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advice for 2 yr old party


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hi all having a party for my 2 yr old daughter in july looking for advice or tips. weve booked leisure centre with bouncy castle but any other games or foods etc would be good thanx

kelly x


Does the leisure centre not do a party organisor. Other things finger paints messy play is great one year i did a pyjama party for my daughter and did put ted to bed may be hold that 1 for a couple of years:no: what about little trikes toys depends how many are coming as they may be just amused with the bouncy castle regarding food little sandwiches finger foods all the naughty things they may not be allowed at home :twitcy: pieces of fruit but make sure no one has any adverse allergies I also made sure i had parents contact numbers

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Structured party games will probably prove to difficult for two year olds in my experience; they don't understand what to do, and get bored too easily! Something as simple as running around with a load of balloons always kept mine entertained at that age! Music such as Hi 5 and The Wiggles would be good, or a CBeebies CD. You could attempt musical statues, or sit down when the music stops? Do Sainsburys still sell pinatas, that might be good!

Agree that finger foods are best as Sue said, chocolate fingers, carrot sticks, little sandwiches cut into shapes with a pastry cutter. They don't eat much at that age, you always have too much!

Hope you have a great party; I've got my sons 5th birthday to sort out next month:arghh:.

Jo x

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Finger foods, sausage rolls and cakes. The leisure centres normally provide someone to organise it. Pass the parcel is a good one, put a treat in each layer (and cheat to make sure everyone gets one) with the prize at the end. You'll probably find that the bouncy castle will be enough.



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thanx ladies, all parents are being asked to stay as its only for 2 hours at that age i think they are too young to be left on their own without mums, food all sounds great think were having a long table with reel of paper on it and lots of crayons so they can scribble as much as they want, and an inflatable ball pit along with the castle should do! tahn xagain if i dont post by july 20th its coz im sitting rocking in a corner after 2 hours of 20 2 yr olds!!:wacko:

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Guest gothicqueen

gosh you are brave 20 2 year olds............... saying that would be just like spending one day with a 40 year old man!


For my three Ive alays done the basics, pass the parcel and dancing games, with regard to food, keep it to a minimum as they wont eat it, Ive made the mistake in the past of making too much and throwing 3/4 of it away, for the last few parties for my youngest Ive just done crisps, sausage rolls and cakes and biscuits as Ive found that NONE of them want boring sandwiches LOL!!!


One big thing though make sure you have plenty of drinks on hand as you could pour gallons into each child, especially if they are running around. Ooh and also a couple of packs of baby wipes, they cool them down when they are too hot too


Ive used a company called party online (I think) for all the little favours, they do stuff like little plastic cups you can fill with sweets and little toys and they work out much cheaper than anywhere else, Ill try and fnd the details and will post them here for you


Good luck...... your gonna need it LOL

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I've always played safe for my kids parties. We hire out the local Leisure centre where they have the bouncy castle, ball pit, soft blocks and other soft play stuff. I had party games like pass the parcel ready for back up but to be honest 2 hours playing goes quick. Especially with half hour for food. And 20 of them! It would be chaos getting them all to sit down and cooperate!! Musical bumps and statues is a good one but to keep it quick and not let the kids get bored I would get rid of 2 kids each time.


Oooo good tip above about lots of drinks. Especially as it's summer.


Good luck!


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We had a pirate party once for my son which was great..... I don't know why but I'd decided to be arty and make my own pinata, so out came the paper, glue and paint ... it looked great, but I'd put too many layers on and it was a bu****r to break .... but the kids thought it was a brilliant game as they got about 20 goes each lol. We broke it in the end by my son jumping on it



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How funny Ali!


We had a pinata for my son's last birthday, but only a bought one from Woolworths. It was impossible to break too! Even us adults didn't make much of a dent! But like you say, it was a great laugh and the kids loved being able to smash something with a stick and then get a cheer!



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