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trump takes britain


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What choice did people have?


A more of the same with a member of the system that has seen their living standards fall. Their options and opportunities decrease. Their income decrease.


Or something different. It might not work, but heck, voting the other way was suicide for many.


The reality you mention is not perfect, but it at least acknowledges global free trade is a disaster for the average person. Obama and his anointed successor still can not see that. They thing the mantra of wealth trickles down is still viable, even after every piece of evidence is the opposite. Obama, like regular politicians in most other countries has been a total disaster. People say look at the unemployment is so low. But knock off the "none jobs" - the minimum wage, the zero hour contract, the people doing a shift here and there and it is horrendous.


People deride protectionaism, but when you look at the people who do, it is those who make the most from exploiting others.

at least if they had voted for Bernie they would have had a choice. Corbyn is a choice. Probably not my choice, but at least you can tell him apart from the Tories which has been hard to do over the last twenty years.
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How on earth can it have escaped your attention that Trump is actually a standard-bearer for the wealthy elite. He is filling his cabinet with billionnaires and bankers who are hardly going to derail the gravy train - quite the reverse, they will throw it into overdrive. The cult status that Trump has nurtured amongst the simple-minded folk of America who voted for him in their millions have blinded most of them to reality.


He is carefully denigrating and undermining the integrity of anyone or any organisation that reports his transgressions. Whether he can create a Kremlin-style oligarchy in the USA is open to question but he is employing classic divide and rule tactics in an attempt to do just that.


His vague promises and aims are largely doomed to fail but expect him to blame his 'enemies' rather than many of his ill-thought through or just plain crackpot schemes.


Lets just wait and see shall we !

He has already stopped businesses moving to Mexico .

And what vague promises are those by the way ?

His inauguration speech laid it out ...hardly vague .

Obama was vague ...standing in the main sq in Prague promising an end to nuclear weapons ...THEN SPENDING MORE ON THEM.THAN ANY OTHER U.S PRESIDENT .



But you just don't hear that in the media do you..

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The EU is finished, it'll hurt when the whole farce sinks, but at least by being out we won't get dragged down with it.
are you that naive that you think the destruction of the EU won't cripple the UK? Brexit or no brexit, they take nearly half our trade. We will be toast. The ripples will even be felt in Australia.
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the funny thing is, the EU is set up to exploit workers and to maximise corporate profit, you'd think the lefties would hate it, but they've convinced themselves it some sort of socialist nirvana, well not all of them Jeremy Corbyn hates the EU, always has.
it really doesn't matter how many times you are told does it. It is the broad centre that supports the EU.
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the funny thing is, the EU is set up to exploit workers and to maximise corporate profit, you'd think the lefties would hate it, but they've convinced themselves it some sort of socialist nirvana, well not all of them Jeremy Corbyn hates the EU, always has.


Spot on vs and amibovered....those on the left are being mugged off and they don't buy it ....what happened to proper jobs ,with proper terms and conditions ...a future ...proper jobs .

Whether Tha be u.k...oz ...or anywhere in the west .

Globalisation is ****ing us all over .


Mines in w.a with 2 Aussies ...and 35 Chinese workers ,without the terms and conditions ..or pay ...that was so hard fought for ...its bollocks ...and I know its going on .

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no, I think you will find that is Trump. I'm not saying it can't work. It might work. But you do have to ensure the money trickles down.


Old news ....now defunct ...their will be serious civil disorder if this does not change ...proper jobs with proper terms and conditions ...not drip feeding people ...its over for trickle down

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are you that naive that you think the destruction of the EU won't cripple the UK? Brexit or no brexit, they take nearly half our trade. We will be toast. The ripples will even be felt in Australia.


did you read what I said? obviously not, so I'll repeat what I said " it'll hurt" but we'll be better off with collateral damage, rather than in the eye of the storm.

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at least if they had voted for Bernie they would have had a choice. Corbyn is a choice. Probably not my choice, but at least you can tell him apart from the Tories which has been hard to do over the last twenty years.


But, Corbyn and Bernie are not real choices. Vague policies, uncosted with no concept of budgets. In the case of Corbyn, we are still not even sure where he stands on the EU.


