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Health System- better or worse than 20 years ago?


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Definitely worse here, no question. You have to wait longer, it costs more and the docs are much busier.  There seems to be a lot more mis- diagnoses too. Another worsening problem is the infection rate in hospitals these days.  So many friends have developed infections during their hospital stays and so few medical people wash their hands between patients these days- partly because they seem to be rushed off their feet. I would never criticise the wonderful medical staff who have to put up with abuse from patients on a daily basis- but this very abuse often makes our hospitals really nasty places to be. Thinking of the surgeon who was murdered recently because he told a hospital visitor to put out his cigarette. 

Maybe one way to deal with this is to refuse treatment to those who abuse the medical staff- or at least send them to the back of the queue instead of fast tracking them as happens at the moment?

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The infection aspect is an issue in many countries these days. Super bugs, resistance to antibiotics and other things have seen it become a major issue around the world alas. 

I cannot compare the Aus system with how it used to be as I've only had 4 years use of it. But I've found it excellent so far and have a regular GP who bulk bills, can get an appointment in the same day if need be and get referred and seen quickly if needed. No complaints of my own personal experience really but appreciate any health service isn't without problems. 


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I have been to our local hospital at Latrobe and also to the much larger hospital in Launceston and have no complaints.  Lovely staff and very clean hospitals.  

Our GP bulk bills and same as Snifter - ring up the surgery for an appointment and usually get in that day.  


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Lucky lot- in Melbourne it is getting more difficult because of our population issues. When we first arrived it was absolutely fantastic here but I can't say the same now. I used to be on a committee dealing with hospital errors and I could see the deterioration over the years- even the head of one of our busy hospitals said his hospital was not a good place to be now( infection, work pressure, violence towards staff)

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I know the NHS gets a lot of kicking, but our experience has been fantastic.

I have always managed to see my GP on the day. On two occasions I have needed to be referred to hospital and both were the same day! Saw the doc on the morning and was in front of a specialist that afternoon. Love the fact that in Scotland, all prescriptions are free.

Also, had an eye test last week, mentioned glaucoma runs in the family, so did a load of tests on that as well. Was in there about an hour. Didn't cost a penny and excellent.

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I never saw my NHS doctor same day. Ever. I was triaged by unqualified receptionists same day, but no doctor.

As for hospital referrals same day, impossible where we were. Must be that post code lottery they talk about.

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Isn't this thread about the Australian health system, not the NHS?

Thankfuly have only had limited interaction with the system and little to none 20 years ago (well18-19).

Have had more interactions in recent years when my daughter came along.  Top class care in both Sydney and Perth, couldn't fault it (public system).  Fan of medicare and have never had an issue getting in to see a doctor.

So can't talk about whether it has improved or disimproved much but find the system pretty good.  Haven't heard any horror stories from any of my circle either.  Most people's experiences are fairly positive.

In ireland, the health system is a constant media story and a political football.  In Australia, that doesn't appear to be the case which is a good thing.

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Re the Aussie health system, I have had no complaints. Had a hernia op here on private that was like staying in a 5 star hotel.

That said, I have now cancelled my health cover as, in our circumstances and when I did the sums, we would be better off saving. A medium policy was costing the wife and I well over $3k a year and, 8 years out of 10 we haven't got anything back about from a few quid off dental and her glasses.

An in-law has a health scare last year and said that public service was fine.

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Guest The Pom Queen

I don't yet qualify to give advice on the last 20 years but I've definitely put the hospital system to the test and looks like I will be doing for a good few years. I have been a patient in 15 different hospitals, and over 35 operations. Most of these have been private and I've had a good experience, some nurses and doctors maybe shouldn't be in the job as their bedside manner sucks but those are the ones who usually excel at their job. The only hospital I've thought was iffy was our local one and that was like going back in time, a lovely hospital but because it is rural they only have 10 beds and hardly any equipment, for severe cases they send you off either to your private hospital or the larger hospital 45 min away. When I was admitted they had never heard of my illnesses, I had ended up with asceptic meningitis from my treatment and they had no idea what to do. Thankfully they got hold of my specialist and he advised them what treatment to give.  Last week I had to see a specialist at the public hospital in Brissy and it was packed, our appointment was 2pm and I think it was 5:30 before we got out.

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