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Centrelink Entitlements?

jonas valent

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I've been on the site here on and off for a few years, way back then i was looking to move over my dog, then it was timelines and such, then that fateful day i got my visa granted, (309/100) skipped right to the permanent residency too on account of the length of my relationship with my wife,

8 years married and known each other for 10 all up.


When i arrived in Australia 7 months ago i had my savings and such, most of which ended up going within 3 months due to supporting my mother in law and the frequent travelling my wife and i had to do in and out of the nearest town to get set up with Centrelink and medicare and the like, (stupid me didn't have a licence at the time so every trip was $50 on the bus.


long story short I'm in rural NSW with limited funds and very little in the way of work opportunities, not in dire circumstances (my wife is getting carers payment etc for her mum) but not really the best start for a new life.


I'd applied to Centrelink for Newstart back in April, this was denied supposedly on grounds that immigration said i was not entitled to it, i was told this by Centrelink, over the phone of course in the middle of the day while i was in the street without a shred of paperwork to hand. Now my wife's found out from someone from Carers over the phone that it was on grounds of me not having residency......


I'm pissed more so because i could really do with the help finding work, not the money, though by now that'd not go amiss either :P


Any-who, rant over and now to the question;


Does anyone know who i can contact in immigration from the Australian side and also have any of the rest of you been in this situation with Centrelink?


any help will be most appreciated :)



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New permanent residents are not entitled to any help from Centrelink for the first two years they are here, so even though you are resident you are still not entitled to any help. There may however be exceptions for extreme hardship but I don't know for definite or what you have to do to qualify.

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See that's what I thought too until i seen this:


[h=2]Visas exempt from the Newly Arrived Resident’s Waiting Period[/h]If you have one of the following visa subclasses, you don’t have to serve the Newly Arrived Resident’s Waiting Period for the listed payments and concession cards:

[h=3]Commonwealth Seniors Health Card and Low Income Health Care Card and all payments except Special Benefit[/h]


  • subclass 100 - spouse/partner
  • subclass 110 - interdependency
  • subclass 801 - spouse/partner
  • subclass 814 - interdependency
  • subclass 832 - close ties
  • subclass 833 *- certain unlawful non-citizens


this is from http://www.humanservices.gov.au/customer/enablers/newly-arrived-residents-waiting-period

so I'm under the impression from the above when they say "all payments except special benefit" that it covers Newstart as well?

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New permanent residents are not entitled to any help from Centrelink for the first two years they are here, so even though you are resident you are still not entitled to any help. There may however be exceptions for extreme hardship but I don't know for definite or what you have to do to qualify.


I believe that people holding the permanent partner visa are exempt from the 2 year waiting period - link below has more information:



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Ring them and check, but good luck as it may depend on who answers the phone.


The basic rule has always been you cannot claim anything like Newstart for 2 years if you have a PR visa, you CAN however claim rent assistance, child care allowance and family benefit though pretty much from the week you arrived in Australia. If your visa is exempt from all this then you shouldnt have a problem ,well, other than managing to get someone at Centrelink who is willing to look into it and not just have a quick glance at a check sheet on their desk..


Cal x

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The 100/801 exemption may be based on the assumption you've spent 2 years on the 309/820. Since you skipped right to the 100 you may still need to serve the 2-year waiting period.


as i have in the above post it's an exemption to the 104 week waiting period.... I don't think you'd have to wait 2 years to get an exemption to waiting 2 years?


i'll have to contact them tomorrow i guess, i spent the day in bed dealing with my great aunt passing away....

thanks for the input guys.

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Maybe a trip into a centrelink office with all your paperwork and a link to where it says your visa is exempt. I know being rural making a special trip in to see them is a pain but if you get the outcome you seem to be entitled to it would be worth it. Good luck.

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that's just what i'll do, also what the very helpful individual on the immigration helpine suggested to do yesterday, seein as according to them, they have no input into cases through centrelink, aside from being told a straight up lie last time i claimed for newstart they were to lazy to read their own website it seems.

