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I have 482 but I need to find a new job


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I have a 482 visa and the employer that sponsored me has unfortunately lost a job contract just before I started my first day and I need to find a new employer who will take over sponsorship or sponsor me. I work with IT as Project Manager.
As you all know I have two months to find a new sponsor. And I'm starting to panic. Doesn't mater what state or city, I just want to find a job.

Please share your experience and how my chances look like for the moment?

All help is highly appreciated.

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Thanks on your answer @Wonderingaloud . I see that I haven't formulated my question in the right way. I was not looking for a job/employment.
I wanted to ask for others experience when they have been in the same situation.

How does it work?

How did it go for them/you? 

What is the best thing to do?

I hope I'm more clear now.   🙂 

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While you may find others who have successfully found a new sponsor after losing their job, it will likely be quite dependent on the occupation as employers may prefer to hire someone who already has unrestricted work rights.  IT Project Managers are plentiful in Australia so yours may be a more difficult situation, so consulting a migration agent may be good to help see what options are best for you.

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