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Wanting to head home...

Guest kieran.!

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Guest kieran.!

I moved over to gold coast about 8 weeks ago, and to be honest, am very homesick and looking to head home. Im 19 years of age and realise what an oppertunity this could be, and im set to start uni in february here in Oz. Being here has made me realise how much you miss little things in your everyday life and take it for granted. How much i miss a pint and a proper night out is unbelievable(dont i sound classy!) I appreciate some people may have completely different opinions and slate me for thinking going bacmk to "crappy england" is the right move, but at the end of the day its home.

People will argue i havent given it a chance etc..fair point, but when your unhappy you have to do something about it, and moving home seems the right thing to do, just to get back on my feet again and away from feeling so crappy and homesick all the time.

Friends have said stick it out, if its still bad just do what makes you happiest, which seems the realistic thing to do i guess?

If i go back also i will be leaving my family here in OZ, as we all moved together, and then id have the emotions of leaving them and going at it on my own with what family and friends i have in england.

Anyone in the same situation?

Advice needed!!

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8 weeks is very soon. Could you hang in there and spend Christmas with your family and then wait till you start uni before you make any major decisions? In my experience it is the lack of structure that doesn't help the homesickness - once you get into normal life again with a routine, and meet some uni students who know how to have a good night out (!) you might just find you feel differently... I know that a lot of people who go back regret it the minute they land on UK soil. Just a thought!

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Guest kieran.!

it comes down to how id adapt back home tho aswel, id go to uni back in england, but its just feeling pretty low till feb, its a fair point, but after reading a few posts about this, it seems like you know in yourself what your right decision is going to be, id like to hang around and head home end of january, then to look back at the experience of spending a summer in australia. I mean i like it here in a fashion, its just not home...

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id like to hang around and head home end of january, then to look back at the experience of spending a summer in australia.


i think that sounds like a great idea - you are only 19yrs old enjoy the exerience - even if you decide to go back home after that youve had a great experience that not everyone gets the opportunity to do. a couple more months should go quickly enough and if you did then decide to go back your friends will still be the same and probably still go to the same haunts for a night out - you only live once


all the best



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8 weeks probably is a bit soon but I also agree with the notion of love (or not!) at first sight! Sometimes you do just "know" that this isnt the place you want to be and you may force yourself to stay here but never quite belong and by the time you come to do something about it, there is no turning back.


There are definite benefits of doing Uni in UK - first of all it wont cost you nearly as much as you are going to have to pay upfront to do it in Aus and you will get it over and done with in 3 years rather than the 4 years it takes you to do it here to get honours. If you havent been resident in UK for the 3 years prior to beginning a degree (and you could easily say you have been holidaying!) then you are up for international student fees if you were to go back later. That probably still gives you enough time on your visa to make a decision after you have done uni (dont know when you validated) by which time you will be able to see which way the career prospect wind is blowing.


If you went back at the beginning of next year, it would give you a chance to get a job and get some money saved up to help your way through uni which, I assume you would have to defer until September or could you pick up a course part way through?


No one would think any the less of you for making a decision about where you want to go with your life! Many young Aussies would give an arm and a leg to be able to head off to UK for uni. You have to do what is right for you - one of my sons has headed back to UK and even though he was only going for a gap year, he hasnt come back and isnt even talking about it - that was 6 years ago. Kids move all over the world once their education is done and the same could be true for you - you may fancy Canada or you may fancy Cornwall who knows? Good luck with whatever you decide to do though, you sound like a sensible lad who is thinking his way through the issues!

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Guest JoanneHattersley

There are loads of posts on here about homesickness. Let me just say, you WILL suffer from it, i firmly believe that everyone does! Its human nature!


Id be inclined to stick it out to be honest and give it a bit longer but that is just me!

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As you are going to uni next year why not stick it out and see how you go. So much going on at uni. My daughter was at uni with a lot of Canadian Students and students from other parts of the world and they were out and about all the time.


Its a shame you had not gone straight to uni rather than having the wait to go bit and the long summer holidays.


If you play any sport join a club best way to meet people. You do not have to be particularly good at it. Cricket clubs are always looking for players.

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Many Aussies move to London for some experience and an adventure - I moved there when I was 20 and said to parents that I would be home in around a year, but stayed for much longer than that. I figured I wouldn't get to experience the culture of another country if I didn't take the plunge, and now I am raising teenagers and have a mortgage round my neck I am sure glad I did it back then. I met new people through work and flatsharing, and had a ball. Remembering that 'nothing is set in concrete' and people move around the world all the time now, consider giving it a bit longer. If you really don't think it's for you, then make the decision based on what your heart tells you. Moving from home is hard. My best friend is English and she says she'll always be English, it's just that she is taking the opportunity to live in another place for a while, for however long that is. Good luck with it.

