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Free movement to Australia in Brexit Trade Deal

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Back in the news again. Looks like family and friends of British immigrants may be able to join them very easily and live down there without having to go through all the hassles and expense we all went through back in the day. Exciting times for many. Lets hope it goes ahead and opens many doors for lots of young Brits who want to give the Aussie dream thing a go.

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Surely not. Why would the Australian govt give this sort of special treatment? The risks are quite significant socially and politically.


I can understand why certain sectors of the Brexit community in the UK might promote this, but it would have to be reciprocated, and why would that happen?


Got a link?

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Back in the news again. Looks like family and friends of British immigrants may be able to join them very easily and live down there without having to go through all the hassles and expense we all went through back in the day. Exciting times for many. Lets hope it goes ahead and opens many doors for lots of young Brits who want to give the Aussie dream thing a go.


I lol'd.





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From what I have read - this be the common line : Britain will have to relax immigration rules for Australians if it wants to secure a free trade deal with the Commonwealth nation.


It seems that the Australians want the UK to relax visa regulations for Australians GOING to the UK. There has been no mention of Australia relaxing any visa rules/regulations. I cannot see Australia relaxing laws and allowing free movement with a country that has a population of 64 million - even more so with a country that has had open borders / immigration with the rest of Europe with lord knows how many people that aren't who they say they are.

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Surely not.



Surely Yes. But if you are struggling with finding it:









Read the international news for goodness sake, not the insular "local" stuff they feed you down there. Its all over the web


its a good thing for all. We get some great talented Aussies here new bringing skills, new business and jobs and great news for many young folk who may not normally have the means or chance to give the Aussie dream a whirl or get the chance of a new life down under.


Its win win really for all.

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The only news I've read about this is that Alexander Downer said that if the UK wants more Australian businesses to invest in the UK in the future then they will ideally need to make tier 2 visas a bit more straightforward so that Australian executives can move more easily. I haven't seen anything about anyone coming here except comments on this forum. And yes, I read the international papers every day.....

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It was on Sky News, BBC News and GMTV early this morning about the possibility of free movement between both countries as well as New Zealand and possibly even Canada and very likely the USA. I know you cant see British telly without going online, but I am only passing on what we are hearing. Nothing is agreed and no formal talks have even taken place, its just something the news channels are saying that could be happening. Australia wants us to relax our immigration rules for business and skills and the UK are being reported to be seeking the same in return. This will lead to easy business and skills visas for Aussies and Brits.

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It was on Sky News, BBC News and GMTV early this morning about the possibility of free movement between both countries as well as New Zealand and possibly even Canada and very likely the USA. I know you cant see British telly without going online, but I am only passing on what we are hearing. Nothing is agreed and no formal talks have even taken place, its just something the news channels are saying that could be happening. Australia wants us to relax our immigration rules for business and skills and the UK are being reported to be seeking the same in return. This will lead to easy business and skills visas for Aussies and Brits.


I wouldn't worry or stress over the "why's and how's" of it.


Why would you NOT want your friends and family to have the same chances as you did ?

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Afraid this is a one way street exercise.


Whilst Australia has not made any significant changes to immigration from the UK (in fact it's probably getting easier with the language points), the UK has clamped down on non EU migration.


Therefore to secure a trade deal with Australia, the UK will need to relax back those changes. I see it as the equivalent of making it easier for Australians to get a 457 rather than so called free movement.


There will simply be no free movement under a trade deal - looking at the Productivity Commission there is already significant concern over the costs of parents moving over, and cannot see any scenario that this would be relaxed as this would only be a looming liability for Australia.

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They're isn't a chance of the USA allowing free movement. Canada is doubtful too.


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Maybe not, it is all media driven at the moment and the talks with Australia and NZ are not happening until next week as our PM has been invited out to the Whitehouse for discussions on our potential free trade with the USA, but hey if it does happen its great news for young people and young families. Even for some of the older ones with the skills who might have missed out on it earlier on.


Some Aussie business would thrive here......I know in some areas of Birmingham & London they would sell millions of those Aussie style security doors.


Come to think of it, the Aussie style security grilles for the windows too would be snapped up in a few of the streets I can think off.

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Hope it happens. I'm old enough to remember how it used to be before Britain betrayed its commonwealth and jumped into bed with the Eurotrash.


It's 2017, the Empire is dead as in like a Dodo, nobody is going to be giving us access rights to their country in exchange for flogging us some chickens and lamb that they got tucked away in cold store and nobody loves us any more, especially Alexander Downer, opportunist in chief, and French dominated Canada well you might get a look in if you've got fluent French , New Zealand has been in the grip a deeply right wing , neo liberal govt for a while with a pretty precarious economy so I can't see them welcoming a load of poms to sit around putting a strain on their social services.

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Back in the news again. Looks like family and friends of British immigrants may be able to join them very easily and live down there without having to go through all the hassles and expense we all went through back in the day. Exciting times for many. Lets hope it goes ahead and opens many doors for lots of young Brits who want to give the Aussie dream thing a go.


It actually looks like its freeing up of movement between Britain and the u.s ,as trump calls Theresa may " his Maggie " and moves the bust of Winston Churchill back into the oval office ,removed by the previous incumbent .

