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NURSES - Moving to Australia

Guest JoanneHattersley

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I have sent them all kinds of information in regards to my course content. they had proof that I had done over 600 hours on placement, proof that I was competent in medication management, they had a transcript and a letter from my uni confirming everything they requested and I still got knocked back.


Just letting you all know that I have been in touch with the health minister for south Australia and they have said they cant help me with it because AHPRA are an independent body. So I got in touch with the Federal MP's office in Canberra (Peter Dutton) and spoke to a woman there about my situation. At first she said that there was nothing they could do to change the assessment process but when I explained that AHPRA received my form in October and that the new assessment process was not introduced until February she immediately changed her tune and told me to write an email explaining my situation and she would get someone to look into it for me. I've contacted the local MP in my area and they have said to send the email to them as well and they will look into it for me too. Oh and I've sent an email to Adelaide's local TV channel (Adelaide tonight channel 7) explaining how we're all being treated so badly by AHPRA!! I don't know if any of this is going to help the situation were all in at the minute but I feel like I need to do something so I know that I have tried. Hopefully the people who handed their forms in before the new assessment process was introduced will have this reviewed.....I doubt it but I'm going to try anyway!


I suggest that if you are in a similar situation to me that you contact the Federal MP, if they receive a few emails they may feel like they have to investigate it further. The federal MP's email address is minister.dutton@health.gov.au his name is Peter Dutton.


I'll keep you all posted!


You go girl!!! The more negative publicity and people complaining the better....once I get my, undoubtedly negative reply I will be taking action too. AHPRA will argue that they did state (albeit cart before the horse and all that) that any applications received after the 8th Oct would be assessed under the new guidelines albeit they weren't implemented until Feb. Irrespective it's the whole ANMAC v AHPRA and allowing people to spend $$$$ on skills assessments and the visa process.....all for nothing. Major scam and seriously unethical!! grrrrrrr

My application was received on the 21st Oct....wonder if I'll hear soon.....yet there are posts of people being turned down who applied in Jan.....no order or equity!!??

Edited by Kim Irvine
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I contacted my agent yesterday to see if they were aware of the situation because they encourage nurses with diplomas to apply for migration. (of course we know there is no problem at anmac but why would nurses go to Oz if they can't then work!) My agent has emailed her contact at Anmac for info in the situation. Will let you know the response.

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Well I emailed the AQF about the framework and this was the reply





Dear Claire


This Office is a policy office and does not establish the equivalence of overseas qualifications with AQF qualifications or deal with professional (nursing) accreditation matters .

That is undertaken by Australian Nursing and Midwifery Accreditation Council (ANMAC) at: http://www.anmac.org.au/about-anmac

ANMAC is the appropriate body to contact with regard to your query.

Kind regards

Victor Korobacz





Dont anmac assess a diploma as an equivalent to an Australian degree??? And didn't someone have a different reply saying it was TRA that dealt with it? I'm so confused!!

ANMAC also assessed my Diploma as equivalent to an Australian Bachelors Degree. The TRA direct you to your appropriate skills assessment for your trade......ours being ANMAC.......seriously??????

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You go girl!!! The more negative publicity and people complaining the better....once I get my, undoubtedly negative reply I will be taking action too. AHPRA will argue that they did state (albeit cart before the horse and all that) that any applications received after the 8th Oct would be assessed under the new guidelines albeit they weren't implemented until Feb. Irrespective it's the whole ANMAC v AHPRA and allowing people to spend $$$$ on skills assessments and the visa process.....all for nothing. Major scam and seriously unethical!! grrrrrrr

My application was received on the 21st Oct....wonder if I'll hear soon.....yet there are posts of people being turned down who applied in Jan.....no order or equity!!??

Haha thanks! I know it's all really confusing! It sounds like ahpra have gone ahead and changed the assessment process without informing anyone because no one else seems to be aware of it! I know what u mean about the announcement they made about applications after the 8th were going to be reviewed under the new assessment process but no one was aware of this before hand. If that was the case they should've informed everyone well in advance! Plus it wasn't finalised until February so any applications before that date should be assessed under the old rules! I sent mine off on September and was totally unaware of any changes!

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I contacted my agent yesterday to see if they were aware of the situation because they encourage nurses with diplomas to apply for migration. (of course we know there is no problem at anmac but why would nurses go to Oz if they can't then work!) My agent has emailed her contact at Anmac for info in the situation. Will let you know the response.

