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Aussie wife and UK Hubby looking at returning to Scotland


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Been a couple of years since last here.  My hubby is from Scotland has a house and also has a friend who is prepared to offer a job when we are ready to return.  We were going to return a couple of years ago but decided to stick it out in Australia.  Here in Oz I get a partial disability pension basically only covers medications on health card due to our incomes as I work part time.  I hope to get part time work when we go to Scotland if not I can work from home in photo restoration work.  But what concerns us is I have a genetic condition that limits me with working full time - will this go against us in our visa application that Im not of full health - how will this play with getting our visa for me.  I have had conflicting info told NHS will cover me as in the visa there is a built in amount to cover the NHS ... to there is a reciprocal arrangement with Australia and as I have medicare here I would be covered there.  I need to see a dr at least once a month for medications (bp, pain meds and thyroid), out here I see physio to help with dislocations approx once a month, I know i will have to pay for physio as i do here.  My question does anyone know where  i can get some accurate info from ?  I have a friend whos a dr in UK but psychology is his field and he said it should, he works at a hospital and says as far as he knows I would be covered but we need to know more... someone said I would need to take out private health insurance as well as the visa extra amount .... but Im unsure on levels over there.  I just need somewhere to start as there are so many different web pages and all say different conflicting things ahhhhhhhh  My hubbys gran died late last year and hes even more homesick than before so we would really like to go back to where his home and family are.  My family are no where near by here so it will be nice to have close family to lean on when needed etc and to support his mum too so she has her son back on the same side of the world.   Thanks for advice n help its all greatly appreciated 

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On 3/11/2017 at 06:20, celticfae said:

Been a couple of years since last here.  My hubby is from Scotland has a house and also has a friend who is prepared to offer a job when we are ready to return.  We were going to return a couple of years ago but decided to stick it out in Australia.  Here in Oz I get a partial disability pension basically only covers medications on health card due to our incomes as I work part time.  I hope to get part time work when we go to Scotland if not I can work from home in photo restoration work.  But what concerns us is I have a genetic condition that limits me with working full time - will this go against us in our visa application that Im not of full health - how will this play with getting our visa for me.  I have had conflicting info told NHS will cover me as in the visa there is a built in amount to cover the NHS ... to there is a reciprocal arrangement with Australia and as I have medicare here I would be covered there.  I need to see a dr at least once a month for medications (bp, pain meds and thyroid), out here I see physio to help with dislocations approx once a month, I know i will have to pay for physio as i do here.  My question does anyone know where  i can get some accurate info from ?  I have a friend whos a dr in UK but psychology is his field and he said it should, he works at a hospital and says as far as he knows I would be covered but we need to know more... someone said I would need to take out private health insurance as well as the visa extra amount .... but Im unsure on levels over there.  I just need somewhere to start as there are so many different web pages and all say different conflicting things ahhhhhhhh  My hubbys gran died late last year and hes even more homesick than before so we would really like to go back to where his home and family are.  My family are no where near by here so it will be nice to have close family to lean on when needed etc and to support his mum too so she has her son back on the same side of the world.   Thanks for advice n help its all greatly appreciated 

I think the reason you cannot get clarity is because each area has a medical commissioning group which decides local policy within a national framework so in some areas prioritie might be sslightly different to another, however basic medical conditions as defined by , I think , NICE are universally covered and most drugs in Australia are available on the NHS and I think that is a starting point for checking, but accessing treatment in the UK for ongoing conditions is very much down to availability in your particular area of residence, having said that I have a thyroid problem which my GP is supposed to monitor but I don't feel they do a good job as we are down to prescribing nurses doing the job now.

Your other problem is benefits, qualifying for disability benefits is now much more rigorous and something like 60% of applications are knocked back and end up at appeal, if you are deemed fit for work then you have to be actively seeking work in order to get unemployment benefit and that system  is monitored and onerous.

I emphasise this is my understanding, I would go to Citizens advice web pages for understanding benefits system particularly and what you might need to do is contact the Clinical Commissioning Group for the area where you are going to live, I would not mention you are out of the country, I would try doing it by email or get someone in the UK to do the queries as telephone numbers are displayed, Citizens Advice will not be bothered tho.  

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I know the rules have changed for spouses going to the UK and it's not as easy as just being married to a UK citizen or even being from a commonwealth country.  Someone more knowledgeable will be able to assist.  Do you know if you qualify for a visa?

