suggest.


Great thread and i admire all who come out here without much of a safety blanket. I have found all my neighbours bending over backwards to help where ever they can. Container arrived 3 weeks after us neighbours lent everything to us.

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i dont believe its a case of taking it lightly at all, i think it comes down to the type of person you are and how you deal with things in life. some people are born worriers half empty kind of people, others are always optimistic go getters half full kinda folk. no one would uproot their family 11000 miles and move to another country without thought and planning its not something we are "taking lightly". we have been trying to find a way to move to oz for the past 4 years so weve certainly thought it thru, but life is for living and im a half full kind of person so i would rather go and try it and it fails then never try it at all and if thats a taking it lightly attitude then so be it. we lost my father in law a year ago aged 56 to cancer he had remarried and his new son was born 3 weeks before he died so it was a real wake up call. and no it wouldnt hurt to wait another couple of years but why? in the current market how much more is your house really going to rise by? for us it wont be enough to make much difference so we are accepting the drop in value paying our debts and giving it a go, god id love to be in gozzos situation and good for him having that nest egg maybe ill be different tomoz as ive just put the euros on!:hug:

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i dont believe its a case of taking it lightly at all, i think it comes down to the type of person you are and how you deal with things in life. some people are born worriers half empty kind of people, others are always optimistic go getters half full kinda folk. no one would uproot their family 11000 miles and move to another country without thought and planning its not something we are "taking lightly". we have been trying to find a way to move to oz for the past 4 years so weve certainly thought it thru, but life is for living and im a half full kind of person so i would rather go and try it and it fails then never try it at all and if thats a taking it lightly attitude then so be it. we lost my father in law a year ago aged 56 to cancer he had remarried and his new son was born 3 weeks before he died so it was a real wake up call. and no it wouldnt hurt to wait another couple of years but why? in the current market how much more is your house really going to rise by? for us it wont be enough to make much difference so we are accepting the drop in value paying our debts and giving it a go, god id love to be in gozzos situation and good for him having that nest egg maybe ill be different tomoz as ive just put the euros on!:hug:

I dont think it matters how much u take its what u do with it n how much u want it 2 work out.


Good Luck 2 everyone no matter what the situation XX

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Guest bigmove2009
i dont believe its a case of taking it lightly at all, i think it comes down to the type of person you are and how you deal with things in life. some people are born worriers half empty kind of people, others are always optimistic go getters half full kinda folk. no one would uproot their family 11000 miles and move to another country without thought and planning its not something we are "taking lightly". we have been trying to find a way to move to oz for the past 4 years so weve certainly thought it thru, but life is for living and im a half full kind of person so i would rather go and try it and it fails then never try it at all and if thats a taking it lightly attitude then so be it. we lost my father in law a year ago aged 56 to cancer he had remarried and his new son was born 3 weeks before he died so it was a real wake up call. and no it wouldnt hurt to wait another couple of years but why? in the current market how much more is your house really going to rise by? for us it wont be enough to make much difference so we are accepting the drop in value paying our debts and giving it a go, god id love to be in gozzos situation and good for him having that nest egg maybe ill be different tomoz as ive just put the euros on!:hug:


I too have an investment in the euro tonight - fingers crossed we both win it:wink:

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Guest snow white

hi guys,

great to read there's so many determined people out there waiting to give oz a go, we came out 18 months ago me oh and 6 kids, never been on a plane or to oz ever before that was an experience in itself believe me, so whenever Ive had the slightest doubts i remember the plane journey with 6 kids and think id rather keep battling on every time lol. anyway arrived with only $5000 house sale in uk fell through on day of completion 2 weeks after landing nightmare to say the least, we had no jobs and started searching immediately oh found a plumbing job then the nightmare began as found out the licensing laws in Queensland are unbelievably tied up in red tape and legislation hmmm. im not going into all of it would be here forever, we bought a car that was 17 years old and falling apart it was all we could afford oh had to let it free wheel down the bank in the morning for it to start , yes we did the air beds for 12 weeks living out of suitcases and it now seems a lifetime ago, now we own a house have 2 decent cars well they go without needing to roll down bank first lol, kids all settled and Ive started my own business . i know everyone says if you never give up you will make it work if you have enough determination you will be fine, can i just say its not all about how much you want to make it work sometimes you do need to find a break into this new life in oz its getting the job with the wages to help you be able to live and allow you to believe that you can do it and everyone's situation is different we still have our house in the UK to sell we've paid mortgage here and their since we arrived and i can honestly say we are only now seeing the light at the end of this very long tunnel, hopefully in another 6 months i can post how wonderful everything now is in oz fingers crossed i will keep battling on and not giving up as im sure so will many others we didn't move our families half way round the world for nothing

all the best to those expats just starting the journey and applying for visas, and to the expats already living here and sharing their experiences with others


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Guest ReadyPenny

Hi Guys


We too are not making the move lightly. We both have jobs to go do, a 2 bed fully furnished unit to rent for $160 per week, with a view to renting something bigger once our container arrives. What I meant when I said it was "simple" is that we cannot take what we have not got ergo "simple". But this will not deter us from making the move. We will work hard at our jobs, live in the small unit for 3 months because the rent is cheap and work our way upwards from there. If this cannot be done and it doesnt work out, I will treat the whole experience as an adventure. We have given up good jobs in the UK to make the move but apart from that we had a 2 up 2 down, 2 cars and a motorbike so, in the grand scheme of things, not really that much to lose and not that difficult to replace if we are forced to return. Returning is not part of the plan, we are considering that this move is "forever" but life is never that simple is it?


Good luck everyone, may all your dreams come true whether you are minted or skinted (like me!)


Mandy x

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well with the possitive attitudes that most of you seem to carry i think you will make a great success of Australia.

We always said we would do whatever to make it work, if that meant going to work at the stinky mushroom farm up the road then so be it ! You dont need a big fancy 4wd to get around and you dont need to live in a beachside mansion to be happy, you dont need to eat at fancy restaurants every week and you dont have to wear the latest designer clothes to keep up with the jonseys.

Jeez Gary couldve numerous jobs in the mines on very very good money, but for us that was not the reason for moving here. Quality time with my family costs ZILCH !

If you are all 101% behind the move then to me that equals a full wallet!!

Cal x

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