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Feasibility of moving back to the UK after so long...


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Hello All,

I'm new to the Forum and hoping I can use some of you very helpful and experienced people to bounce ideas off and get some advice on where to source information for moving back home to the UK. A little bit of background. I moved to Australia in 1985 when I was 22 with my Australian partner. Two daughters were born in Australia and then as a family we lived in Belgium and the UK for just under five years. Back to Australia in 1995 where I have been ever since. Children now grown up, one living in London possibly permanently, the other in Melbourne in her own place. I am now single, 54 and have basically been missing living in the UK since I came back to Australia in the mid-1990s. Finally, I have the choice of where to live and the pull to return to England is so strong. Elderly parents, sister and nieces are all there and when I go back to visit, it all just feels right with family, friends and lifestyle.

My biggest question is just how realistic is it for me to consider moving home, especially from the financial point of view of retirement down the track? I have a good PA/EA role in Melbourne and would work in a similar job in the UK for at least another 10 years I imagine. I only worked in the UK from 1980-1985. I've worked in Australia from 1985-1988 and from 1996 to currently. I'm reading lots of interesting threads and learning as I go but my initial worries are:

- If I return to the UK now, do I forfeit any access to an Australian pension after retirement? If I work for 10 years or so in the UK, giving me a total of 15 years, am I able to top up a UK pension and receive enough to live on there? Is my Australian work record considered at all by the UK when calculating a pension?

- I'm happy to leave my Super here in Australia but can I access it and move it to the UK at retirement age?

- What are my job prospects at my age in the UK? I would probably aim to live in Dorset, around the Ringwood area and would be flexible in what I do.

- Not sure where on earth to start with everything that would need to be done - leaving my job, selling my house, shipping my stuff to the UK, finding out about flying my two dogs over and so on. I would need to be able to buy a small property outright in the UK as I wouldn't get a mortgage at my age. It all feels like a huge mountain to climb just thinking about the logistics!

I'm going to the UK in July to visit family for 3 weeks and will spend some time doing research while I'm there. If anyone can help with where I can go for financial/pension info - websites, government helplines and so on, it would be much appreciated. I do still have a National Insurance number and have both UK and Australian citizenship.

Thanks so much for reading. This is something I've been thinking about for so long but it all feels so completely daunting and maybe isn't even possible. No doubt, I'll have a million more questions as I progress through this journey!


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You won't lose your super but you may not be eligible for a Centrelink aged benefit anyway even when you get to retirement age - it's not an entitlement, it's a means tested benefit payment. You can back pay into NI and get some credit with NI for your participation in Aus up to 2000 so you might make up much of your UK Aged pension.

My observation is that there is less age discrimination here in UK than in Aus and everyone I know who wants work seems to be able to find it. You could do what I usually suggest in the opposite direction - take a career break, rent out your house and suck it and see. 

Remember that mountains are climbed by putting one foot in front of the other! Good luck!

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Thanks, Quoll, for your encouraging words. I guess at this stage I'm trying to work out if this whole idea is even possible and if so to build the confidence to take the leap. Your idea of a career break and renting is a possibility too and worth considering.

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Hi Nijallo

I am sorry that I am unable to offer a huge amount of practical advice but what I would say is if you have been missing living in the U.K. since the mid-90s then just GO! Everything will work itself out.

Go, be where you want to be and all the rest will fall into place. You will find work for sure, you may have to rent for a little while whilst you look for a home, and I second what Quoll said about your super. I'm excited for you!

Wishing you all the very best of luck 


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Hi Nijalo


I have just done it. Flew back Monday and the dogs arrived Wednesday. Like you I am 54 and single but no children and I have an elderly mother here which informed my decision.  My financial situation is secure so I am not concerned about pensions so can't help there but I can offer the following advice around costs and logistics. 

