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Hey Everyone,


Iv'e posted on here a couple of times before.


My hubby's job is here in Sydney at the moment, however the company has said we can relocate, as we can't afford to buy a house here (Company has expressed a preference for Brisbane), however I have been offered a good job in Melbourne, our son lives in Melbourne too.


I did really like Brisbane when we visited a few weeks ago, but I do have a worry about the heat there and humidity, I really struggle here in Sydney. Of course house's are cheaper in Brisbane but there just doesn't seem to be the job opportunities there.


Do I accept the job in Melbourne knowing that this is going to probably piss off, my husband's employer or what, also this has taken me nearly 12 month's to get a job too, I'm 50 next year and I need to get back into the workforce.



I don't really know what to do..Thoughts anyone

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Have you approached the company and asked them? Just be honest and say you have a job and a son there so would much prefer Melbourne. Seems like a reasonable request to me.

Keep in mind that Melbourne is much bigger and more expensive than Brisbane however. Can you buy the house you want in the right area in Melbourne?

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Hi movingback,


My hubby's company know that our son lives there, my hubby travels to Melbourne and Brisbane very regular with his job, he is an engineer. Yes we can afford to buy a nice house in a good area in Melbourne, just cannot do it here in Sydney.

I have asked hubby to tell his boss about the situation but I just have a feeling that they are going to be awkward about it, I can't turn this job down really it's taken me this long to get a permanent job..And we can't be paying 2 rent's out either, Sydney and Melbourne, as we will have to rent in Melbourne short term until we can buy a house.


Very frustrating, and I am sick of renting it's doing my head in

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All you can do it ask nicely :)


If they say no, its Brisbane or Sydney, then you have a decision to make - move to Melbourne anyway and have your husband find a new job or give up your job and start back at square one in Brisbane. I must admit Brisbane does not appeal to me - too hot and humid. I like Sydney weather but not in January/February.

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You've asked this question already and got some good replies (though the thread did go off topic arguing about the weather!).


You're bound to get replies which say the humidity in Brisbane is nothing to worry about. And that is true for some people - BUT it all depends on how you react to humidity, everyone is different.


You say you're already finding the humidity a trial in Sydney. As you go further north up the coast, the humidity gets worse so I'd say that would be a problem for you. I'm like you, and I found the humidity on the Gold Coast suffocating in summer, and so sticky I had sweat dripping off the end of my nose. Of course you'll find ways to adapt if you have to live there, like staying indoors and going everywhere by car - but for me that would mean changing my lifestyle which wouldn't be acceptable.


The company may prefer Brisbane but they are leaving the door open to other choices - and it's only logical for you to say you want to move nearer your family. It would be a no-brainer for me to choose Melbourne.

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Yup, make the compelling case - your family, your inability to cope with the heat/humidity (common for menopausal women), your employment prospects. They may prefer Brisbane but until you ask them about Melbourne you won't know!

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I agree that you can but ask, but if one of my employees wanted to live in Melbourne because they preferred the weather or had family there or whatever, but it didn't suit my business needs then unfortunately I could not accommodate them. I would not be building an argument around why you want to go to Melbourne, but would be building an argument around how it could work for the business.


As an employee, I probably would not push my will through if I knew the employer really did not want it, not unless I was prepared to lose the job down the line. I worked for a multisite employer and sometimes they did decide that a particular team or department should alll be concentrated in one place and would close roles down if they were in the wrong place.


If it is still a no, then you just have to weigh it all up at that point. Are you fairly equal in terms of income or is one clearly the main breadwinner? Could your OH find work easily in Melbourne if needed to change employer?


But yes, just need to get final clarity.

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I have asked hubby to tell his boss about the situation but I just have a feeling that they are going to be awkward about it


You're assuming you won't be able to go to Melbourne because you just "have a feeling"? There's only one way to find out - ask. The worst they can do is say it won't suit. At least then you'll know where you stand.

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