Looks like Britain and America are getting the " old alliances " back together

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It's 2017, the Empire is dead as in like a Dodo, nobody is going to be giving us access rights to their country in exchange for flogging us some chickens and lamb that they got tucked away in cold store and nobody loves us any more, especially Alexander Downer, opportunist in chief, and French dominated Canada well you might get a look in if you've got fluent French , New Zealand has been in the grip a deeply right wing , neo liberal govt for a while with a pretty precarious economy so I can't see them welcoming a load of poms to sit around putting a strain on their social services.


Ooh matron plus

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It's 2017, the Empire is dead as in like a Dodo, nobody is going to be giving us access rights to their country in exchange for flogging us some chickens and lamb that they got tucked away in cold store and nobody loves us any more, especially Alexander Downer, opportunist in chief, and French dominated Canada well you might get a look in if you've got fluent French , New Zealand has been in the grip a deeply right wing , neo liberal govt for a while with a pretty precarious economy so I can't see them welcoming a load of poms to sit around putting a strain on their social services.


Doubt it will be quite that simple. Industry will need to identify which skills they are short of and prove they have tried hard to recruit British first. Ex EU citizens are going to have no advantage over Australians or any other foreign national when competing for visas.


I think on the business side it will be a bit more than " a few chickens and some lamb".


We are talking more about farm machinery, oil industry equipment/expertise, manufacturing/production line tooling - ie, high dollar stuff or as they say Big Business.


Quite a bit more than your Sunday roast up for grabs here my dear.


There's plenty of reasonable priced lamb, beef, pork and chicken already here in Britain, you know, Hey and its even cheaper if you go to Tesco in the evening after 7:30 pm, you can buy tons of it for pennies off the clearance rack and pack out the freezer for buttons,


So no, I cant see a few bits of lamb quite being the priority here !! But good luck to anyone who finds a market for their produce in either country.


I think Theresa May was talking about something else ?


Exciting times ahead for us and our global trading partners.


Quite a different scenario to what the lefty luvvies and Project Fear EU loving liberals predicted if we chose to venture into the unknown and "got it alone"


I think we can say it will be Britain First from now on and Britain and it old Alliances makes a strong team.


The liberals and feminazis are squirming.


The Frank Sinatra song "They All Laughed" springs to mind:




They all laughed at Christopher Columbus when he said the world was round

They all laughed when Edison recorded sound

They all said we never could be happy, they laughed at us and how

But HO HO HO !

Who's got the last laugh now?

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Doubt it will be quite that simple. Industry will need to identify which skills they are short of and prove they have tried hard to recruit British first. Ex EU citizens are going to have no advantage over Australians or any other foreign national when competing for visas.


I think on the business side it will be a bit more than " a few chickens and some lamb".


We are talking more about farm machinery, oil industry equipment/expertise, manufacturing/production line tooling - ie, high dollar stuff or as they say Big Business.


Quite a bit more than your Sunday roast up for grabs here my dear.


There's plenty of reasonable priced lamb, beef, pork and chicken already here in Britain, you know, Hey and its even cheaper if you go to Tesco in the evening after 7:30 pm, you can buy tons of it for pennies off the clearance rack and pack out the freezer for buttons,


So no, I cant see a few bits of lamb quite being the priority here !! But good luck to anyone who finds a market for their produce in either country.


I think Theresa May was talking about something else ?


Exciting times ahead for us and our global trading partners.


Quite a different scenario to what the lefty luvvies and Project Fear EU loving liberals predicted if we chose to venture into the unknown and "got it alone"


I think we can say it will be Britain First from now on and Britain and it old Alliances makes a strong team.


The liberals and feminazis are squirming.


The Frank Sinatra song "They All Laughed" springs to mind:




They all laughed at Christopher Columbus when he said the world was round

They all laughed when Edison recorded sound

They all said we never could be happy, they laughed at us and how

But HO HO HO !

Who's got the last laugh now?


Actually it was the Greek mathematicians, Aristotle and Eratosthenes who calculated the earth was round, and Galilei Gallileo who proved it.

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Doubt it will be quite that simple. Industry will need to identify which skills they are short of and prove they have tried hard to recruit British first. Ex EU citizens are going to have no advantage over Australians or any other foreign national when competing for visas.


I think on the business side it will be a bit more than " a few chickens and some lamb".


We are talking more about farm machinery, oil industry equipment/expertise, manufacturing/production line tooling - ie, high dollar stuff or as they say Big Business.


Quite a bit more than your Sunday roast up for grabs here my dear.


There's plenty of reasonable priced lamb, beef, pork and chicken already here in Britain, you know, Hey and its even cheaper if you go to Tesco in the evening after 7:30 pm, you can buy tons of it for pennies off the clearance rack and pack out the freezer for buttons,


So no, I cant see a few bits of lamb quite being the priority here !! But good luck to anyone who finds a market for their produce in either country.


I think Theresa May was talking about something else ?


Exciting times ahead for us and our global trading partners.


Quite a different scenario to what the lefty luvvies and Project Fear EU loving liberals predicted if we chose to venture into the unknown and "got it alone"


I think we can say it will be Britain First from now on and Britain and it old Alliances makes a strong team.


The liberals and feminazis are squirming.


The Frank Sinatra song "They All Laughed" springs to mind:




They all laughed at Christopher Columbus when he said the world was round

They all laughed when Edison recorded sound

They all said we never could be happy, they laughed at us and how

But HO HO HO !

Who's got the last laugh now?


Well I think we have quite clearly established you political credentials, feminazis indeed, where do you think that kind of language belongs, at some Alt - right rally of white aryans.

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