The cost for 2 dogs from Sydney was $4400. I used Jetpets. Shipping was $3500  plus $1000 for insurance. That was for 11 cubic metres which equals 1 queen bed , bedside tables, chest of drawers 1 sofa,  1 large  coffee table. 35 boxes of kitchen stuff and books, clothes and a ridiculously large shoe collection. So basically a 1 bed apartment of stuff. I used Chess. Everything was packed for me I didn't have to lift a finger. Which when you are a single female is a huge help.

The whole process took 8 weeks from getting  quotes to moving  but I could have done it in 6.

One of the reasons I am secure financially is the result of a very good exchange rate post Brexit. The proceeds from my house sale will go a lot further here.  Frankly I was gobsmacked by the amount I got. If you are transferring a reasonable amount  you will get a better rate than the tourist rates.  

When collecting the dogs i met a couple and a lady a bit older than me both doing the same thing . It was a long wait and we got chatting and the exchange rate was a factor for all of us. If you do decide to move now is a great time to go and you certainly won't be the only fifty plus doing it.

Good luck SG.







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15 hours ago, ScottieGirl said:

Hi Nijalo


I have just done it. Flew back Monday and the dogs arrived Wednesday. Like you I am 54 and single but no children and I have an elderly mother here which informed my decision.  My financial situation is secure so I am not concerned about pensions so can't help there but I can offer the following advice around costs and logistics. 

The cost for 2 dogs from Sydney was $4400. I used Jetpets. Shipping was $3500  plus $1000 for insurance. That was for 11 cubic metres which equals 1 queen bed , bedside tables, chest of drawers 1 sofa,  1 large  coffee table. 35 boxes of kitchen stuff and books, clothes and a ridiculously large shoe collection. So basically a 1 bed apartment of stuff. I used Chess. Everything was packed for me I didn't have to lift a finger. Which when you are a single female is a huge help.

The whole process took 8 weeks from getting  quotes to moving  but I could have done it in 6.

One of the reasons I am secure financially is the result of a very good exchange rate post Brexit. The proceeds from my house sale will go a lot further here.  Frankly I was gobsmacked by the amount I got. If you are transferring a reasonable amount  you will get a better rate than the tourist rates.  

When collecting the dogs i met a couple and a lady a bit older than me both doing the same thing . It was a long wait and we got chatting and the exchange rate was a factor for all of us. If you do decide to move now is a great time to go and you certainly won't be the only fifty plus doing it.

Good luck SG.







Hello. May I just ask you which company you exchanged your money with and how to go about it please without you having to get to personal on this site.

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Thanks so much, Antipodista and ScottieGirl! I am feeling quite empowered by your words and advice. The post-Brexit conditions are a really good point and something I hadn't considered. Costs are around what I was assuming which is great. I'm hoping the pension issue won't be too critical as I'll have my house proceeds too and, much as I don't like to think of it and don't factor it in, there will eventually be something from my parents. Guess I'm being super cautious and trying to think of everything.

ScottieGirl, were your dogs ok when you picked them up and are they settling down now? I have two young dogs, a Cavalier and a Cavoodle, and I am wondering how they will cope, they're quite sensitive little souls!

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6 hours ago, pommysheila said:

Hello. May I just ask you which company you exchanged your money with and how to go about it please without you having to get to personal on this site.

I used my bank Westpac as it was a  substantial sum. My accountant told me to do it in person not over the phone as I would get s better rate. I went into a branch and they phoned their Forex team for the best rate which was several cents higher than the advertised rate on their website.  I  got 2 cents less than the spot rate.

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5 hours ago, Nijallo said:

ScottieGirl, were your dogs ok when you picked them up and are they settling down now? I have two young dogs, a Cavalier and a Cavoodle, and I am wondering how they will cope, they're quite sensitive little souls!

They were fine. The flight was delayed by 6 hours and I was extremely stressed about it but the 12 year old arthritic Scottie was bouncing about like a teenager when they bought her out. 

They have settled well, they are loving the  colder weather and much more active  on their walks than they were in Sydney. 

I do think it helps if there are two of them.

