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....since I was moaning to Cal that my Visa still hadn't arrived, and today we celebrate our 2nd anniversary in Aus.


We've never regretted our move here and have a sense of contentment that we never had before. I'm proud of the children who just took the bull by the horns and got on with it, settling very quickly. (As a parent you do breath a hugh sigh of relief).


I won't say our life is better, because we had a good life in the UK, our life is different, more relaxed and certainly more family orientated, we seemed to lose sight of that in the UK always being busy trying to fit things in rather than taking time to enjoy them. Even having dinner takes longer as we all sit and chat about our days.


The bonus for us coming to Aus, hasn't been anything materialistic, but the quality of the time we're spending together as a family. We're happy, the kids are happy and our 17 year old cat who also came on the adventure is still with us - something we didn't expect but took a chance on lol


Ali x

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Well done Ali and family on the great success you've made of you new lives! Take care, here's to the many years to come!


Dan xx :-)

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Guest donovan
....since I was moaning to Cal that my Visa still hadn't arrived, and today we celebrate our 2nd anniversary in Aus.


We've never regretted our move here and have a sense of contentment that we never had before. I'm proud of the children who just took the bull by the horns and got on with it, settling very quickly. (As a parent you do breath a hugh sigh of relief).


I won't say our life is better, because we had a good life in the UK, our life is different, more relaxed and certainly more family orientated, we seemed to lose sight of that in the UK always being busy trying to fit things in rather than taking time to enjoy them. Even having dinner takes longer as we all sit and chat about our days.


The bonus for us coming to Aus, hasn't been anything materialistic, but the quality of the time we're spending together as a family. We're happy, the kids are happy and our 17 year old cat who also came on the adventure is still with us - something we didn't expect but took a chance on lol


Ali x



Hiya Ali, just want to say could not agree more with your post, time for me is going so quicky since we moved here in Aug 07.


Happy Anniversary and may this be the second of many more to come


Sarah x

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Congrats on your 2nd Anniversary ali!:smile:..i can remember you posting about your 1st..where's that year gone?? Such a positive post and wish you and your family all the best for future years in Aus..these are the posts people need to hear about before they embark on this huge change..even if it doesn't work for them..it gives them something to strive for and may help to alleviate their doubts and fears..well done..


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Guest prettyinpink

Aww congrats on your 2nd anniversary Ali!


I only hope that we will be as happy as your guys on our 2nd anniversary!

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Guest cazbeckham

Hi Ali, my adopted Daughter


Congrats on your 2nd Anniversary being in Australia, it's great isn't it?

We have been in Oz for just over 11 weeks now and in our new home 7 weeks today. How time flies.


Glad that you are all really settled and enjoying life. When I read about what is going on in UK I know I made the right move except that I wish my Son and his Fiance were here as well.



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Hi Ali, HAPPY ANNIVERSARY to you and your family and your cat!!


So far for us (only 4 week in) so good, just waiting to be re-united with our pet cats and hope they enjoy their retirement in Australia lol


Keep enjoying life thats whats its here for xxxxx

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eeh by gum Ali, those where the days,lol Poms InOz was alot smaller then ,heh? Congratulations on your 2 years time certainly seems to fly over here , when you doing your citizenship test ? lol

Heres to the next 2 years

Cal xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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Guest guest17301

Glad you're happy Ali, we will be joining you in Perth very, very soon and can't wait to get there! Just watching wanted down under in Melbourne...doesn't look a patch on Perth! See you soon x

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Guest Karin_and_Mervyn

Hi Ali,


Happy anniversary, it sounds really, really good, and I'm very happy for you and your family that you are making such a great go of it. I know I'm not on the forum a lot, I'm too busy, but have been obsessed the last week since the new CSL list. I joined PIO a long time ago though, and remember one of my first posts being replied to by you with kind words and support.


So thanks for that and cheers for your life down under!



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Guest BullcreekBob
.... and today we celebrate our 2nd anniversary in Aus.


