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Long Haul flights with kids...


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So, it'll be out first long haul flight with the darlings. I've a feeling it's going to be crazy!


6, 4, 3 (Girl, Girl, Boy)


How was it for you?


Any tips or advice appreciated.


We're flying Malaysian, A380, LHR - LK - MEL in August 2016



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My preference is to take a night flight out of Heathrow, so around 10pm take off time. That way kids have been on the go, are ready for some sleep and can eat a good meal a couple of hours before boarding, get into PJ's while waiting to board and then once on the plane, get comfy and snuggle down and hopefully be asleep pretty quick. And then be conked out for a decent chunk of time. Our son slept 8 hours solid one time from about 30 minutes after take off from Heathrow and then woke much later, had breakfast, got dressed and only had a few hours till landing in Singapore to pass time.


I'd not go overboard on things like lots of colouring books or books and so on as often kids just don't have interest in them long enough to warrant carting them in hang luggage and taking up space. Also the airlines tend to give out decent little puzzle/game packs for smaller kids to keep them occupied for 10 minutes here and there. I go for a few easily disposable things I can bin as we get off the plane and then restock while waiting for the next flight if I think its needed. Of course, if you are flying during the day then kids will be wide awake and the older ones may watch the TV for a while.


I'd take a pack of kiddie Calpol and Nurofen capsules in case they are needed. You know the ones that dissolve in the mouth. Rather those than a bottle of liquid as this may be too large and get taken away. The melts are so much easier (and lighter).


My list for smaller kids to take in their hand luggage case is


PJ's, clean underwear and socks

Light slip on shoes for the journey

Easy change of clothes for kids (ie clean tee and shorts)

Snacks and empty water bottle I can refill as and when

One, maybe two books, small cuddly toy

Couple of small games/toys that are disposable (my son loves those maze puzzles you have to wiggle the ball round for example).

Also I print off a few pages of mazes, puzzles and stuff and clip them together and as they get used up, I can bin them. Small pack of crayons or pencils.

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Absolutely fine, do not panic. Travel light. Keep it simple. If any of them are prone to travel sickness get that sorted before you leave - try the meds or whatever because sometimes with some kids they can have a paradoxical effect and you do not want kids bouncing off the bulkhead in mid air. They will most likely watch a lot of kiddy videos (take your own headphones kid size) and sleep.


Yours are old enough not to be a real issue.

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As others have said, night flights for the bigger leg work better, light toys / colouring etc. They'll watch the tv too, be sure to ask the crew for the over head earphones or take your own.


Dont forget favourite bear / blanket/comforter for sleeping with. Oh and sweets to suck on to stop ears popping when coming in to land..

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As others have said, night flights for the bigger leg work better, light toys / colouring etc. They'll watch the tv too, be sure to ask the crew for the over head earphones or take your own.


Dont forget favourite bear / blanket/comforter for sleeping with. Oh and sweets to suck on to stop ears popping when coming in to land..



Take backup food, my kids hate airline food.

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Take backup food, my kids hate airline food.


Absolutely, we tried to get food into them an hour before we board and then they can just pick at stuff if they fancy it; kids meals seem to be more hit and miss that adult options, at least we can wash ours down with booze!

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Biggest hassle will be hand luggage, as the kids need more than you, but can't carry it. You'll feel like a pack mule by the end.


Ours have their own little wheeled cases (hand luggage size compliant). They think they're the bees knees.

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Do not underestimate the night flight, it becomes your best friend! If you're lucky you'll sneak in a snooze as well! As others have said the attraction of being on a big plane and being able to explore and play with airline features and freebies will be more attractive than a colouring book or children's magazine. We flew to Perth via Singapore and oddly the second flight seemed to drag longer as the kids were bored and awake. The longer flight they slept soundly for a good proportion from Heathrow and the Airbus was more entertaining.

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We flew Edi-Mel in February with a 1 year old and an eight year old. I was dreading the flight and couldn't relax for the first few hours. The eldest watched the tv for the majority of the flight and the younger one was fine throughout. Only problem we had was when she slept in the bassinet, we had to remove her during turbulence which woke her up.


Only advice I would give is, make sure you have plenty of snacks for the kids, this will keep them going between meal times.

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First off, it is a short time that you will be on the flight, relatively speaking, so no matter how bad it feels at the time, it will be over and forgotten very quickly. I liken flying with kids as being a bit like labour. Necessary and painful, but soon forgotten once you have your bundle of joy in your arms.


Firstly, bags. Your eldest should be able to manage a kids wheeled hand luggage sized bag. Pack the fun stuff in there and ensure that it is of a size that can fit under the seat in front, rather than in the overhead lockers. It is much easier to get to during the flight if it is under the seat, and if it is full of fun stuff it will be much more appealing for your LO to pull. Other than that, keep all spare clothing and things that you are likely to need infrequently in a bigger bag up in the overhead storage, but have smaller hand luggage with things that you are likely to need often under the seats in front.


Take snacks and things that your kids will eat. Fruit (ziplock bags with halved grapes, cucumber and carrot sticks and things like that), little packets of biscuits, enough stick lollies for them to suck at each ascent and descent (sucking helps them equalise their ears which can be painful for kids), crisps, sweets, crackers, whatever you can take to keep them fed. My girls wouldn't eat the plane meals when they were younger, and it was good to have something (anything - one day won't hurt) to give to them when they were hungry. Take an empty water bottle each. I am usually environmentally friendly, but on flights I take the bottles of water that you buy in the supermarket (emptied, you can't take them full) rather than reusable ones which are heavy. Have them filled up when you get on the flight, and you will be more likely to keep hydrated than if you have to ask the airline staff for a cup of water every time you are thirsty.


For clothing, I never bothered getting the kids changed at all. I dressed them in jogging bottoms on the bottom and layered long sleeved t-shirt, short-sleeved t-shirt over the top, fleece jacket, bamboo socks (both warm and cool) and trainers. I packed a full change of clothing (including undies) in my hand luggage, but it was only to be used if they were sick/wet themselves/spilt something which they never did. I also take a couple of pashminas. Useful as blankets, headscarves and can be used to sleep under if the light is bothering them.


I also take lots of tissues, anti-bacterial and anti-viral gel/foam (Boots do it), olbas oil tissues because I get snuffly on a flight, breath mints, reading material, colouring books, iPads, little dollar store toys wrapped up and given for good behaviour, baby wipes, lip balm, hand lotion, lens cloth for glasses, hair brush and bands.


You'll have a ball. And if you don't, remember it is only a few hours.

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LKC has reminded me - the other "must have" for me (the rest of my family seem to manage without it) is the magical Fess nasal spray! Once taken never forgotten - my nasal passages dry up something chronic in a plane and Fess is great!


I am a great believer in backpacks so would tend to get the kids a kid size backpack rather than something that has to be monitored, like a bag, but then, I don't do wheely bags myself either. If it doesn't go on my back it doesn't go.

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