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5 hours ago, Nijallo said:

Thanks so much, Antipodista and ScottieGirl! I am feeling quite empowered by your words and advice. The post-Brexit conditions are a really good point and something I hadn't considered. Costs are around what I was assuming which is great. I'm hoping the pension issue won't be too critical as I'll have my house proceeds too and, much as I don't like to think of it and don't factor it in, there will eventually be something from my parents. Guess I'm being super cautious and trying to think of everything.

ScottieGirl, were your dogs ok when you picked them up and are they settling down now? I have two young dogs, a Cavalier and a Cavoodle, and I am wondering how they will cope, they're quite sensitive little souls!

We transported our dog from Oz to UK last year. We were very worried about him as he is very sensitive and is never not with us - he even sleeps with us. He also has a medical condition which meant he couldn't eat during the trip. 

But, he was fine. Just hungry. 

We used Dogtainers who were wonderful and we had thought he would just be left in his crate while waiting for his flight, but they sent us emails showing him being cuddled and asleep on their laps and walked and generally being well fussed. The staff in the ARC at Heathrow were also fantastic. When it was time to come out, they came and asked for his lead, but he came out being carried and the staff explained they just wanted another cuddle. 

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There are strict regulations about the crate size.  They are huge and they get a fluffy fleece to lie on plus a very large water container.  It's like flying business class ☺ I spent 5 hours at the ARC and all the dogs coming through were fine and much happier  than their jet lagged humans.

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On 4/12/2017 at 3:11 AM, Nijallo said:

Hello All,

I'm new to the Forum and hoping I can use some of you very helpful and experienced people to bounce ideas off and get some advice on where to source information for moving back home to the UK. A little bit of background. I moved to Australia in 1985 when I was 22 with my Australian partner. Two daughters were born in Australia and then as a family we lived in Belgium and the UK for just under five years. Back to Australia in 1995 where I have been ever since. Children now grown up, one living in London possibly permanently, the other in Melbourne in her own place. I am now single, 54 and have basically been missing living in the UK since I came back to Australia in the mid-1990s. Finally, I have the choice of where to live and the pull to return to England is so strong. Elderly parents, sister and nieces are all there and when I go back to visit, it all just feels right with family, friends and lifestyle.

My biggest question is just how realistic is it for me to consider moving home, especially from the financial point of view of retirement down the track? I have a good PA/EA role in Melbourne and would work in a similar job in the UK for at least another 10 years I imagine. I only worked in the UK from 1980-1985. I've worked in Australia from 1985-1988 and from 1996 to currently. I'm reading lots of interesting threads and learning as I go but my initial worries are:

- If I return to the UK now, do I forfeit any access to an Australian pension after retirement? If I work for 10 years or so in the UK, giving me a total of 15 years, am I able to top up a UK pension and receive enough to live on there? Is my Australian work record considered at all by the UK when calculating a pension?

- I'm happy to leave my Super here in Australia but can I access it and move it to the UK at retirement age?

- What are my job prospects at my age in the UK? I would probably aim to live in Dorset, around the Ringwood area and would be flexible in what I do.

- Not sure where on earth to start with everything that would need to be done - leaving my job, selling my house, shipping my stuff to the UK, finding out about flying my two dogs over and so on. I would need to be able to buy a small property outright in the UK as I wouldn't get a mortgage at my age. It all feels like a huge mountain to climb just thinking about the logistics!

I'm going to the UK in July to visit family for 3 weeks and will spend some time doing research while I'm there. If anyone can help with where I can go for financial/pension info - websites, government helplines and so on, it would be much appreciated. I do still have a National Insurance number and have both UK and Australian citizenship.

Thanks so much for reading. This is something I've been thinking about for so long but it all feels so completely daunting and maybe isn't even possible. No doubt, I'll have a million more questions as I progress through this journey!


I think you should concentrate on exploring access to a UK pension and just what you would be eligible for, your work in Belgium might contribute as its a EU country with, I think, reciprocal rights with the UK , you need to get established proof of employment in Australia prior to 2000, the regs on getting a state pension here have changed in the last 12 months so it is important to understand them before you leap.

