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Bricklayer - chances of emigrating to Perth?


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Looking for advice off any Bricklayers who have emigrated recently to Perth on this skilled visa. My boyfriend has been a bricklayer for years and we have been together for a year. Can anyone advise us how long the visa will take approx and even maybe recommend a migration agent? Thanks x

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My OH is a bricklayer and we had a dream to come to the land of milk and honey! Back in 2007 they said it was hard but there was plenty of work and now the mining boom is over they say the same, best advice is if he is good at what he doea, get out there, walk onsite and ask for work. Give it a try, if he is worth it he will get work and a good wage but the summer is a killer no doubts. The bush flies will test him but most brickies have a strong mindset so good luck. Getting up at 4am is no fun but if he finishes at 3pm and you have a pool it' ok x

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Looking for advice off any Bricklayers who have emigrated recently to Perth on this skilled visa. My boyfriend has been a bricklayer for years and we have been together for a year. Can anyone advise us how long the visa will take approx and even maybe recommend a migration agent? Thanks x


You may want to have a look at the abs site for levels of construction. Currently quite low. Doesn't mean it will be in two years time. Be wary of those who say she'll be right. You may have to budget for unemployment. There are several financial ruin threads about. Be open to other states, as there may be more work there, especially nsw and Queensland.

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  • 10 months later...

Hi just found this is thread on bricklayers. Just wondering if anyone has any more input into bricklayers in Perth.


i'm a 40 year old bricklayer with 20 years experience. I currently live in Wales,U.K.

Me and me family a coming to the end of our visa application for permanent residency.

I am heading to Perth at the end of June for a holiday and job hunting. And if all goes well we will be emigrating a few months later.

I know times are tuff out there at the moment.


Are there any jobs available in Perth on a full time basses for bricklayers

Any help would be greatfull.


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I m a carpenter and have been here since October 15 and have subbied to the same builder since I came ,the builder I work for has been here 20 years and has never seen anything like it like now,we v got houses too finish but no work after that

There s plenty of trades who have been here a while and are struggling to find work,rates are dropping all over the place as people are panicking for work,the big thing here is there s no where close by you go for work

Just being honest unless you know someone you ll struggle to get a start

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