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threads turning nasty.. WHY?

the hutchies

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Why are more and more threads on here turning nasty?


people post on here with genuine dilemmas... but just latelty there is more threads turning nasty with slanging matches or even getting closed...


don't get me wrong it is only a handful of PIO'rs who are spoiling a really good forum.. on the whole there are some lovely helpful guys on here...


so if you have a problem with someone can't you pm em


sorry for rant but i am getting fed up of all the bitching..


so come lets all be freinds


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Guest sheena

hi ya, loads of us agree with you!! there where a few of these posts weeks ago, but again turned into a slanging match!!

there is really only a few (and we all know who they are!) people that like to do it to wind people up to get a reaction! and the trouble is they do get a reaction so they keep doing it!!!!!!!!!


sheena :wubclub:

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Guest Working to fish

well tonight i have had a bitch at someone because they never shut up, but the reason for the bitch was because i know the people personally that were being belittled.


eddie :arghh:


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Yep agree,

isn't that what the chicken clicking is for to leave negative or positive feedback, if you receive negative feedback i think it shows on your lighted area too

perhaps this should be done instead of bitching or ending with threads in a slanging match and being closed


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Guest Curlysoo

I totally agree ... it seems some people, maybe those who are dissatisfied with their own lives and are on a downer, hate to see others being upbeat and positive about their lives ...so try their damndest to pull them down or put a damper on things.


I am NOT talkining about people who have a genuine debate on a topic and may have opposing views, coz that is healthy! I mean the few who want to argue black is white or day is night just for the Hell of it.


Other sites have a three strikes and you are out policy, I feel it would be a shame to get to that level here on PIO ..... but should the disruptive few be allowed to continue upsetting the many?

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Guest Jaynie
Yep agree,

isn't that what the chicken clicking is for to leave negative or positive feedback, if you receive negative feedback i think it shows on your lighted area too

perhaps this should be done instead of bitching or ending with threads in a slanging match and being closed



I never knew that Julie, I think I will try that from now on, I have looked at times to see if there is a report button, but couldn't find one.


I agree, I got upset last friday with certain people and it's not nice when sarcastic comments are made, lets try to keep all threads positive/informative and even negative in a nice way (if that's possible)

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Guest earlswood

I might not be as popular on these boards than others...but it was going OK untill 2 certain new members joined..one who is stalking me personally and just trying to cause arguments.:no:

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Guest Jaynie

No the chicken clicker is only for approval, but I have found the report button in my quest, it's the exclamation sign next to the chicken...........Yes you probably all knew that anyway.......I was having a 'Blonde Moment' lol

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as hard as it is to do if we dont like what we see we shouldnt respond. I know its hard cause many times ive tried and failed ,lol, but in the long run these 'posters' we refer to post for a reaction ,if we dont give them one they will get bored and find other places to play.

Earlsowood i had noticed you were turing into a good boy ,congratulations mate lets hope it stays that way,lol

Cal x

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No the chicken clicker is only for approval, but I have found the report button in my quest, it's the exclamation sign next to the chicken...........Yes you probably all knew that anyway.......I was having a 'Blonde Moment' lol

yes Jayne, Tim has the negative feature disabled

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Guest earlswood
as hard as it is to do if we dont like what we see we shouldnt respond. I know its hard cause many times ive tried and failed ,lol, but in the long run these 'posters' we refer to post for a reaction ,if we dont give them one they will get bored and find other places to play.

Earlsowood i had noticed you were turing into a good boy ,congratulations mate lets hope it stays that way,lol

Cal x

I was...but the stalker is getting to me and he aint even in Oz.

Then again....just looked out the window.



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Guest TheHollies

This is part of the reason why we want to leave the Uk, along with Moron Brown and his cronies doing all they can to grind the country into the ground!!

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God , i'm all for sending certain people to Coventry. I think a united front and blanking them will starve their hunger for animosity.

They really do, just do it for the kicks and in my opinion and are too uneducated, narrow-minded and ignorant to make a positive contribution to a discussion.

Everyone is here to offer support encouragement and informamtion to each other , when we're up or down , why should a few people be made to feel important and in the process make others feel upset?:nah:

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Guest Pinhead

If you don't like what people post on PIO just filter them out, it's very easy!


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Naming no names of course........but I have to say certain threads are clearly started to rile the troops and cause chaos. Of course certain other members will post on these threads. Therefore the same members who clash are basically invited to argue. How do you stop this occurring?? I don't think you can.


For those innocent genuine threads that turn into personal rows, it is the original poster and those who try to offer advice I feel sorry for. I have been on the receiving end of someone trying to mock my views which were only put forward to help someone.


I also think that sometimes offence can be taken by the 'way' people post. I have felt cross with posts simply as I personally read them as cocky and corrective of other peoples genuine posts.


I don't think there is an answer on how to stop these things. From my understanding from long term members this website has increased in size dramatically so personal, close relationships will die off and there is more chance of a clash in personalities.


Anyway, don't really know what I've achieved in moving this thread along with my post today but there we go!!!!!!!:wacko:



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I will be the first to admit that i have been involved in some arguments and this was in my defence......maybe i should have kept quiet and not risen to the bait..........Therefore i am willing to make a public apology to Earlswood and i promise not to stalk you anymore ar argue with you for the peace and integrity of this great site. Sorry.

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Guest earlswood
I will be the first to admit that i have been involved in some arguments and this was in my defence......maybe i should have kept quiet and not risen to the bait..........Therefore i am willing to make a public apology to Earlswood and i promise not to stalk you anymore ar argue with you for the peace and integrity of this great site. Sorry.

And I am sorry that I said you poisoned pensioners with your "cock o van".

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I will be the first to admit that i have been involved in some arguments and this was in my defence......maybe i should have kept quiet and not risen to the bait..........Therefore i am willing to make a public apology to Earlswood and i promise not to stalk you anymore ar argue with you for the peace and integrity of this great site. Sorry.


This is a truely admirable gesture and i'm sure Earlswood will accept with grace .


I think you should be applauded for your proactive behaviour - well done!:wubclub:

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Guest cantwait

It seems that the people who are unhappy with their own situation take their fun in trying to belittle others who still have an open mind. It's like playground bully mentality. You see a thread from one of them and if someone dares to disagree you get sarcasm or insults as a response.




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I will be the first to admit that i have been involved in some arguments and this was in my defence......maybe i should have kept quiet and not risen to the bait..........Therefore i am willing to make a public apology to Earlswood and i promise not to stalk you anymore ar argue with you for the peace and integrity of this great site. Sorry.



well said Get Down, :yes:


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It seems that the people who are unhappy with their own situation take their fun in trying to belittle others who still have an open mind. It's like playground bully mentality. You see a thread from one of them and if someone dares to disagree you get sarcasm or insults as a response.





I agree with you, but this is what has got me into trouble retaliating? i am now gonna look at these threads from outside the box and then maybe without the retaliation the comments will stop ans the response wont be there...........now im confusing myself:wacko:

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Guest earlswood
I agree with you, but this is what has got me into trouble retaliating? i am now gonna look at these threads from outside of the box and then maybe without the retaliation the comments will stop ans the response wont be there...........now im confusing myself


Getdown please please do not use that phrase again mate.....it is my ambition in life to banish it.....but how

And yes..it takes a man to apologise....I would love to apologise to all I have upset in the past.:GEEK:




















NO NO....wait....hang on a mo....let me think....NO......Sorry.....I take it all back.....I have nothing to apologise for.:biglaugh:

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