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Should I stay or should i go

Chopped Pork

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It is clearly a question not a judgement, Marlou. I have made no comment whatsoever on the OPs character or personal attributes. I was asking why they had not applied for the appropriate visa.


Reading your question, as it was phrased, it seemed rather judgmental. There are perhaps more pleasant ways of asking why someone has chosen a particular course of action. (Assuming the purpose of the question was to be able to then offer constructive advice, rather than just to make a point about the perceived lack of planning.) The point I'm making is that people come on PIO to ask for advice and I'd hate for people to avoid posting questions for fear of being judged. It would rather defeat the purpose of the forum...

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What one infers and what (if anything) is implied are entirely different things.

I agree... we all write things (whether in an email at work, or on a forum like this) that we think sound perfectly fine, only to discover that it has been construed differently to how we had intended.

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What one infers and what (if anything) is implied are entirely different things.


to infer and to imply are pretty similar in my view. It is usually the subject of these verbs that takes it the wrong way rather than the person making the original statement. In my opinion.

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Reading your question, as it was phrased, it seemed rather judgmental. There are perhaps more pleasant ways of asking why someone has chosen a particular course of action. (Assuming the purpose of the question was to be able to then offer constructive advice, rather than just to make a point about the perceived lack of planning.) The point I'm making is that people come on PIO to ask for advice and I'd hate for people to avoid posting questions for fear of being judged. It would rather defeat the purpose of the forum...


I have made over three thousand posts on here Marlou, versus your thirty. Maybe read a few thousand of my posts,most of which are in the immigration forum, and then decide who is being more judgemental on PIO here.


I do not sugar coat anything, but if people come to a forum and want a non expert opinion, I believe thst they will be fortunate to get my own practical resoonse to the question in action, than a character assignation but no useful guidance from you.


Please answer after you have read three thousand of my posts and can be sure that I should not be taken any notice of on here.

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big dilemma but,would you be able to look back in a few months/years and say I wish i`d given it a go..as many of other people have wrote.. its not the end of the word either way..all I will add is it`ll be a great experience to live in oz..and if it doesn`t work out then so what..you can move back..i lived in oz for 20 yrs and moved back to the uk 2 yrs ago..its been a good experience moving back but tbh i`ll probably end up back in oz..but, that's me..i wish you and ur missus all the best..

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I have made over three thousand posts on here Marlou, versus your thirty. Maybe read a few thousand of my posts,most of which are in the immigration forum, and then decide who is being more judgemental on PIO here.


I do not sugar coat anything, but if people come to a forum and want a non expert opinion, I believe thst they will be fortunate to get my own practical resoonse to the question in action, than a character assignation but no useful guidance from you.


Please answer after you have read three thousand of my posts and can be sure that I should not be taken any notice of on here.


I'll bow out here as this is just distracting from the OP's question. I didn't realise that I needed to have posted thousands of times to be allowed to speak up when I thought a comment was uncalled for. For what it's worth, I didn't actually say anything about whether you help people - I know from using this forum regularly over the years that you frequently do.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'd like to thank everyone who has replied to my initial question, it has been most helpful and generally very constructive, but please stop with all this internal bickering, this is a forum, there are no stupid questions or comments, there is no ranking or forum status, everyone is here for a reason and sharing thoughts, experiences and opinions hopefully to the benefit of us all. After all it's good to talk and chew the fat. Thanks guys....

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I must have said it a thousand times.Nobody can tell you what the best thing is to do.It's all down to you.Nobody wants to ruin the chance of you having a great life in Australia.And nobody wants to see you loose a great job,what you already have. So many people are going back to the UK.All for their own reasons.Australia is on a downward Spiral.I have been Here for 37 years,This would be the Worst time to come to Australia.I've seen people here being put out of work, and loosing everthing,walking around with Placards at roundabout,and on the side of the road saying Please Give Me A job.The Last Time things were really hard here,The Mining Boom Came Along And Saved The Day.That was 20 years ago.I don't think another mining boom will come along this time around.Where I live in Qld 40% are out of work.Don't think it's much better down south,There's nothing Happening thousan dsare on part time work.And it's so expensive ,the cash you have will soon go.If you can't find work.My One Liner has always Been.If you are Happy,Have a Good Job And Your Own House.Don't risk it all, to come to Australia,For a adventure.At your Age. If you were 20 sure.We were Bullet Proof then.

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Hi Chopped Pork. As others have said I think that the pants deal of it that with all the advice in the world the decision in the end has to be yours. I posted a very similar dilemma some months ago and although hearing everyone's experience helps, it won't answer your question. I accept that as a GP I'm in a bit more of a reassured position of getting work at either end, but I think in the end you have to ask yourself if having had the opportunity to go you will spend every waking moment wishing you'd given it a try, or if having made the decision not to go you can simply settle down and get on with life without looking back. If it's the former you've got to accept you'll worry about it up until the day you leave (and probably a bit after) but you have to give it a try - you can always come back. If it's the latter then you should definitely stay in the UK. Like you I spent lots of time stewing on it but realised I was in the former category and my wife (who is the side of giving it a try) firmly said she didn't want to spend the next 40 or more years hearing me talking about "what if ..", so we're going.

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I guess mate if you think if someone took your visa away and you had no other option to move to Australia ever how would you feel? If you're not really that bothered, I would be tempted to either not go or rent and go for a look see with a view to possibly coming back. If you think, geez, I would be devastated then that's your answer.


What yo nneed is a big piece of paper and write on it with a realistic head on 'what do I want' and take it from there....

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I guess mate if you think if someone took your visa away and you had no other option to move to Australia ever how would you feel?


If you're not really that bothered, I would be tempted to ... not go.... If you think, geez, I would be devastated then that's your answer.



Excellent advice.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey there.


I didn't read the whole thread, but I'd say moving to Australia at your age is pretty good. It's a massive upheaval, but it's good to shake things up a bit. We've been out here nearly a year, and had many ups and downs, but we are all getting into it now. There is a whole lot more on offer than there was in our North Wales hometown, and I believe more potential for our kids. There's more than good beaches. There's lots of good things to do. And the coffee is awesome.


Anyway, regardless of all that, here a few practical tips.


Sydney is pretty expensive. It can be a bit cheaper if you live further out (Berowra, Penrith, Blue Mountains etc - far out places that do have a train line into the city) - but rents can be a lot. Family places seem to start at $800 but can often be $1200 a week+ (couples/small families can get into units, and some of the older, well built places are great)


Buying - for us, whilst not totally impossible, would stretch us to the max. If you already have something of higher value in the UK, you might be ok, but our house there would only give us enough for a deposit here! (also, since the pound has dropped like a stone and may not recover for a long time, now isn't a good time to sell)


We've looked into Brisbane, and it's more affordable. Rents/mortgage are nearly 50% cheaper, and more in line with UK places. So maybe look at Brisbane/Gold Coast/Sunshine coast. We went for a trip up there and Brisbane is really nice indeed.


Newcastle is also 'on the up' and has some industry. Just a few ideas.

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I agree about the weather can suck in the heat, I lived in s.africa and perth and found in the end I hated the heat....If I was you I would honestly stay put, but in the end it is your decision and you can always come back if you dont like it. Life is an adventure and we only live once.

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