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Advice please! scared to leave & possibilities of securing a Job in the UK whilst still in OZ


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Hi fellow poms!


Sorry if this question has been asked before!


Bit of background on me... My husband and I have lived in Melbourne for 7 Years along with my parents (we emigrated when I was 16, and yes, my now husband came with me! :smile: ). However... He is now feeling the pull to return back to the UK due to his family, our extended friends and the feeling of belonging. We have no property or loans so it will be quite easy to pack up after our citizenship is finalised in March, Will just be very sad to leave behind my parents.


Problem: I have recently received a promotion after 6 long years of working for a company hear in OZ and feel very scared/un easy with leaving and having to start my career again. I am 23 and work in IT Management, I would love to hear some of your advice, successes or tips in securing a job in the UK whilst still in OZ? I have applied for a few to "test the waters" and have herd diddly squat and its quite disheartening!


We will be relocation to our home town of Birmingham! (Not exactly comparable to Melbourne, yes i know!)



Thanks for all your help :)

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Do you want to go back or is it only because your husband wants to? You have to remember that you left when you were 16 and even though you had great friends then, people change a lot in 7 years and it wont be the same as it was. Have you been back since you left? Can you go for a month or so holiday and see what its like first? You seem to be giving up a good job and prospects.

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Thanks for the replies!


I am in a limbo about going back, I do 1 week then the next I don't!

I greatly miss close friends and extended family are not getting any younger.


We have been lucky enough to go back to the UK every year over the August summer holidays since we moved, so my hubby can see his family, I think this contributes greatly to his homesickness and pull to head back tbh...

@AJ that scares me the most, that I may be giving up my career and hard work to start again... all my qualifications are Internationally recognised which is a start, I suppose lol..


Such a big emotional and financial decision to make. I remember at 16 all I dreamt of for years was the day I moved back to blighty!





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Hi fellow poms!


Sorry if this question has been asked before!


Bit of background on me... My husband and I have lived in Melbourne for 7 Years along with my parents (we emigrated when I was 16, and yes, my now husband came with me! :smile: ). However... He is now feeling the pull to return back to the UK due to his family, our extended friends and the feeling of belonging. We have no property or loans so it will be quite easy to pack up after our citizenship is finalised in March, Will just be very sad to leave behind my parents.


Problem: I have recently received a promotion after 6 long years of working for a company hear in OZ and feel very scared/un easy with leaving and having to start my career again. I am 23 and work in IT Management, I would love to hear some of your advice, successes or tips in securing a job in the UK whilst still in OZ? I have applied for a few to "test the waters" and have herd diddly squat and its quite disheartening!


We will be relocation to our home town of Birmingham! (Not exactly comparable to Melbourne, yes i know!)



Thanks for all your help :)


Where I you from in brum ?

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Where I you from in brum ?


I'm from Great Barr/Kingstanding originally, and will not be heading back there lol...


we have a few areas in mind for when we move back.. Sutton Coldfield, Solihull, Walmley, which will be close enough to family, if we can afford it as these areas are very pricey!



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I say go for it. You are 23, IMO your 20s are for travelling and seeing the world. The UK is a great place to use as a base and you can explore Europe easily and cheaply from there. Also if your husband moved to Melbourne for you at 16/17 (left his family I presume) and is keen to do a stint in the UK for a few years, it may be payback time. Added bonus is reconnecting and spending some quality time with extended family and inlaws.


Your career is going going to have many ups and downs over the next 10-15 years (dare I say 40 years). 6 years in 1 company at 23 is a very solid start. Maybe do 6 months - 1 year at your promoted job and then move with an improved CV. People move all the time and experience in different companies and countries is a positive.


Give it a year or 2, if you don't settle/like it, it is very easy to come back. the kicker will be 5 years down the track if 1 of you wants to stay in the UK and 1 wants to return but cross that bridge if/when it happens.

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I say go for it. You are 23, IMO your 20s are for travelling and seeing the world. The UK is a great place to use as a base and you can explore Europe easily and cheaply from there. Also if your husband moved to Melbourne for you at 16/17 (left his family I presume) and is keen to do a stint in the UK for a few years, it may be payback time. Added bonus is reconnecting and spending some quality time with extended family and inlaws.


Your career is going going to have many ups and downs over the next 10-15 years (dare I say 40 years). 6 years in 1 company at 23 is a very solid start. Maybe do 6 months - 1 year at your promoted job and then move with an improved CV. People move all the time and experience in different companies and countries is a positive.


Give it a year or 2, if you don't settle/like it, it is very easy to come back. the kicker will be 5 years down the track if 1 of you wants to stay in the UK and 1 wants to return but cross that bridge if/when it happens.


I love this reply!! Thanks for your advice and suggestions.


I think It's fair to say he was amazing leaving his parents at such a young age! so in a way it's true, it's my turn to compromise and give it a go!


