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Australian Dollar and the Pound


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Just touching 2:1 now so looks like I was wrong. Cannot see the reason for this. Wonder if it is a spike in the rate or a continuation of a trend.


Th spike was mainly because of a Brexit poll suggesting the REMAIN group are at 55% and LEAVE are at 37%.

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  • 5 months later...
Sterling will continue to dip against the dollar for a few more months. It will rally after I've sold my UK house to release cash and moved cash over. Sorry I can't give exact dates but you can trust me to almost always catch the bottom of the market.



Aiming for march?

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That'll be about the time - but in seriousness I may move just a little and do it on a staggered basis - can't hit the bottom every time. Or maybe I can? I was hoping that Mrs May may get the Brexit plan together and inject a little confidence...


GBP will fall further. If the UK go for hard Brexit then it will be depressed for years.

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That'll be about the time - but in seriousness I may move just a little and do it on a staggered basis - can't hit the bottom every time. Or maybe I can? I was hoping that Mrs May may get the Brexit plan together and inject a little confidence...



There is a lot of pressure on her to do so. But March may still be a turbulent time.

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GBP will fall further. If the UK go for hard Brexit then it will be depressed for years.



Cheer us up why don't you :-). We are now deciding to move enough money to live on for just one year and then move over enough for a second year when the exchange rate is marginally and so on until someone persuades Trees to either get herself organized or call a general election so that we can vote in a government that has some clue of how to organize things.

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We had hoped to transfer over the last of our UK funds to buy a bigger house before the house prices here get so ridiculous that we will be in our little, already overpriced current house for the foreseeable future. Looks like it is either gamble and transfer depending on the US election result's effects on the GBP or just wait it our for a year or two more.


I still can't quite understand just how badly the GBP has been affected by "Brexit" even before they actually said they are going ahead to instigate Article 50. I suppose a weaker GBP would be better for setting up trade agreements when it comes down to it.... It's just unbelievable how far it fell considering the GLOBAL financial crisis that hit back in 2008.


Anyway, I am no expert on these things. It is just all a bit confusing. Experts do seem to be saying the pound will fall even further but yes, who knows what will happen to the foreign exchange after the US election results...


Fingers crossed for the GBP to rally sooner rather than later.

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I cannot imagine the US election result having any impact on the GBP. The best hope is a UK decision to stay in the single market (accepted by the EU) and a rise in UK interest rates. The first is looking very shaky and would wait until 2019 in all probability and the second is unlikely in the foreseeable future too.


I, too, would like to exchange my GBP too but am resigned now to wait until 2019 at least. Hope I am wrong and erring on the pessimistic side.

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I cannot imagine the US election result having any impact on the GBP. The best hope is a UK decision to stay in the single market (accepted by the EU) and a rise in UK interest rates. The first is looking very shaky and would wait until 2019 in all probability and the second is unlikely in the foreseeable future too.


I, too, would like to exchange my GBP too but am resigned now to wait until 2019 at least. Hope I am wrong and erring on the pessimistic side.


The Nissan deal may help a little.

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The Nissan deal may help a little.


Ah, but if the Nissan deal was really indicative of the UK remaining in the single market I would have expected a spike in the GBP today. The markets have ignored it and deemed it an irrelevance. I think you may be clutching at straws - though I wish you were right.

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