Ali x


So, that must mean it's your birthday soon? 28 again? :shocked: or the first time? :biggrin:


Congrats on the two years

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Hi Ali


Congratulations of your second anniversary in Australia. Glad to hear things are going well for you and your family.


We arrive in Willetton 24/4/09 so may get the chance to say "Hi" face to face one day.


Ali X

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Guest stockies

Congratulations Ali and family you should all be proud of yourselves !!!!

Long may your happiness in Australia continue........( i hope we settle as well as you have )


Claire. XX

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....since I was moaning to Cal that my Visa still hadn't arrived, and today we celebrate our 2nd anniversary in Aus.


We've never regretted our move here and have a sense of contentment that we never had before. I'm proud of the children who just took the bull by the horns and got on with it, settling very quickly. (As a parent you do breath a hugh sigh of relief).


I won't say our life is better, because we had a good life in the UK, our life is different, more relaxed and certainly more family orientated, we seemed to lose sight of that in the UK always being busy trying to fit things in rather than taking time to enjoy them. Even having dinner takes longer as we all sit and chat about our days.


The bonus for us coming to Aus, hasn't been anything materialistic, but the quality of the time we're spending together as a family. We're happy, the kids are happy and our 17 year old cat who also came on the adventure is still with us - something we didn't expect but took a chance on lol


Ali x

OMG where does the time go? I think i just about remember your process only think i may have been a little shy in posting straight away.

You have always answered my posts though and been very helpful. Lovely to hear that all is settled and you are enjoying time with family.


Looking forward to 3,4,5 year anniversary posts lol sharon

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Hi Ali, my adopted Daughter


Congrats on your 2nd Anniversary being in Australia, it's great isn't it?

We have been in Oz for just over 11 weeks now and in our new home 7 weeks today. How time flies.


Glad that you are all really settled and enjoying life. When I read about what is going on in UK I know I made the right move except that I wish my Son and his Fiance were here as well.





Thanks Mum! Glad you're settling in well, has it really been 7 weeks in the house - I was only looking at the realestate pictures the other day I'm sure lol - God doesn't time fly ... especially when you're enjoying life

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So, that must mean it's your birthday soon? 28 again? :shocked: or the first time? :biggrin:


Congrats on the two years


Ha Ha .... what a good memory you've got .... I've reached an age where I can't even reverse the numbers 'cos it'll make me even older.


Thank you all for your good wishes, I don't know why we've been one of the lucky ones who have settled well and quickly. I'd like to think it has something to do with our attitude of ... work hard and we'll get out of it what we put in, but it could be just pure luck.


We arrived in Perth knowing no-one at all ... the first week in our rented accommodation and I got a pm from Bob asking us to come over for a bbq - he answered so many questions for us that night I'm sure we gave he and his wife a headache (OK so we did drink quite a bit of wine too) So thank you Bob for the kindness you showed to me and my family on arrival


Ali x

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  • 2 weeks later...
....since I was moaning to Cal that my Visa still hadn't arrived, and today we celebrate our 2nd anniversary in Aus.


We've never regretted our move here and have a sense of contentment that we never had before. I'm proud of the children who just took the bull by the horns and got on with it, settling very quickly. (As a parent you do breath a hugh sigh of relief).


I won't say our life is better, because we had a good life in the UK, our life is different, more relaxed and certainly more family orientated, we seemed to lose sight of that in the UK always being busy trying to fit things in rather than taking time to enjoy them. Even having dinner takes longer as we all sit and chat about our days.


The bonus for us coming to Aus, hasn't been anything materialistic, but the quality of the time we're spending together as a family. We're happy, the kids are happy and our 17 year old cat who also came on the adventure is still with us - something we didn't expect but took a chance on lol


Ali x


Now I know its a bit late (have been busy the last few weeks so not been on here) anyway Happy 2nd Anniversary to you all. It only seems like last week that you were saying you had been here a year!! Time sure does fly when your having fun!! lol.

Speak soon Deb xx

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