Thanks Kelly I'm just really worried because I am about to apply for my residency so I'd be interested to know what info ur agent can get

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Haha thanks! I know it's all really confusing! It sounds like ahpra have gone ahead and changed the assessment process without informing anyone because no one else seems to be aware of it! I know what u mean about the announcement they made about applications after the 8th were going to be reviewed under the new assessment process but no one was aware of this before hand. If that was the case they should've informed everyone well in advance! Plus it wasn't finalised until February so any applications before that date should be assessed under the old rules! I sent mine off on September and was totally unaware of any changes!

Agreed....hence the cart before the horse quote lol. Made the changes, people kept unknowingly applying and then weeks/months after receipt of application.....wham they tell you about it!!!

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Hi, thanks for getting back to me. I have zero experience. I graduate this November and my partners travel visa attached to his PR visa runs out in december :/so he's heading over then and we are hoping (fingers crossed) that my partner visa will come through in January.


The bridging programs are sooo expensive :/ Is it possible to gain registration with Aphra another way?


also on looking at the Aphra site it states I will need my ilets but someone else mention on here once apon a time that ilets are only needed for Anmac... Any ideas?


Sorry for all the questions, Thanks for your help xx

Edited by Gayle1976
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Hi Danielle


I was just wondering if you have found anything on nursing frameworks/guidelines that come from the TRA? I can't find anything. I'm still waiting for a reply to my email to the tea and AQF.




Hi Claire I haven't I emailed them but haven't heard anything and I emailed AQF with details of the uk diploma and length of time etc and about ahpra assessing against it but have heard nothing. If others keep emailing hopefully something will change!

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Hi Claire I haven't I emailed them but haven't heard anything and I emailed AQF with details of the uk diploma and length of time etc and about ahpra assessing against it but have heard nothing. If others keep emailing hopefully something will change!

I've emailed the TRA and they haven't got back to me yet but AQF did (if you look back a little bit on this thread you will see what their reply was). I'm hoping that it will change too. I'm sending a long winded email to the mp in Canberra tomorrow with all the little loop holes I have found that might just help with getting things changed so I'll let you know what response I get.

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I've emailed the TRA and they haven't got back to me yet but AQF did (if you look back a little bit on this thread you will see what their reply was). I'm hoping that it will change too. I'm sending a long winded email to the mp in Canberra tomorrow with all the little loop holes I have found that might just help with getting things changed so I'll let you know what response I get.


Yeah keep me posted please. I got a similar email from AQF but referred me to tra who will no doubt refer me to anmac. But since I replied to AQF they haven't been back in touch. Hopefully it will help those prior to the change but I'm not hopeful for mine as I only submitted it in June this year so I'm going to have suck it up and do the bridging course hopefully if I get offered!

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Wow! very proactive people.


I have emailed Minister Dutton, as suggested and have also emailed the health authority in WA. I have given a detailed account of what has happened in the last few months and inconsistancies between ANMAC and AHPRA.


With regards to the AQF, I have received a similar response to the rest of you. I think It's safe to say that AQF is designed for Australian qualifications only. The only international significance it appears to have on their website is to assist overseas students in choosing the right course of study when they come to Aus. TRA appear to be for tradies only. That leaves ANMAC as the key skill assessing body for nurses! What a joke!


I will keep you all posted if I hear anything.

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Wow, I read all of this after yet another day of wallowing about what a nightmarish situation this is and I'm truly inspired by how proactive people are being, and then I thought "why should I even be surprised?"

By our very nature we are a scrappy bunch, whether it was 20 years ago or last year, the training is HARD, we all know that... really HARD. Sometimes to even get on the course is hard, but we did it. We all endured hours and hours of clinical practice and assignments, paperwork and exams, but we did it. We have all endured the NHS at some point or another which in itself is an impressive feat. AND we have all made the decision to uproot our lives to go and work on the other side of the world, and that takes GUTS. We do a job where we'll never be paid fairly for what we do, we work long hours and in bad conditions. BUT please all remember that wonderful feeling you get in your heart when you gave care to someone that you know truly made a difference to them; when you've worked a 12 hour shift with no break and you come home on your knees with exhaustion... it's that feeling that makes us go back and do it all again the next day. We do it because we care, and nobody can take that away from us, so please remember how awesome you all are.