Your right, Europe and the surrounds are beautiful and very affordable from the UK. Also to spend time with my extended family and life long friends makes me feel about better about moving!



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Hi fellow poms!


Sorry if this question has been asked before!


Bit of background on me... My husband and I have lived in Melbourne for 7 Years along with my parents (we emigrated when I was 16, and yes, my now husband came with me! :smile: ). However... He is now feeling the pull to return back to the UK due to his family, our extended friends and the feeling of belonging. We have no property or loans so it will be quite easy to pack up after our citizenship is finalised in March, Will just be very sad to leave behind my parents.


Problem: I have recently received a promotion after 6 long years of working for a company hear in OZ and feel very scared/un easy with leaving and having to start my career again. I am 23 and work in IT Management, I would love to hear some of your advice, successes or tips in securing a job in the UK whilst still in OZ? I have applied for a few to "test the waters" and have herd diddly squat and its quite disheartening!


We will be relocation to our home town of Birmingham! (Not exactly comparable to Melbourne, yes i know!)



Thanks for all your help :)


Currently companies seem to be a bit reluctant to perform remote interviews with people who are not in the country. This is partly due to skyps interviews where one person speaks off camera and the person in front of the camera moves their mouth to make it look like they are answering the questions. Or situations where one person on skype takes the interview and another person turns up on the first day. So don’t read too much into the fact that you have not heard anything from the positions/companies that you have applied for. You will find that when there and you can go for an interview, things will start rolling. Not to say it will be easy as Brexit seems to be creating a fair bit of uncertainty. However, with you being there, you will stand a better chance of getting a reply and/or an interview.


The fact that you have no mortgage here or debts will sure make it nice and easy for you to move. We have a place that we need to sort out and then rent out before we move, which seems like it may be a bit of a pain. Leaving your parents will be hard and we wish we could say it will get easier, but it will not. That is why a lot of people return back to the UK, they are missing parents, family and friends. Is there any chance that they would come back to the UK with you?


With regards to the job, that should not stop you from moving or hopefully being happy in the UK. At the end of the day all we are is a number and if hard times came, companies would not think twice about cutting you back. Have you had any promotions before in the 6 years? If not, the initial thought is 6 years without a promotion, just looks like the company does not care about progressing its people. However, now you have got that promotion/title you can take that with you on your CV to help you get a good job in the UK. There are a fair few agencies/consultancies in the UK and that may be a good way to break into the market. Then you can look around for something better while you have a job and have got the money coming in.


Birmingham is not too bad. There are good and bad areas, just like everywhere in the world. We would not live there our self as we came from Kidderminster and like the countryside. When we return we are going to go back to Kidderminster or its surrounding areas. We do have family in Birmingham though and go there when we are back. Things are changing in Birmingham for the better and the city centre and places like New Street Station are at time unrecognisable. When you move, don’t judge Birmingham on Melbourne, or you will never settle. Look for the merits that Birmingham has to offer, such as great transport links to London (then on to Europe) and the rest of the country, central to most places, great food, great shopping, close to the countryside, great history and such like. Birmingham will never be Melbourne and visa versa. That is a good thing as if you move to a new place that is just like the one you have left, where is the learning experience in that?


People say about the weather being bad in the UK and that you cannot do activities like you can in Australia. That is a double edged sward. Yes it does rain and is colder than Australia; however you can still do things if you want to. There is indoor rock climbing, hill walls and activity centres. Outdoor activities such as walking, camping and such like can still be done with the right clothing and equipment. People/kids do not need to stay inside in front of the TV/X-box just because it is a bit cold or wet. In Sydney we have found that we stay in a bit more as you hear about the damage the sun can do and we done want to plaster our kids in suntan cream all the time. Our son has started high school in the UK and he is doing far more in the UK than what he did in Australia. He is going camping in Europe with the scouts, hill walking and plays rugby. He is not on the beach all the time, but he is finding there is more to being outside than going to the beach all the time. If you want you can do as much in the UK (if not more) as you can in Australia, the weather should not put you off.


Hope that this does not come across as a rant, as it is not meant to be. You have a great opportunity ahead of you and it is only human nature to worry. However, if you look at the positives as well as the negatives, it may go far easier for you. Good luck and hopefully you move to a nice area in Birmingham. We may even need your help in a few months as work in IT here too.

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Well I know I am going to get a bit of flack for this but I think you can compare Birmingham to Melbourne! (Brum is my hometown and I am about to return so I do have a bias.) They are both big cities with the opportunities and facilities that go with a big city. I concede the weather is not as good and you are not close to the sea but the cost of living is cheaper, certainly in Walmley. Plus you get the benefits of London and Europe being close by.

I think the thing you will miss most is your family and friends here. However for 2 of you it's not so expensive to relocate and if it doesn't work out you can return as you are citizens.

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