But, it is academic. The vast majority of Americans did not have a Trump / Bernie choice. They had a Trump / Clinton choice. For those sitting in a two room rental with a family wondering how they lost their family home, that is a pretty simple choice.

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170 million sounds like a lot, but really? To educate British people to replace the 300,000 immigrants? 170 million? It's a piss in the ocean.

Duhhhh, they can't recruit enough maths teachers for the present schools, so we are going back to the 1950's, Grammar schools for the brightest and good old technical schools for the slightly thick but might make a good foreman or milling machine operator.

I suppose we could mount a worldwide recruitment drive for maths graduates on 417 visas to teach in them for 5 years and pretend they not immigrants and pay them a premium because they're only here for 5 years and they can bring their families with them.

If the politicians would stop pissing about with the education system every time a a new minister gets appointed then maybe we would be out in front like Finland or Germany but they all think they know better than any teacher.

Theresa May is an idiot, Grammar schools and Technical colleges, all the failed policies from the 50's, 60's and 70s, rehashed and served up luke warm as marvellous new ideas, give us a break and remember that some of us have lived thro this rubbish before and know its all about sorting out the winners at the Grammar and those who are going to do the real grunt work.

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How on earth can it have escaped your attention that Trump is actually a standard-bearer for the wealthy elite. He is filling his cabinet with billionnaires and bankers who are hardly going to derail the gravy train - quite the reverse, they will throw it into overdrive. The cult status that Trump has nurtured amongst the simple-minded folk of America who voted for him in their millions have blinded most of them to reality.


He is carefully denigrating and undermining the integrity of anyone or any organisation that reports his transgressions. Whether he can create a Kremlin-style oligarchy in the USA is open to question but he is employing classic divide and rule tactics in an attempt to do just that.


His vague promises and aims are largely doomed to fail but expect him to blame his 'enemies' rather than many of his ill-thought through or just plain crackpot schemes.

That just about encapsulates it, how long before he is taking the path of Putin and Erdogan and doing away with limitations on the terms he can serve.

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What choice did people have?


A more of the same with a member of the system that has seen their living standards fall. Their options and opportunities decrease. Their income decrease.


Or something different. It might not work, but heck, voting the other way was suicide for many.


The reality you mention is not perfect, but it at least acknowledges global free trade is a disaster for the average person. Obama and his anointed successor still can not see that. They thing the mantra of wealth trickles down is still viable, even after every piece of evidence is the opposite. Obama, like regular politicians in most other countries has been a total disaster. People say look at the unemployment is so low. But knock off the "none jobs" - the minimum wage, the zero hour contract, the people doing a shift here and there and it is horrendous.


People deride protectionism, but when you look at the people who do, it is those who make the most from exploiting other quote




Once you start to accept that as a premise for action then you are signing away your liberty and democracy, as has been said innumerable times, democracy is an imperfect system with many drawbacks but compared with other systems of government it has the least.

Once democracy has gone it is a right which is very difficult to re-establish and usually requires blood to be sacrificed, don't think Chile or Gambia can't happen here or in the US.

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But, Corbyn and Bernie are not real choices. Vague policies, uncosted with no concept of budgets. In the case of Corbyn, we are still not even sure where he stands on the EU.


But, it is academic. The vast majority of Americans did not have a Trump / Bernie choice. They had a Trump / Clinton choice. For those sitting in a two room rental with a family wondering how they lost their family home, that is a pretty simple choice.

in contrast to the rock solid economics of Trump and may. You jest surely?
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did you read what I said? obviously not, so I'll repeat what I said " it'll hurt" but we'll be better off with collateral damage, rather than in the eye of the storm.
it'll make sod all difference, and as everyone on here seems to be basking in the job of it all, you all seem to think us leaving is the cause of the EU destruction. So I assume that means if we stayed it wouldn't have fallen apart and there would be no fallout? You can't have it both ways.
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Lets just wait and see shall we !

He has already stopped businesses moving to Mexico .

And what vague promises are those by the way ?

His inauguration speech laid it out ...hardly vague .

Obama was vague ...standing in the main sq in Prague promising an end to nuclear weapons ...THEN SPENDING MORE ON THEM.THAN ANY OTHER U.S PRESIDENT .



But you just don't hear that in the media do you..