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No point contacting the clinical commissioning groups. They decide which treatments patients who are eligible for NHS treatment in their area receive, they do not decide who is eligible. If you are eligible then you will have access to the same medications as every one else.  BP, thyroid and pain meds will all be available most are off patent and cheap. You may have to switch the brand  so for thyroid meds this could mean monitoring  the levels for a while. Try to get bring several months supply with you.

As to whether you are eligible I can't help there I'm afraid

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On 03/11/2017 at 16:20, celticfae said:

Been a couple of years since last here.  My hubby is from Scotland has a house and also has a friend who is prepared to offer a job when we are ready to return.  We were going to return a couple of years ago but decided to stick it out in Australia.  Here in Oz I get a partial disability pension basically only covers medications on health card due to our incomes as I work part time.  I hope to get part time work when we go to Scotland if not I can work from home in photo restoration work.  But what concerns us is I have a genetic condition that limits me with working full time - will this go against us in our visa application that Im not of full health - how will this play with getting our visa for me.  I have had conflicting info told NHS will cover me as in the visa there is a built in amount to cover the NHS ... to there is a reciprocal arrangement with Australia and as I have medicare here I would be covered there.  I need to see a dr at least once a month for medications (bp, pain meds and thyroid), out here I see physio to help with dislocations approx once a month, I know i will have to pay for physio as i do here.  My question does anyone know where  i can get some accurate info from ?  I have a friend whos a dr in UK but psychology is his field and he said it should, he works at a hospital and says as far as he knows I would be covered but we need to know more... someone said I would need to take out private health insurance as well as the visa extra amount .... but Im unsure on levels over there.  I just need somewhere to start as there are so many different web pages and all say different conflicting things ahhhhhhhh  My hubbys gran died late last year and hes even more homesick than before so we would really like to go back to where his home and family are.  My family are no where near by here so it will be nice to have close family to lean on when needed etc and to support his mum too so she has her son back on the same side of the world.   Thanks for advice n help its all greatly appreciated 

When you apply for a UK Spouse Visa you pay an extra charge of around £600 called something like IHS - that covers you for using the NHS. So once the visa is granted you are able to access the same NHS services as any UK resident. 

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Husband having a British citizenship will not automatically make you eligible to live in the UK. He will have to prove that he will be earning a minimum of £18,600 (more if you have children/dependents). This link should give you more information re entry requirements -


As for healthcare, @nemesis is correct, you pay an additional £600 with the visa application fees and be entitled to NHS care for as long as your visa is valid. 

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Another issue to consider is devolution as healthcare provision is not identical across England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland. The home countries manage their individual  NHS budgets and decide priorities. This can and does make a difference, for example you will pay for a prescription in England unless you qualify for an exemption, however in the rest of the UK prescriptions are free. A drug available under the NHS in one country will not necessarily be funded by the NHS in another. 

This link to the Scottish Government website might be worth checking out if you haven't already seen it.  T x 


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Thank you so much everyone I have been away and just got to computer today.  I will definitely go research into the links and feel a little more hopeful :) 

AwdAmr I should have said we will meet the income requirements with the job offer he has so thats covered we have a house to go back to as well so thats covered.   I have been in discussions with an agency who after much info told me that we well I will be eligible for a visa and I will have to pay an additional 600 pound with the visa but couldn't confirm if that meant i would be entitled to NHS care as long as the visa is valid thats where we were getting confused and unsure.   

BacktoDemocracy dont think i will be eligible for welfare for 3 years or more till i am a citizen... thats how it was explained to me.. so I would have to work part time, the job my husband has been offered is a well paid one so me working part time will just top things up.

tea4too.. wow thanks for the tip on this site ... I have downloaded and printed out information and am actually thinking it might be ok ... so thank you again 

Nemesis... I thought I was covered but was unsure with meds how it worked etc.  The agency told me about the 600 pound extra and told me about the reciprocal agreement with Australia but couldnt / wouldnt confirm if it applied to me with my conditions..

Ali thanks for your advice too we well I do apparently qualify as he has been offered a job over 20,000 pound plus we both have savings in banks in the UK as well to help us with our start up we are lucky to be going back to a private house fully furnished as well.  My health concerns were really the only thing that was holding us back on things we were scared to get there and find we would be up for thousands of pounds in drs fees etc.

ScottieGirl again thank you too for the advice its all appreciated.  Great idea on the thyroxine too hadnt thought of that either so great advice 

You guys are great its hard enough to be thinking of the move, let alone to think of all this as well and not knowing where to ask questions its not easy so thank you again for the info xx

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