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well i am applying for jobs in brisbane as when it comes down to it, my wife and i are going to be in our own place soon regardless of all this back and forth with centrelink, and her mum is for the most part going to be ok. just the help i need is to find something until then locally, as it's the same back in ireland, it's not what you know it's who you know for all the small jobs out here but if you have centrelink shoe-horning you into every scheme/training course/ part time job available you're bound to get in somewhere.

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The 100/801 exemption may be based on the assumption you've spent 2 years on the 309/820. Since you skipped right to the 100 you may still need to serve the 2-year waiting period.

I think you're probably right, especially as that magic word MAY appears on the link


"The Newly Arrived Resident’s Waiting Period may not affect you if:"


I've had a lot of mates of spouse visas over the years and no-one has managed to get any payments within two years of arrival, even if they arrived on PR. Be interested to see if the OP can get anything but I wouldn't hold out much hope.

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All i can hope is that the section below is accurate:


Visas exempt from the Newly Arrived Resident’s Waiting Period


If you have one of the following visa subclasses, you don’t have to serve the Newly Arrived Resident’s Waiting Period for the listed payments and concession cards:

Commonwealth Seniors Health Card and Low Income Health Care Card and all payments except Special Benefit




  • subclass 100 - spouse/partner
  • subclass 110 - interdependency
  • subclass 801 - spouse/partner
  • subclass 814 - interdependency
  • subclass 832 - close ties
  • subclass 833 *- certain unlawful non-citizens



also as i look at the bottom of that page it was updated a week ago so it's hardly out of date..

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So i just got off the phone to centrelink and according to the lady there i just need to bring in the portion of my visa stating the subclass 100 section so i'll be printing out a copy of that today from VEVO and that should be everything as according to their files there is no reason for me not to be entitled to newstart. i'll update you all later on today as to how it goes.

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So i just got off the phone to centrelink and according to the lady there i just need to bring in the portion of my visa stating the subclass 100 section so i'll be printing out a copy of that today from VEVO and that should be everything as according to their files there is no reason for me not to be entitled to newstart. i'll update you all later on today as to how it goes.

Hope it goes well for you. Hopefully you'll get some work soon. Where abouts are you located?

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So far so good, i'll be getting a call in the next day or two and the person i seen in centrelink read their own rules as per having a 100 subclass visa as being exempt from the 104 week waiting period, according to her i'll "be getting a call and getting seen to by ETC" (the local job agency) so one more update to go when i see the outcome of this phone call!


I'm living in Wauchope NSW at the moment, pretty much the middle of nowhere but we're going to be moving to port macquarie soon we hope :smile:

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So far so good, i'll be getting a call in the next day or two and the person i seen in centrelink read their own rules as per having a 100 subclass visa as being exempt from the 104 week waiting period, according to her i'll "be getting a call and getting seen to by ETC" (the local job agency) so one more update to go when i see the outcome of this phone call!


I'm living in Wauchope NSW at the moment, pretty much the middle of nowhere but we're going to be moving to port macquarie soon we hope :smile:

You're not wrong just looked it up and i can see why jobs are thin on the ground. Mainly farming from what i can tell. What sort of skills do you have? Tractor experience? Perhaps you could try some of the farms in the area and see if they need any farm hands. Vineyards in the area? Wine grape harvesting should be starting up in January perhaps you could get a job helping with that? Just putting some ideas out there for you although you may have already tried that and if you don't have transport that would be an issue. I wish you all the luck going.

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of course thanks. I've actually a Bachelors degree in pharmaceutical science from Ireland, so quality control and regulatory affairs is my kind of thing, or anything in a GMP/GLP environment :P not that i'll say no if i find anything going! good idea about the vineyards though i'll have a scout around for farmhand work.

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I know vineyards i run one with my husband in northern victoria. Sadly maybe not for much longer we maybe redundant in the next few weeks. So may not do the harvest this year. We are waiting on company negotiations to find out. We could be joining you in looking for work Lol.

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