What did he actually promise to deliver? What would be the measurements of his success or failure ? You have totally fallen for the moronic bullshit and bought into this crazy cult.


Building a wall on the Mexico border for one. Totally uncosted and unrealistic. Mexico will not pay but even if he introduces swingeing tarifs on goods the US would have to pay for the thing to actually get built first. His own back of fag packet calculations have varied wildly depending on how stupid or gullible his particular audience is. This is his flagship policy but is doomed to failure.


"Make America Great Again". I haven't seen a single target or measurement that would indicate he achieved or failed in this endeavour.


Create millions of jobs. No targets. What unemployment rate is he after and will he achieve that solely by create jobs or deportation?


Who will he deport? Latinos currently in jail only or will he expect the police to trump up (pun intended) charges against all Mexicans and other nationalities in order to deport them?


A national register of Muslims (for crissake) in flagrant breach of the constitution and a block on any muslim entering the country.


Repealing the Affordable Care Act will be easy but replacing it will take years to achieve if ever. So millions will lose access to healthcare. Presumably you would be delighted if the NHS refused to treat you unless you paid.

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it'll make sod all difference, and as everyone on here seems to be basking in the job of it all, you all seem to think us leaving is the cause of the EU destruction. So I assume that means if we stayed it wouldn't have fallen apart and there would be no fallout? You can't have it both ways.


Who said us leaving will be the cause of EU destruction? not me.

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What did he actually promise to deliver? What would be the measurements of his success or failure ? You have totally fallen for the moronic bullshit and bought into this crazy cult.


Building a wall on the Mexico border for one. Totally uncosted and unrealistic. Mexico will not pay but even if he introduces swingeing tarifs on goods the US would have to pay for the thing to actually get built first. His own back of fag packet calculations have varied wildly depending on how stupid or gullible his particular audience is. This is his flagship policy but is doomed to failure.


"Make America Great Again". I haven't seen a single target or measurement that would indicate he achieved or failed in this endeavour.


Create millions of jobs. No targets. What unemployment rate is he after and will he achieve that solely by create jobs or deportation?


Who will he deport? Latinos currently in jail only or will he expect the police to trump up (pun intended) charges against all Mexicans and other nationalities in order to deport them?


A national register of Muslims (for crissake) in flagrant breach of the constitution and a block on any muslim entering the country.


Repealing the Affordable Care Act will be easy but replacing it will take years to achieve if ever. So millions will lose access to healthcare. Presumably you would be delighted if the NHS refused to treat you unless you paid.


Presumably I would be happy to see people pay for healthcare ? ...who are you ? ...do you know me ?...you are way off the mark ,and once again making assumptions .

In relation to trump being part of the " system " check out pilgers interview with Julian assange ...

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What did he actually promise to deliver? What would be the measurements of his success or failure ? You have totally fallen for the moronic bullshit and bought into this crazy cult.


Building a wall on the Mexico border for one. Totally uncosted and unrealistic. Mexico will not pay but even if he introduces swingeing tarifs on goods the US would have to pay for the thing to actually get built first. His own back of fag packet calculations have varied wildly depending on how stupid or gullible his particular audience is. This is his flagship policy but is doomed to failure.


"Make America Great Again". I haven't seen a single target or measurement that would indicate he achieved or failed in this endeavour.


Create millions of jobs. No targets. What unemployment rate is he after and will he achieve that solely by create jobs or deportation?


Who will he deport? Latinos currently in jail only or will he expect the police to trump up (pun intended) charges against all Mexicans and other nationalities in order to deport them?


A national register of Muslims (for crissake) in flagrant breach of the constitution and a block on any muslim entering the country.


Repealing the Affordable Care Act will be easy but replacing it will take years to achieve if ever. So millions will lose access to healthcare. Presumably you would be delighted if the NHS refused to treat you unless you paid.


The vague president has already got to work ....no top ..

He's met the American unions to discusss RAISING WAGES and terms and conditions ...and met some of Americas top business people to thrash out bringing jobs back to America ....ask what THEY want to see their businesses and America to succeed ...and that's DAY 1.

Vague my arse ....

