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Australia's Falling Migration

Guest The Pom Queen

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I just wish I was a,real estate agent.

Those guys are making a fortune.


Not all of them. They have to make enough money to ride out slumps. Apparently. the average agent clears may be 70k to 80k. The really good ones, now that's a different story.

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I think some in Perth are still yet to realise that the daft money times have gone (not people on here).


Or it may just be me:wacko: but today I've seen an odd job man offering his services for $60 an hour!! I realise that he may have just been made redundant and might think this is a bargain, but personally no way would I pay that for someone to pick a few weeds/ transport furniture, whatever,for that price.


Also noticed that a cafe, not far from me, is now opening for dinner. (QSS will know which one i mean, I've met her there in PK lol).

Dont get me wrong, the foods fine, from what I've had during the day....but reading the menu, and main courses are just under $30!!


I've never paid that yet, even when we first arrived. This cafe has no nice views, sits slap bang in the middle of a bogan car park.


Really, I can go five mins further down the road to Rocky and eat overlooking the beach for cheaper. Even going into the city including train fare would be better value.

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Or Maybe WA can just keep all the GST it collects :)


Wish Victoria and NSW had done that in the early 90s when we were propping up WA - have a look at the history of the country's economics - think you might be surprised.

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I feel so sorry for you verystormy! Good luck in finding a new job very soon.

Hang in there! Have you ever considered aged care/home and community care? Maybe get your cert III there (can be done within 8-10 weeks, I hope in WA it'll be funded by the Government)


I always enjoyed your brilliant postings here and it makes me sad to read about your financial difficulties.


If you haven't any savings left try Centrelink as mentioned before. Don't hestitate or act in false pride in not doing so as you have paid thousands of taxes in Australia, you have supported Australia's economy with your hard earned money and now it's your time to get some help from the Government to 'get you back on your feet'.

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Guest The Pom Queen
I think some in Perth are still yet to realise that the daft money times have gone (not people on here).


Or it may just be me:wacko: but today I've seen an odd job man offering his services for $60 an hour!! I realise that he may have just been made redundant and might think this is a bargain, but personally no way would I pay that for someone to pick a few weeds/ transport furniture, whatever,for that price.


Wow $60 is high but then I suppose compared to what a lot of tradies, mechanics charge it could come across as cheap.

We have had a couple up here offer their services for $5 an hour that's how bad it is, I got one guy in to do some work and ended up paying him more than double of what he asked. It was a real shame as the work he did was excellent but it was a catch twenty two for him as a lot wouldn't take him on as they thought he was too cheap and something must be wrong.

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Wow $60 is high but then I suppose compared to what a lot of tradies, mechanics charge it could come across as cheap.

We have had a couple up here offer their services for $5 an hour that's how bad it is, I got one guy in to do some work and ended up paying him more than double of what he asked. It was a real shame as the work he did was excellent but it was a catch twenty two for him as a lot wouldn't take him on as they thought he was too cheap and something must be wrong.


Upon saying that...my Geordie friends hubby is out cleaning windows for $50 an hour and is doing a killing.


Thing is you don't get window cleaners in Perth (well you never used too). So good luck to him, for picking up a bucket and getting out there.

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