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convalescing in Australia?


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Good morning everyone.


Sorry if this has been posted before but I am looking for some help.


I am a UK citizen, been in Oz for six years and am also Oz citizen. I have a long standing friend in the UK who is currently in hospital. When he comes out, he will need a lot of care - particularly in respect of his day to day care as he has had a reasonably severe stroke. If I lived in the UK still he would be very welcome to come and stay with me until he was well enough to go home. But I am here.....


His sister is here and also an Oz citizen. His mum is in the UK but lives miles away, is older and both he and her are not keen on the idea of him going there. He is only 50, but completely unable to work and look after himself right now. Hopefully that will come back but he is looking at a long time before this is an option/possibility


Does anyone know if there is a visa which would allow him to come here for say 6-9-12 months until he is well? Like a convalescing period where he can come and stay with me and his sister and be somewhere safe until he is well enough to go home? We are able to support him with day to day care, he has money for his own outgoings so things like Centrelink do not come into the equation - it is really just is there a visa that we could apply for that would be appropriate?


Yes I appreciate the logistics are a nightmare, but we can't see any other solutions at the moment as he is quite isolated and does not really have any other people to call on and we can see him going into some kind of care home rather than home home. Is there a visa that would allow him to come here to be looked after for a short to medium stay?


Thanks all so much for any help you are able to give.

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What would happen if he needed more medical treatment? Would it be covered? Will he be OK on the flight? Can he get travel insurance?


Those would be my concerns too, he would require on going medical appointments, rehab therapy e.g. occupational therapy, physio, speech therapy depending on how he has been affected

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Thanks guys, obviously there are lots and lots of questions and concerns, and he is not likely to be coming any time soon. One of us could go back to get him so the flight should be ok, and of course we dont want him coming at all if that would endanger his health in any way or mean he could not get the medical assistance he needs. Lots to consider!

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Thanks guys, obviously there are lots and lots of questions and concerns, and he is not likely to be coming any time soon. One of us could go back to get him so the flight should be ok, and of course we dont want him coming at all if that would endanger his health in any way or mean he could not get the medical assistance he needs. Lots to consider!


Might also need his doctor's permission to fly, depending on his condition.

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