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Honestly, I've no idea. What works for one does not for another. Its subjective and depends on the individual. And probably can vary given the day of the week, if you've had a bad day/week/month and so on. 



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Yes i agree with what Snifter has said. Many have a different view depending on how life in general is going at the moment you ask that question.

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Put plainly, if one is a miserable git in general, adapting to life in Oz and liking/loving it would probably be hard. This isn't to be confused with British pragmatism, which is entirely something else. Also being depressed is something else too, and needs addressing regardless of what country a person hails from.

I've found people in Oz to be very friendly and positive people, but from what I've seen when life gives them lemons, they just get on with things. 'Such is life' being what they chalk it up to, as they move on.

They don't seem to be OTT positive unlike US cousins - which to me felt utterly fake.

So overall, an ok balance I think.

Sent from my iPhone using PomsinOz

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Open and direct, I'd describe as blunt which I like! I naturally like a good moan and have had no problems adapting despite things working out really well for us and that as a family we find ourselves in a more favourable position to the UK. I guess I've just changed the things I moan about :D

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I'd honestly say 'selfish', intended in both a positive and negative way, this really goes for all expats. My wife and I made decisions which work well for us and our children, but of course have consequences with our family and friends back home in the United Kingdom. Australia wasn't our first stop, we lived in the Middle East before this and a lot of the gripes that caused people to go back to the UK quickly from there are surprisingly similar to those in Australia. The expatriate life isn't for everyone and for those it doesn't work for they will find as many excuses as possible to justify why, but ultimately I think it often comes down to missing family/friends and familiar surroundings (change can be hard). 

 For Australia in particular I think you being fond of the outdoors is a serious bonus and in my experience the people who love it here are those who spend their days in the garden, parks, beaches, mountains, outback, golf course etc as much as they can. 

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I don't know that there is anything in particular that marks out British people living in Australia.  Most seem to blend in and settle happily but there is a definite minority who have a sort of sense of entitlement which can irk people. Very much in the minority, especially these days.

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33 minutes ago, CaptainR said:

 For Australia in particular I think you being fond of the outdoors is a serious bonus and in my experience the people who love it here are those who spend their days in the garden, parks, beaches, mountains, outback, golf course etc as much as they can. 

 Completely agree with that, the outdoorsy sporting type is going to enjoy life in Aus far more than the museum going, art gallery book lover type.

 Age and occupation also make a difference, Aus is not at the centre of things and doesn't get the big sexy projects in the corporate world which is why many young Aussies work overseas for a while.  I imagine the day to day work for sparkies and plumbers is similar in both countries.

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Self reliant - don't expect anything of anyone else, be prepared for isolation, don't go around thinking you are entitled, work hard but don't brag about what you have/had.  I'm not saying I think that's what the average Pom has, I think that's what the average successful migrant needs to survive. Aussies don't go much for bludgers or tall poppies (they'll chop you off at the knees)

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