These changes will have affected hundreds of people on one level or another because they put them all applications on hold from Oct-Feb, and it is clear from the shambolic implementation that they still don't really have a clue what it is they're actually doing. We've all found little pitfalls in the new policy, lack of consistency, contradicting information and general disorganisation, they are really making a mockery of themselves. If EVERY SINGLE ONE of us complains, if we go to the ombudsman when we are not happy with the handling of our complaints, if we tell MPs, the media, anyone that will listen, AHPRA HAVE to sit up and take note. One little complaint is not going to change anything, but we have all been treated unfairly one way or the other (even the degree folk who were waiting FOREVER) all of us need to take the time to complain and highlight our concerns to the highest level possible. No matter what the agenda is with the government trying to fill vacancies with home-trained nurses, there are STILL big shortages in some areas, and I don't think any MP will be too happy to hear there is a whole bunch of experienced skilled people sat around waiting to work when their hospitals are chronically understaffed. Things WILL change, but we have to have a united front.


Personally my I'm still waiting (September last year) for them to figure out if my post-reg degree is worthy enough. But I am not going to stop making a noise about this until the dufus who came up with this amazing brainchild (without telling any one) is starting to feel very clammy and uncomfortable under their (no doubt designer) collar, sat in their plush office, looking down on us and playing God with the minions who don't mind getting their hands dirty. It is about time a few AHPRA bigwigs answered for themselves and learned what it feels like to have their livelihood in jeopardy.


We all fought hard to get here, and if it truly is your dream... do not give up fighting now. There is ALWAYS hope.


We are ALL made of tough stuff (we have to be, to do what we do) and if AHPRA think we are all just going to go away quietly... they need to think again.

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I think the biggest problem with the assessment of our diplomas is that we are assessed at AQF6, this is the only reason they have to refuse us, but their reasoning is fundamentally flawed! They are not using the AQF as it is intended, to compare our qualifications as ANMAC does, but just looking at the title of our qualification and saying it's the same as Australia, quite clearly it isn't, if anyone hasn't done it already please go to AQF framework website and read up on the levels. And we need more people giving them a bit of stick on Twitter! They've put themselves on a social media sight, and we need to use that to make our voice heard! It took them 10 days to respond to my last question, about why ANMAC and AHPRA are not linked, even then it sounds like a long winded way of saying 'we are but we're not! Wonder how long it'll take to answer why we are assessed as equivalent to AQF6, when our 'university based' course takes twice as long as it's Australian equivalent! And it'll be interesting to see how they justify it! My emails gone to MP, strength in numbers! Sitting back, hoping things will change, quite clearly isn't working!

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I e-mailed my AHPRA C.O re all the concerns and she replied saying that different types of UK qualifications = different time frames and types of assessments. She said some inc mine will be assessed internally, others will go up for consideration to the Nursing and Midwifery board and some to an internal committee of the board?? The assessment is to determine, regardless of ANMAC it appears, if our qualifications are comparable to an Australian degree. She hopes I'll have my answer within 2 weeks.......watch this space!!

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I've just had an email from my CO saying they have all info required at the moment and they will be in touch (?) with a link to an updated page at Ahpra. Looks like they are covering their backs re: the Anmac/Ahpra disparities. Don't know how to put on here but I have posted it on Twitter.

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Can anyone put a link up for that page please? I've emailed the federal MP and my local MP so hopefully I'll hear something back soon. I've also had a reply from the TRA.........



Thank you for your enquiry to Trades Recognition Australia (TRA).


TRA is a skills assessment service provider which specialises in assessments in trade occupations for the purpose of migration.


Unfortuantely TRA is not the assessing authority for the occupation you are enquiring about therefore I am unable to give you advice regarding the qualification requirements for a nurse.


You will need to check the Skilled Occupation List (SOL) and Consolidated Sponsored Occupation List (CSOL) on the Department of Immigration and Border Protection (DIBP) website for the relevant assessing authority (http://www.immi.gov.au/skilled/sol/). If your nominated occupation is not listed on the SOL or CSOL, you should contact DIBP to discuss your options regarding a skills assessment.


All replies to this email must be forwarded to traenquiries@industry.gov.au


We trust that this information is of assistance.



Trades Recognition Australia

Skills Engagement

Department of Industry

Phone 1300 360 992 | Fax 61 2 6290 8780



Im just dead confused by it all!

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IELTS is needed for ANMAC and visas, but if you're planning on going out on your partner's visa you wouldn't usually need it.

HOWEVER, having said that, if you are planning on doing the costly bridging course, IELTS is unfortanately a requirement for eligibility for the course.

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