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Snakes in Brisbane City


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Well, Bristolman, that is not what I wanted to hear. Lol


Almost every snake you will encounter in suburban Brisbane will be harmless and they do a tremendous amount of good keeping down rat, mouse and cat numbers. If you ever see one on your property DO NOT attempt to catch or kill it, they are all protected species. Google snake catchers in the area and if possible keep an eye on the snake until they arrive to remove it.

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Am worried as I just saw a photo on Facebook of a massive snake found in someone's kitchen in QLD!


Not as bad as finding one in the loo:



Just imagine you are sitting there and something suddenly nudges your nether regions!

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If you are in the centre of Brisbane you should be fine, but if going out for walks around the parks and especially the river, stay out of the long grass - just in case one is asleep in there. Not just snakes, spiders can be a concern especially red backs, but just get your house sprayed once a year, and dont go doing gardening with out wearing gloves. All just sensible things, if you go bush walking check for ticks when you get back to the car or where ever you are staying. Tiny horrid things and can make you feel quite unwell, ticks like warm areas, so can attach to any part of you. I always wear a hat when going into the bush so ticks dont get on my head and a good pair of shoes.

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Not strictly fair to say a Red Belly isn't dangerous at all, not deadly but definitely dangerous.

Snakes around Brisbane are a fact of life, for those that have lived there for many years and hardly seen any I can only assume they have their eyes closed most of the time lol

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Not strictly fair to say a Red Belly isn't dangerous at all, not deadly but definitely dangerous.

Snakes around Brisbane are a fact of life, for those that have lived there for many years and hardly seen any I can only assume they have their eyes closed most of the time lol


Or live pretty central...

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That's good to hear because I hope to live pretty central.


Checked with my wife. We have lived both suburban and inner city. If you don't count the odd snake she has seen crossing the road while driving she said she has seen 4 snakes in the 14 years she has been here.


For me over 40+ years it averages to one every 5 or so years (not counting occasional road snake while driving by). I've never knowingly seen a dangerous snake.


I think living in a house that is near bushland greatly increases your chances of seeing them.

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We lived in graceville for many years just a minuet from the river. Never saw them in the yard but we would walk the dog in the eveniing down by the river and spoke to several dog owners who had now learnt to keep there dogs on a very short leash, after several near misses in the long grass and one sadly fatal to a much loved pet.

So shall we now walk about Cain toads ?? Nasty Nasty things. LOL

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Snakes are bad end ugh but cane toads are equally as bad especially when it comes to dogs. Mine nearly died when I lived in my hometown Brisbane that was about 20 years ago now.

The way the cain toad is spreading it may well end up where ever you are. We need a bounty on every cane toads head. 10c a cane toad. Not killed with the golf club but put in a bag in the freezer.

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