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January 2016 - 189 visa applicants


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I Noticed a few guys in the thread mentioned a 'tracker' they used. You can sign up and input your visa timeline. It is then added to a list and you can track others visa progress timelines to compare with your own.


The wait and not knowing is driving me crazy, like most of you I'm sure. Trying to be patient! :)

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Thanks for this info! Driving myself a bit mad at the moment waiting for Visa to be granted. We are going through a agent and our initial application went in 22nd Jan. Police checks and medicals were uploaded mid Feb now it's just a waiting game. Hoping everyday for that phone call to say we're granted.

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Hello Everyone,


It's been 8 weeks since I've uploaded all my document. Still heard nothing from DIBP. On the other hand, my friend completed his application on 1st March and received his visa on 8th March. Can anyone guide me on what grounds DIBP is granting visas. This wait is really annoying. Now I'm getting nervous whether my documents are right or I'm missing something.

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Guest Priscilla101

Fingers crossed for you both. I think it has something to do with area you are going and job you do. Ie they don't want to grant 59 hairdressers going to WA at the same time. Just depends who wants what

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Fingers crossed for you both. I think it has something to do with area you are going and job you do. Ie they don't want to grant 59 hairdressers going to WA at the same time. Just depends who wants what


I think we know our problem for sure. Both of us were born and brought up in Kuwait and lived there for 18 odd years, that alone is enough! I only hope they dont try and verify the addresses because we will be waiting forever for the Kuwaiti govt agencies to send a response back. We applied for 189 with me being main applicant as a Business & Systems Analyst saying we want to go to Melbourne, so that cant be the reason as there is a lot of work in this area. Our money is on our expansive travelling the last 10 years and being 'technically' Kuwaities :)



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Hi All


Just wanted to let you know we got our Visa Granted today! It has been just under 11 weeks from actually applying for the Visa on 22nd Jan and being granted today!! Our Medicals were carried out 15th Feb and Police checks done about a week before that. IELTS was done in October and positive skills assessment was done in the November. We were not asked to complete the form 180. We are a family of 4 Wife, hubby and 2 kids 10 + 7 and are making the move to Perth in August. We also put our house up on Saturday and that has sold too. A very happy slightly fuzzy headed lady ( too much Prosecco) Good Luck to all those still waiting and I'm sure it will be your turn soon xxxx

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Hi I'm not sure if this has already been asked but I'm about to do my skill assessment test and then I'll be applying for tr 189 visa hopefully very soon (as long as I pass!) I'm not married to my partner but we've been together for 16 years and lived together for about 8 so will she still be ok to get on my visa? Thanks

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Hi I'm not sure if this has already been asked but I'm about to do my skill assessment test and then I'll be applying for tr 189 visa hopefully very soon (as long as I pass!) I'm not married to my partner but we've been together for 16 years and lived together for about 8 so will she still be ok to get on my visa? Thanks


As long as you can provide evidence of your de facto relationship, you shouldn't have any trouble including her in your application.

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Hi I'm not sure if this has already been asked but I'm about to do my skill assessment test and then I'll be applying for tr 189 visa hopefully very soon (as long as I pass!) I'm not married to my partner but we've been together for 16 years and lived together for about 8 so will she still be ok to get on my visa? Thanks


You can definitely include your partner on the visa application. There will be a standard list of things to provide as proof, guess it will be address proof for each of you, bank statements, utility bills etc but nothing impossible so you dont have to worry


All the best


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So I know that my CO is from the Adelaide GSM, it was mentioned when they asked for additional information. Anyone here who was assigned a CO from that office or does the office also change as a different CO is assigned to our application?


Also, is there an option to drop them an email or call for a status update? Given we applied on Dec 31st and uploaded additional docs on Feb 8th, I am guessing my 3 months technically complete on May 8th but I could contact them as its over 4 months since we applied for the visa?




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Emailed our agent last night to see she had any contact or request for more evidence/information and surprisingly she had !! Originally applied 26th Jan, uploaded evidence and police checks/Medicals 7th March.

Not sure when she had the first contact as she has not kept us informed.....just wonder if I hadn't emailed last night would she have told us?p they were asking for stuff.

anyway, they have asked us for my husbands police check and form 80 ! even though we had already uploaded these weeks ago.

not sure which office we are being dealt with in but hoping this is a positive and could be hearing soon about if we are being granted.


We are fed up at the moment as we are stuck in limbo land .....can't do anything more until our is flat sold and the visas are granted.

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Emailed our agent last night to see she had any contact or request for more evidence/information and surprisingly she had !! Originally applied 26th Jan, uploaded evidence and police checks/Medicals 7th March.

Not sure when she had the first contact as she has not kept us informed.....just wonder if I hadn't emailed last night would she have told us?p they were asking for stuff.

anyway, they have asked us for my husbands police check and form 80 ! even though we had already uploaded these weeks ago.

not sure which office we are being dealt with in but hoping this is a positive and could be hearing soon about if we are being granted.


We are fed up at the moment as we are stuck in limbo land .....can't do anything more until our is flat sold and the visas are granted.


Well the agent and we were confident we would get ours by March seeing it was a simple straightforward case, hell we even planned to put our home on sale April 1st but we decided to pull the plug and not go insane until we see the grant with our own eyes. The property market is great at the moment and we have seen homes sold within weeks. I don't think I can stomach the sale before our grant comes through.....even if it means completion wont be until June/July we cant bear the thought of putting our home for sale until we are sure we have the grant


So yeah, stuck in limbo land is the best way to put it!



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... stuck in limbo that much that i've signed up to a, email to sms gateway (txtlocal) to send me a text when an email comes just from Immi :) wanted to put ozzy national anthem ring tone on, but its too much messing about..... saves me checking my emails everytime one comes through

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... stuck in limbo that much that i've signed up to a, email to sms gateway (txtlocal) to send me a text when an email comes just from Immi :) wanted to put ozzy national anthem ring tone on, but its too much messing about..... saves me checking my emails everytime one comes through


You are officially on the path to losing it completely :wink:

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Our agent is on leave this week but advised that they dont need any more information which I guess shows on the system as Information provided or something. He will chase them next week to see why it's taking this long if our case is straightforward and try to explain we have a trip planned in May which should be more than enough time to get the grant since we applied Dec 31st.....will keep you posted




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Hi all, I need to supply further information to prove de facto relationship and end of previous relationship ..... is there a template for the statutory declaration for either of these? Any help is appreciated.

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how annoying... received an email in writing that they've received my documents (additional documents) thought it was going to be a decision, not a confirmation of receiving documents 2 weeks later. does that mean theyre looking at my file :S:S. my heart went when i got my Email to Sms text ahhhhhh

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My wife and i are just back from a holiday in Australia. We want to move straight back and I am going to apply for a visa 189. What do I need to do first? My skills test? My wife would need to take a career break and her pay would stop in September. From your experience could we be granted our visa before this or earlier if we got everything done on our side ASAP? I think we should be a pretty straightforward case. I think I score around 70 points. Al information appreciated.


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My wife and I just got our 189s granted...we both work full-time and felt that it was going to take an awful lot of our limited spare time to learn about and manage the application process ourselves (let alone ensure that we put in a "good" application). So we went down the route of using a migration agent. Not cheap, but we really felt it was worth it. After talking with a few we went with Go Matilda, mainly because they allowed us to pay their fee in monthly instalments.


That said, in answer to your specific question - yes, the first step is the skills assessment.


All the best with your application!

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