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Party tomorrow and you are all invited!

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hahahahahaha - that got your attention, didnt it??!!!!!


Its my birthday tomorrow, so feel free to send loads of good wishes and gifts my way! God knows, I could do with some cheering up at the moment; I've just handed my notice in for my part-time job so that I can take some of the pressure off, so I'm hoping that will help with the stress I've been under.


Failing that, copious amounts of alcohol will have to do:wacko:

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Hi Jill,


Have managed to get my fingers to work and engage my brain after consuming huge amounts of wine last night (am feeling rough as old boot leather-lol) to say:


Happy Birthday for tomorrow and send you some cyber cake 12_11_7.gif - 0 calories!!



Have fun,


Nikci xxxxx








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Guest julie2g1b



have a great birthday tomorrow hope you get loads of gifts and drink plenty of booze




julie xx









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