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going with not much cash?


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Guest guest17301

We came out a nearly a month ago now with very little cash, (less than 5000 UK pounds)

We are doing just fine, we bought 2 second hand cars for less than $3000, and we are enjoying a good lifestyle. We rarely eat out anyway so that hasn't changed here, perhaps have lunch out twice a week, and one or two takeouts a week. We have found that what we bought with us has been enough for the start up costs and rental costs. That is buying most stuff second hand, not a problem- loads of small ads in the Quokka (WA paper) and we do have quite a bit coming over on the ship.


I would say though that if you are coming out with very little you do need to have a job waiting for you-I started work last week and get my first pay in a few days.

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:wink:Hi ,we left our house in the uk and came out with very little money back april 08, we have'nt looked back one little bit..

We have had a bit of luck on the way but a bit of hard work goes a long way here and we are seein the benefits now.

If this is your dream and your willing to work just as hard as home then go for it and GOOD LUCK!

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  • 2 weeks later...

im going with a tent and enough to buy a car then im off round the coast to see it all. Thats my plan just need the small step of a visa. Ive got my aunt and uncle who will put me up for a while but i want to see it all before i decide where to stay.

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Thats how we are doing it wicksy84. We're travelling/working our way down east coast, then heading over to perth to give that a shot and hopefully settle down there. If after 12 months we dislike perth, we will try the east coast cities. Think we are going with around £12k. No kids though, so our overheads/costs will not be as much.


He who dares rodders, he who dares...

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