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A friend of mine has just cancelled a trip to Japan in a couple of month's time because she fears a war with North Korea. This really shook me because she is a very sensible person and not prone to panic.  Is she right to be so worried?  Am I missing something here? I look back to historical conditions around other world wars and have to say there is a strange feeling at the moment. Just hope and pray she is wrong.

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There is very little chance of Japan becoming embroiled in a war between North Korea and whoever, it just isn't going to happen. I suppose Australia is closer to that region but even with the news we are getting it's clear nothing is going to happen and in the extremely unlikely event of hostilities it will be totally one sided. It's just posturing.

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It depends on the reasons and her perceived logic behind the decision. Japan is relatively close to North Korea, however in reality I suspect the Chinese will be very prominent in trying to prevent any war as it would have a significant impact on them, as it would on the other neighbouring countries, especially if nuclear weapons were involved. 
 Time and time again these kind of scenarios escalate and then seem to suddenly disappear from the media and are forgotten about, lets just hope its the same again. 

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No.  Pyongyang knows full well that it only takes one strike by the US and the whole country is effectively obliterated.

We are going to Japan in the new year, of all the things that concern me it rates well below getting boarding for the cat.

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A Korean mate and Ozzy spouse are still going. Albeit the spouse insists on travel insurance just in case whilst the Korean says - 'she'll be alright' - don't bother. Interesting approach. I'm akin to go with the view of the locals every time. Still no accounting for the current incumbent in the White House and what his reaction might be....

Sent from my iPhone using PomsinOz

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10 hours ago, starlight7 said:

A friend of mine has just cancelled a trip to Japan in a couple of month's time because she fears a war with North Korea. This really shook me because she is a very sensible person and not prone to panic.  Is she right to be so worried?  Am I missing something here? I look back to historical conditions around other world wars and have to say there is a strange feeling at the moment. Just hope and pray she is wrong.


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1 minute ago, Parley said:

for once use your brain......the second N Korea tries anything they are finished and they know it...think about it,

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If this is true - NK on manoeuvres- then it says I all. The NK man-child has been sporting the dummy over successive US administrations without it getting out of hand (other than for he poor citizens of NK).

But now all it takes is the current US man-child in charge to start WW3, due to his own dummy spit..

Sent from my iPhone using PomsinOz

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