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Rick Perry, Trump's pick for heading Department of Energy famously said when he was seeking the Presidential nomination in 2012 that the Dept of Energy was one of 3 Depts he wanted to abolish.....except that he didn't because he could not even recall the name of the Department.




This is cringeworthy. Apparently having neen asked to head the Department he has taken the trouble to find out what it does and realises he was wrong to seek its abolition. Should he really not have found that out first?


Presumably Trump is seeking out people who are actually dumber than he is so that he feels superior. This is really limiting his options though.

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Rick Perry, Trump's pick for heading Department of Energy famously said when he was seeking the Presidential nomination in 2012 that the Dept of Energy was one of 3 Depts he wanted to abolish.....except that he didn't because he could not even recall the name of the Department.




This is cringeworthy. Apparently having neen asked to head the Department he has taken the trouble to find out what it does and realises he was wrong to seek its abolition. Should he really not have found that out first?


Presumably Trump is seeking out people who are actually dumber than he is so that he feels superior. This is really limiting his options though.


That post shows how little you know ....trump has surrounded himself with smart people ,that's how people like trump operate .

He puts out the sound bites and headlines ,they do the business.

He has had his team in place since he won office ,and its impressive .

He has hit the ground running .

I love it when people ,like you ,call him stupid .

He may be rude ,arrogant ,and various other titles ,but stupid he isn't .

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That post shows how little you know ....trump has surrounded himself with smart people ,that's how people like trump operate .

He puts out the sound bites and headlines ,they do the business.

He has had his team in place since he won office ,and its impressive .

He has hit the ground running .

I love it when people ,like you ,call him stupid .

He may be rude ,arrogant ,and various other titles ,but stupid he isn't .


You didn't look at the link then, I don't blame you.


The one he couldn't remember was Energy, which he will now be in charge of. Though he says now that he knows what the Department actually does he has changed his mind. So, Perry stood on a platform for the Republican Presidential nomination calling for the abolition of a Department that he couldn't name and had no idea what its function was. Really not smart.


No, to be fair, Trump is inarticulate but not stupid. His inability to string a coherent sentence together makes him appear stupid but he knows how to get what he wants for sure. If he hadn't inherited a fortune he would have been a canny used car salesman or similar.

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The vague president has already got to work ....no top ..

He's met the American unions to discusss RAISING WAGES and terms and conditions ...and met some of Americas top business people to thrash out bringing jobs back to America ....ask what THEY want to see their businesses and America to succeed ...and that's DAY 1.

Vague my arse ....

Raising wages is easy to do and the working man desperately needs that and he needs guaranteed employment but their are these risks, wage rises means prices go up and the wage rises disappear paying more for the goods, and your overseas market shrinks, raise wages too much and AI robotics becomes more and more attractive, the huge loss of employment over the last 20 years has been largely due to automation and now AI is going to hit the white collar worker hard, the more wages rise the harder it is to justify employing people when investment in a machine gives you 24/7 output,

America's internal market is not big enough to support all its industrial production so it has to export, hence Trump desire to do a trade deal with us to expand his market without opening his up, and to export it has to stay competitive and that is the challenge for any individual country and that is why membership of the EU is so vital.

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By all accounts, Theresa May's visit to Trump went well, very upbeat.


She is the first leader to be invited in to the Oval Office by the new President.


This is the first day for a while that wee Jimmie Krankie hasn't been in the news on telly jumping up and down and Remoaning along with the usual lefty luvvies trying to cling on to floating logs.


Nothing is going to stop Brexit. They can stamp their feet all they want, they are now irrelevant.


Hopefully its the end of oppression under the dictatorship of the unelected bureaucrats.

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By all accounts, Theresa May's visit to Trump went well, very upbeat.


She is the first leader to be invited in to the Oval Office by the new President.


This is the first day for a while that wee Jimmie Krankie hasn't been in the news on telly jumping up and down and Remoaning along with the usual lefty luvvies trying to cling on to floating logs.


Nothing is going to stop Brexit. They can stamp their feet all they want, they are now irrelevant.


Hopefully its the end of oppression under the dictatorship of the unelected bureaucrats.

Yeah, great so now we get to be dictated to by completely unelected tyrant businessmen who think climate change is Chinese propaganda and washed up military who believe in torture, great exchange.

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