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Hi:smile:..we have just moved back to Perth from the UK..i have a history with Aus and brought out my OH and kids a few years ago when our kids were in their early teens..we have now returned, but only with our 22 year old and youngest..our twins of 19 decided this time they would prefer to stay in the UK..our 22 year old would understand how you are feeling..he returned thinking because he had lived here before he would just fit straight back in..but being older and really not at all dependant on us now, the first few weeks here he felt totally out of it and homesick, and if it had lasted any longer i think he would have gone back..he missed his friends and his life in the UK and hated feeling so out of place..slowly things started to fall into place..he got a good job, found a decent car and started to meet up with a few people and go out..asking him about it only today, he feels very different and is slowly making a life for himself here..i'm not saying this is going to be the same for you, but i would just hold on a bit longer..going to uni might make the world of difference for you, as you'll meet new people and it might just make you feel more settled..on the other side of the coin our twins are doing fine by themselves in the UK, without their family too..they keep in regular contact..they miss us all as this is the first time we've all been apart, but their coping well..i wish you all the best and hope you can make a decision and feel better..you are young as well, so even if you go back and want to return here again it's easier at your age..


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I'd deffo do the uni thing in Oz. You are probably just a bit bored at the mo with too much time on your hands which is why you are thinking about home a lot. Once you start uni, make new friends, i'm sure thats when the party invites will start flooding in. You'll be that pi**ed you won't know where you are! I wish i had an opportunity like yours. I have to come come over and start bloody work on Jan 11th. :arghh:

You wanna swap??!!


Enjoy and make the most of it.



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Guest Bolton2Brisbane



Just read your post and thought i'd respond. Your comments rang bells when i read it, we moved to Brisbane in March and like you only lasted 8 weeks and moved back to the UK. Wont bore you with all the details, needless to say that if you feel a strong need to move back home then do, only you know how you feel and from one who suffered "homesickness" it was the worst experience of my life. Yes on reflection i should have given it longer and yes we are moving back in March, but it took the move back to the UK to realise that i'd made a mistake.


You reflect on the silly little things that you no longer can have, thats only natural and so are the thoughts/feelings that you will having. Do whatever you feel is best for you, that maybe going home for a holiday for a month or so then see how you feel.


Good luck mate.

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Guest earlswood

Kieran, you are old enough and big enough to make your own decisions, does not matter that you have only been in Oz for 2 months, if you feel like you want to go home that bad just do it mate, you can always go back to Oz for a holiday after you have been back in the UK for a while and you might even stay….just do what you feel like, it’s your life and you know how you feel better than anyone.

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Yes on reflection i should have given it longer and yes we are moving back in March, but it took the move back to the UK to realise that i'd made a mistake.




Hi Kieran!


I'm so sorry to hear you're feeling like this! Have you told your parents how you're feeling or Ryan and Niamh?


Like Bolton2Brisbane has said... many make the move back to the U.K. then regret it and go back to Oz. Surely, if you give it longer you'll be fine and when you're at uni you'll be able to make lots of new friends and have a pint and a decent night out...


In my opinion, you should give it longer, you're bound to feel a bit homesick as that's to be expected with such a big move. Like others have said join sports clubs in the meantime before you start uni.


Hope it all goes well for you and I wish you the best of luck in whatever you decide to do.


Keep us updated,


Dan :smile:

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Guest kieran.!

thanks for the replies guys, really helps hearing diverse opinions, i think boredom doesnt help with settling in, but i think i know in my heart and in my head where my home is. im not going to live at home forever and am going to have to take the plunge at some point in my life. If i work out here for a bit longer, stick at it and see how finances go and whether im enjoying it then possibly i myt change my mind, if not, i think ill go back to study in the UK, with my friends and gf and enjoy my life. It doesnt seem like a smart idea at this point in my life to be wasting my time 'trying' to settle, not guarenteeing i will make new friends and enjoy my new life as such, lifes short and although im 19 and probly have a long stretch yet, i want to enjoy it as much as i can, and like i said, i think the best way to do that is back home, going with what i know and were i was happyiest!

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Guest JoanneHattersley

Good on ya Kieran!


At the end of the day you can stand up and say "i went and it werent for me". Lots of people would not even take that first plunge to go!!


Well done mate! Keep on PIO! We like to know how things are going and you never know, one day you might be back!