I also think you should look at where jobs are in relation to property prices and look at the costs and ease of commuting to work.

You also need to consider how to invest money in the UK to get a return on it, interest rates are below 1% so the favoured route is property investment which should get you around 4% but its fraught with possible difficulties because tenants rights are greater here than in Australia .

I have used 'hifx' to change money in the past and found them to give good rates especially on large sums, you can look on line at the market rates and lock it in at the best time, but you have to settle within a set number of days, I found their dealers very user friendly especially with large sums and sometimes will better the online rate.

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Hello. May I just ask you which company you exchanged your money with and how to go about it please without you having to get to personal on this site.

We used HiFX who were super easy to deal with either on the phone or online. Great exchange rates too.

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Thanks so much, Antipodista and ScottieGirl! I am feeling quite empowered by your words and advice. The post-Brexit conditions are a really good point and something I hadn't considered. Costs are around what I was assuming which is great. I'm hoping the pension issue won't be too critical as I'll have my house proceeds too and, much as I don't like to think of it and don't factor it in, there will eventually be something from my parents. Guess I'm being super cautious and trying to think of everything.
ScottieGirl, were your dogs ok when you picked them up and are they settling down now? I have two young dogs, a Cavalier and a Cavoodle, and I am wondering how they will cope, they're quite sensitive little souls!

Our Bedlington terrier is very timid and is also never away from us (well rarely!!) and she was absolutely fine. I phoned the animal centre in Dubai when she was there as she flew a bit earlier than us and they were so helpful, finding out how she was and ringing me back to let us know. We also used Dogtainers who were fantastic.

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Guest The Pom Queen

For money transfers I would consider using @John from Moneycorp . We used them to move our house money around 12 years ago now and have never heard a bad word spoken of them. We also ended up with a few thousand dollars more than if we had used our bank. One thing I like about Moneycorp is that they will match any deal, so if someone like Hifx offered you more they would offer you the same amount.

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Nijallo, I am in a very similar situation.  Same age, separated, family in UK, missed the UK and been pretty homesick for the last 11 years.  However, I don't have a house here in Sydney (who can afford one!) or in the UK.  It's been very encouraging to read someone is thinking about doing the same thing as I've been contemplating, not quite as mad as I thought:)

I have plenty of family and friends in the UK (Somerset area) but it's a very daunting prospect thinking about finding a new job, working out how to move things back including two cats but also leaving my 22 year old son here albeit not forever as he plans to return after a couple of years.  I have the added problem that I want to seek a divorce before I leave.

Some of my own questions have been answered re shipping.  It's good to get recommendations from people.

Sorry, this is no help to you but I just wanted to say you're not alone.

Best of luck



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SummersetRose, your comment is actually hugely helpful as I thought I was a bit mad too! We have so many similarities, I will also need to finalise a divorce (should be pretty straightforward I hope - a short second marriage that shouldn't have happened, all part of my feeling a bit lost I think), I have a 26 year old daughter in Aus and a 28 year old daughter who's been in London for 2 years and is probably going to settle there. My sister and my 4 adult nieces live in Somerset (Wiveliscombe) and my parents in Highcliffe. Dorset. I still have lots of my old friends scattered around England but all really supportive. Employment and future finances are my two big worries. Also transporting my dogs but the lovely people on this forum have already set my mind at rest somewhat with them!

Best of luck to you too. It looks like we may travel this path together so I look forward to bouncing ideas and advice off one other.

Take care x

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  • 3 weeks later...

We flew our Shar Pei to Oz had to go through quarantine ect and he was fine it was me that was frazzled ! 

With finnaces you would only get a Centrelink pension if you were resident in Oz but part of your time here in Oz does count towards a UK pension pre 2001 You can also pay uk contributions up to date it's quite costly but would give you full UK pension if you do retire in the UK 

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