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Guest kieran.!

yeh maybe one day i would come back, in a few years after iv done my studying and seen how my career goes or just how my life in general spans out, its a beautiful place to live and i cant knock people for moving out here again like i said one day i may come back, just not right now!

thanks again for the advice, and ill definately keep everyone posted on what i decide to do!


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Guest treesea

Uni in Australia only starts to cost something once you start working. The fees are actually paid back through the tax system. It's not quite like here in the UK, i.e. you don't exactly end your degree "in debt". You just have a student loan that may or may not get paid back, if ever, depending on how much you earn in Australia.


My advice would be to take a longer term view. This may sound cynical, given you are not particularly into Australia, but why not stay long enough to get PR and citizenship. Sure, it's three or four years out of your life, during which time you progress your education and get a degree. Then, if you decide to come back to the UK, not only will you be better placed to get a good spot on a graduate program in a company - so probably won't have to work for peanuts - but also, if you find it isn't what you want, you can go back and settle again in Australia for the cost of an air ticket. Immediate family is good to have around when you are studying.

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Hi Kieran


I'm a great believer that if ya hearts not in it then it aint happening - i dont think how ever long you give it being in oz, if those emotions & heart strings are tugging then its time to cut loose.


Ive been in oz now for over 2 years & would go back tomorrow but unfortunetly we cant afford to do that at the mo but believe me when the day comes i will be at the front of the que at the airport lol


Your still very young & have your whole life ahead of you, who knows what may happen in the future & where you may end up, but for now do whats gonna make YOU happy.

Good luck


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Guest JoanneHattersley



What is it that makes you wanna go back? Just curious? I have been here almost 4 years and although I miss people, nothing would make me get on a plane and go back.

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Guest Davidgolf

Hi i read this thread to my 2 kids we have now been in OZ for just over a year,we came my husband me and our 3 kids, Ashlee was 19 yrs and Sam was 17 yrs and they found it really hard at first to settle and they talked about going home all the time they missed their mates and they miss the going out with their mates and i really had a hard time with them,but a year on and they love it Ashlee has meet an Ozzie boyfriend and she is so happy and glad that she didnt go home and Sam has found some good mates and is out all the time now if i had told them that they would be happy here they would have laught at me but now they only talk about going home for a hoiladay now, As hard as it may seem you really need to give it some more time and know that it will never be the same as at home but it doesnt mean to say that you will have a good life here it will just be diffrent from the one you in the UK. I really wish you lots of luck whatever you do.

Sharon x.

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Guest earlswood


What is it that makes you wanna go back? Just curious? I have been here almost 4 years and although I miss people, nothing would make me get on a plane and go back.

For you Johatts that is a really surprising question, people are different and so many prefer the UK, at the lads age I can see exactly why he wants to go home.

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Guest treesea
Hi Kieran


I'm a great believer that if ya hearts not in it then it aint happening - i dont think how ever long you give it being in oz, if those emotions & heart strings are tugging then its time to cut loose.


Ive been in oz now for over 2 years & would go back tomorrow but unfortunetly we cant afford to do that at the mo but believe me when the day comes i will be at the front of the que at the airport lol


Your still very young & have your whole life ahead of you, who knows what may happen in the future & where you may end up, but for now do whats gonna make YOU happy.

Good luck



There's no such thing as not being able to afford to move back home. Thinking we couldn't afford to move back to the UK is what took us so long, trying to get what we thought would be "enough money" together to come back. Well, talk about silly, because if I knew then what I know now, I would have come home with just £2000 in my pocket and ten years before we actually did. If you get work straight away, two weeks later you get paid, and having work helps with getting a flat. If not, you sign on, so, even if you need some money to pay for a bond on a house or flat, the rent will be paid in full by the council until you get work.

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There's no such thing as not being able to afford to move back home. Thinking we couldn't afford to move back to the UK is what took us so long, trying to get what we thought would be "enough money" together to come back. Well, talk about silly, because if I knew then what I know now, I would have come home with just £2000 in my pocket and ten years before we actually did. If you get work straight away, two weeks later you get paid, and having work helps with getting a flat. If not, you sign on, so, even if you need some money to pay for a bond on a house or flat, the rent will be paid in full by the council until you get work.

Errr excuse me but,

If i say that we cannot afford to go home at the mo then thats what i mean, have you seen the work issues in the uk peeps getting laid off left right & center, the credit crunch etc it really isnt a good time, you mention if no work then sign on, have you ever thought that some peeps may not want to do this as i for one have never ever been on the dole & woudnt want to either, i have more pride than that for myself, no wonder the uk is in such a mess if people like yourself just think sign on & get ya rental paid for !!!!:madxmas:

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